xXEmo_KingXx added a new chapter to Emergency
Taiga was cuddled up to Sesa, tears streaming down in what seems like eternity.
"There it is. That's what happened." She says, wiping her eyes. "I didn't know why he did it. I still don't know, and I don't want to. That part of my life is over. I... I promised I'd protect you. But it went beyond that."
She got out of his lap, and looked him dead in the eye.
"So... I stayed, even though you probably didn't want me to.."
Sesa looked back at her, his own orbs filled with agony and understandin... Read Full Chapter
"There it is. That's what happened." She says, wiping her eyes. "I didn't know why he did it. I still don't know, and I don't want to. That part of my life is over. I... I promised I'd protect you. But it went beyond that."
She got out of his lap, and looked him dead in the eye.
"So... I stayed, even though you probably didn't want me to.."
Sesa looked back at her, his own orbs filled with agony and understandin... Read Full Chapter
on July 20, 2018

xXEmo_KingXx added a new chapter to Emergency

Tale of Woe
Taiga walked around the building, a packet of drugs under her jacket.
If she didn't get this to the client, then Josh was gonna...
Do something 'bad' to her.
Unfortunately, she knew he wasn't the kind of guy to play around with this kind of thing. He had shot his own best friend because he broke the number one rule;
Don't snitch, and don't ditch the product.
He did both.
Taiga walked up to a red door and knocked loudly.
"Josh sends his regards." She says to the air, hearing the door unbo... Read Full Chapter
If she didn't get this to the client, then Josh was gonna...
Do something 'bad' to her.
Unfortunately, she knew he wasn't the kind of guy to play around with this kind of thing. He had shot his own best friend because he broke the number one rule;
Don't snitch, and don't ditch the product.
He did both.
Taiga walked up to a red door and knocked loudly.
"Josh sends his regards." She says to the air, hearing the door unbo... Read Full Chapter
on February 22, 2018

