Nightcore - Demons Duet (cover) 1 HOUR
♪♪♪♪Thanks for waching♪♪♪♪ ♪♪Lyrics version is coming soon!♪♪ - Song: Demons - Cover by: Boyce Avenue and Jennel Garcia - Original by: Imagine dragons - Pict...
on February 11, 2016

This is probably the 100th time that I've posted this song, but... SERIOUSLY.

Nightcore - Demons
Music: Demons - Imagine Dragons (Sam Tsui and Max Schneider Cover) Lyrics in video, enjoy! Various links are below ~ Check out my channel's facebook page: ht...

on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016

Not having enough room in stupid bio for all of the awesome Qfeasters on Qfeast.
Not having enough room in stupid bio for all of the awesome Qfeasters on Qfeast.
on February 11, 2016

For some obscure reason, I feel like telling you guys what my real name is. First name, at least. I think that it has to do with perception. Ever since I've joined Qfeast, I've split into two different people; Jasmine and ____. One is the real me, shy and weird and talkative and bookish and complicated and selfish and protective and awkward. Jasmine is the other me, which might be me but I'm not sure; outgoing and smart and selfless and opinionated and helpful and honest (mostly) See More and strange and Queen of Awesomeness. Sometimes it really confuses me, because I'm not sure who I really am. Am I me? Or am I Jasmine? Am I both..?
on February 11, 2016

For real, one of the best song mashups (or songs in general) that I've ever listened to.

Nightcore - Counting Stars Plus The Monster
Fanpage • https://www.facebook.com/pages/Minami-Fansub/509791162392128 SoundCloud • https://soundcloud.com/sanuksanan-na-jah Source Of Pix • http://www.wallp...
on February 11, 2016

My rubber band just broke, and now I have to wear my hair down. -_-
My rubber band just broke, and now I have to wear my hair down. -_-

You can buy them but I don't know how much they cost..
They don't break that much and when you take the scruncie out of your hair it does not hurt
They don't break that much and when you take the scruncie out of your hair it does not hurt
on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016

Best YouTubers ever:
Blimey Cow
Studio C
Hunter Avallone
Blimey Cow
Studio C
Hunter Avallone

on February 11, 2016

@EveryonesSenpai I can't watch it; my dad has this block thing installed on my computer that blocks out certain videos for no real reason, but it supposedly gets rid of "bad" videos and websites and etc.
on February 11, 2016

@TwiliTwili YUS! Except I have no idea who Domics is/are.
@EveryonesSenpai IKR! They're so awesome.
@EveryonesSenpai IKR! They're so awesome.
on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016

Is Your Red The Same as My Red?
Subscribe to Vsauce: http://bit.ly/POIaN7 Follow Michael Stevens: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauce http://facebook.com/VsauceGaming All music by Jake Chudno...
on February 11, 2016

*Inspirational crap right here*
If something is wrong in your life, fix it. Just because a story has a misspelled word... it doesn't mean you delete the story
rep0sted because I just had to. This was too perfect to not share. Originally posted by @AshTheMannedWolf
If something is wrong in your life, fix it. Just because a story has a misspelled word... it doesn't mean you delete the story
rep0sted because I just had to. This was too perfect to not share. Originally posted by @AshTheMannedWolf
on February 11, 2016

When Will We Run Out Of Names?
Vsauce is nominated for a Webby in Science & Education! You can support learning online by voting for Vsauce or any of the FANTASTIC nominees here: http://pv...
on February 11, 2016

Everyone subscribe to this page, or I will awesomely destroy you with my awesome powers as the Queen of Awesomeness!

HAPPY QUOTES!'s Photo: 1 / 2
HAPPY QUOTES!'s Photo. Displaying photo 1 out of 2. Comment this photo
on February 11, 2016

I really like how recently I've been spammed with more happy quotes than sad ones.
on February 11, 2016
Heyyyyy Jasmine!
I'm hunter
Now, you may be wondering what the hell I'm doing on XxusernamexX's Account!
Well, here is the answer:
She has to calm down. AGAIN.
So, I have to be on here a second time.
>.> See More
thank you for helping.
I'm hunter
Now, you may be wondering what the hell I'm doing on XxusernamexX's Account!
Well, here is the answer:
She has to calm down. AGAIN.
So, I have to be on here a second time.
>.> See More
thank you for helping.
on February 11, 2016
Like I said, she deleted the posts, expect one.
Madokidoki is his username.
and yes, master.
Again, yes, slave.
Don't worry; everyone is confused at first. See More
she ( or I ) will one day make a post 'bout it/explaining it.
Madokidoki is his username.
and yes, master.
Again, yes, slave.
Don't worry; everyone is confused at first. See More
she ( or I ) will one day make a post 'bout it/explaining it.
on February 11, 2016

Wait. Master? Slave? I am so confused...
I never saw any HATERS on that page.... Just people trying to help, really.
I never saw any HATERS on that page.... Just people trying to help, really.
on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016

I am on the verge of posting happiness quotes and inspirational songs on every single depression page on this entire site.
on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016

Do any of you guys genuinely think that I might actually have a tiny chance at making it as an author...?
on February 10, 2016

I am going to write a story about WB and put it under the "Horror" category.
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016