The lgbt+ squad
If your lgbtq+ or a supporter you can join this page. I'm a lesbian. you can pretty much do whatever on her. No haters aloud!
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on February 07, 2021

on November 30, 2020

HEYA! P's for pride, and also pansexual. im a proud pansexual (well i think i am) but im having difficulties telling my parents. Im sure they suspect im lgbtq+, but we havent really talked about it. i may also be omnisexual, but i think im in the middle lol.
on November 17, 2020

I think im dying inside a lil from yesterday =m=

my girlfriend pretty much cheated on me, and weve only been together for 2 weeks. we know eachother for many years tho @weird_animegirl
on November 10, 2020
on November 10, 2020

Ok so I “came clean” to my parents (they saw my texts to my friends) and they got MAD not even mad they were p!ssed they said that I can’t be bi cause we’re Christian and I got so mad cause in the Bible (if u get offended by this just want you to know I don’t care) it says you are supposed to love everyone yet I’m not allowed to be bi? That makes no freaking sense. Sry for the rant I’m just so mad and confused ?

@Emoshadowqueen True. When your old enough you could move out and just keep them out of your life until they grow the f*ck up. (That's just what I would do, not tring to boss you around, I promise)
on November 19, 2020

on November 19, 2020

@SadisticLover @Emoshadowqueen @BlueTheQuizWhiz97 There is nothing wrong with being bi and if someone doesn't understand that then they can get the Fu*k out of your life because you do not deserve that. You guys are amazing!
on November 19, 2020

thats not right! you can love whoever you want. i told my christian friend i was pansexual and no joke she told me to die
on November 17, 2020

@Emoshadowqueen same! My grandparents are Christians, but I haven't told them I was bi yet. If I did, I'd be grounded for the rest of my life!! I don't see what's wrong about being bi!!! There's nothing wrong about it!! Your still loving people, so what's wrong with that?
on November 06, 2020
on November 06, 2020

Hewo people I’m bi ?️? (I couldn’t find the right flag ?)
on November 06, 2020

on November 06, 2020

Hhhhhave you heard of LGBTQ+
Well I am the P :)
I have a heart that can love every gender
Yes I’m Pan
And I’m proud
To be me :D
Well I am the P :)
I have a heart that can love every gender
Yes I’m Pan
And I’m proud
To be me :D
on August 10, 2019

on April 27, 2019