on May 14, 2018

Alright, people.
There's a lot of hate and roasts going around and stuff, and I get that. But the flag burning?
Does no one understand that people died for them?
I've already ranted over this on YouTube, but...
It's cowardly. It's pathetic. And it's for sure a damn shame that fellow Americans are doing this to a country that gave it it's all...
America isn't perfect, we all know this. It's done some crazy, stupid, evil shit in the past.
But that's ok! See More
I'm not mad my people were massacred, or forced into what may as well be deathcamps. As long as we learn from the mistakes of the past, as long as we work to achieve a brighter, honest future, nothing can stop us.
If America is to live, we need to stop tweeting, poking, and in general bitching about how shits not gonna change, how we're all screwed.
Let's face it;
America is retarded.
America is ignorant.
America is our home!
Doesn't that piss you off, seeing people disrespect your home? Disrespect everything you learned, that you were taught, that your friends and family and neighbors fought so goddamn hard for?
I know I'm pissed.
Unlike TRUMP, as soon as I'm done typing this rant, I'mma go out and punch a flag burning liberal right in the mouth!
If ANYONE feels the same, anyone at all, don't respond to this.
Do something!
Actions speak louder than words!
The grown ups had their chance to make this world better.
They had their chance when the Holocaust reigned, when Ho-Chi-Minh and Stalin and Mosolini we're in power, when our family and friends died on 9/11.
I'm not here to piss you off, not here to start a revolution.
I'm just here to say that we, as Americans, as HUMAN beings, need to step up and bow our heads and admit to humility.
What I'm saying is that we need to just stop.
Stop the riots.
Stop the war.
Stop the goddamn hate.
It's a never ending cycle that we CAN change.
Were the greatest generation because were the LAST generation to actually care before all hell breaks loose.
We're the last generation that CAN make a REAL difference.
All we have to do is stomp our foot, cross our arms, and say
"Hell no! I'm not moving!"
Because this world is filled with hate, because this world feeds on violence and death, we need to step up and finally look the darkness in it's eyes and scream at the top of our lungs,
"Enough is enough! Go away! Fück off! You're worthless! No one needs you anymore!"
If we do this, then there's nothing that can stop us. We may be kids, we may be Melenials and GenXers, but goddamn it we need to fight!
This is OUR time!
This is OUR world!
Now let's go and make them open their damn eyes and stop ignoring the facts!
Goodbye, And...
Hopefully you'll listen to me, before it's too late.
There's a lot of hate and roasts going around and stuff, and I get that. But the flag burning?
Does no one understand that people died for them?
I've already ranted over this on YouTube, but...
It's cowardly. It's pathetic. And it's for sure a damn shame that fellow Americans are doing this to a country that gave it it's all...
America isn't perfect, we all know this. It's done some crazy, stupid, evil shit in the past.
But that's ok! See More
I'm not mad my people were massacred, or forced into what may as well be deathcamps. As long as we learn from the mistakes of the past, as long as we work to achieve a brighter, honest future, nothing can stop us.
If America is to live, we need to stop tweeting, poking, and in general bitching about how shits not gonna change, how we're all screwed.
Let's face it;
America is retarded.
America is ignorant.
America is our home!
Doesn't that piss you off, seeing people disrespect your home? Disrespect everything you learned, that you were taught, that your friends and family and neighbors fought so goddamn hard for?
I know I'm pissed.
Unlike TRUMP, as soon as I'm done typing this rant, I'mma go out and punch a flag burning liberal right in the mouth!
If ANYONE feels the same, anyone at all, don't respond to this.
Do something!
Actions speak louder than words!
The grown ups had their chance to make this world better.
They had their chance when the Holocaust reigned, when Ho-Chi-Minh and Stalin and Mosolini we're in power, when our family and friends died on 9/11.
I'm not here to piss you off, not here to start a revolution.
I'm just here to say that we, as Americans, as HUMAN beings, need to step up and bow our heads and admit to humility.
What I'm saying is that we need to just stop.
Stop the riots.
Stop the war.
Stop the goddamn hate.
It's a never ending cycle that we CAN change.
Were the greatest generation because were the LAST generation to actually care before all hell breaks loose.
We're the last generation that CAN make a REAL difference.
All we have to do is stomp our foot, cross our arms, and say
"Hell no! I'm not moving!"
Because this world is filled with hate, because this world feeds on violence and death, we need to step up and finally look the darkness in it's eyes and scream at the top of our lungs,
"Enough is enough! Go away! Fück off! You're worthless! No one needs you anymore!"
If we do this, then there's nothing that can stop us. We may be kids, we may be Melenials and GenXers, but goddamn it we need to fight!
This is OUR time!
This is OUR world!
Now let's go and make them open their damn eyes and stop ignoring the facts!
Goodbye, And...
Hopefully you'll listen to me, before it's too late.
on May 10, 2018

xXEmo_KingXx added a new chapter to The Last Paladan
Kara couldn't breathe...
She felt...
As if she was...
'Oh no... No no no! Please... Not like this... Please keep Sesa safe!'
Then, she was thrusted forward, and she heard a medical droid state, "She will be fine. She needs more blood, but she will be just fine."
"Thank you. That will be all."
"Master... Kylo..."
The girl was in so much pain...
Even Kylo felt it.
And he knew what was wrong.
"Kara... You have to tell me what happened. Please, if Sesa falls to the dark ... Read Full Chapter
She felt...
As if she was...
'Oh no... No no no! Please... Not like this... Please keep Sesa safe!'
Then, she was thrusted forward, and she heard a medical droid state, "She will be fine. She needs more blood, but she will be just fine."
"Thank you. That will be all."
"Master... Kylo..."
The girl was in so much pain...
Even Kylo felt it.
And he knew what was wrong.
"Kara... You have to tell me what happened. Please, if Sesa falls to the dark ... Read Full Chapter
on May 08, 2018