Why were humans made like humans? Why aren't we made more like lizards? Or dogs? Like...
I should just stop. My brain is on an unending spiral of weirdness right now.
I should just stop. My brain is on an unending spiral of weirdness right now.
on February 10, 2016

Half of my characters (be they RP or book/story): Are their own person with their own personality and thought patterns and etc. that are totally unique.
Half of my characters: Are exact clones of me.
Every single character that I have ever made falls into one of those two categories.
Half of my characters: Are exact clones of me.
Every single character that I have ever made falls into one of those two categories.
on February 10, 2016

on February 10, 2016

Am I the only one that deliberately follows people who post depressed/sad pictures and posts just so that I can reassure and try to help them every time they post or say something like that?

Yea you're pretty awesome but scar is honestly I think a lost cause he never is happy and he hates everyone he only cares about his wolves
on February 10, 2016

@EveryonesSenpai How could you be no help? You're one of the most awesome people that I know!
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016

When I first started, I was a super immature 11-year old (or somewhere around that age) that had zero social skills and was pretty confused by the real world. Qfeast taught me about curse words, LGBT, suicide/depression, rude idiots, and actual friends. Since I have been homeschooled since forever, if it weren't for Qfeast, I probably would've gone to college thinking that depression was a stupid, made-up phase, that LGBT was an evil act that people did for attention, and that See More "damn" was the worst curse word in the book. Well, that might be a SLIGHT exaggeration, but not by much. Even now, I'm still an ignorant little kid. But I'm glad that I joined Qfeast. Because -- even though I look back on some of the things that I used to say/do and cringe my head off -- it really grew me and helped me. Also, pretty much all of my real friends are on here.
I am 100% positive that if and when I look back on this in a few years, I will totally cringe. But that's OK. I'm only 13. I'm OK with being an ignorant, immature little kid right now. That just gives me all the more room to grow.
$tarted by: @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
I am 100% positive that if and when I look back on this in a few years, I will totally cringe. But that's OK. I'm only 13. I'm OK with being an ignorant, immature little kid right now. That just gives me all the more room to grow.
$tarted by: @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
on February 10, 2016

I'm just gonna come out and say it
I get life is hard. I get it. I get you wanna give up but trust me don't. I mean I'm still here aren't I?
You deserve happiness. If you do self harm, starve yourself, or anything else that's bad. Stop. It's hard I know. I struggled with stopping self harm myself but I want to say it's possible.
People look up to you. Don't give up. Not now not ever.
If your sad or depressed or mentally ill then See More I want you to make today the day that life changes. You and only you can make the choice of being happy. You control your brain. Tell your brain to think positive. Love y'all so much
Peace- PiperMcLean4
rep0sted because this deserved to be shared.
I get life is hard. I get it. I get you wanna give up but trust me don't. I mean I'm still here aren't I?
You deserve happiness. If you do self harm, starve yourself, or anything else that's bad. Stop. It's hard I know. I struggled with stopping self harm myself but I want to say it's possible.
People look up to you. Don't give up. Not now not ever.
If your sad or depressed or mentally ill then See More I want you to make today the day that life changes. You and only you can make the choice of being happy. You control your brain. Tell your brain to think positive. Love y'all so much
Peace- PiperMcLean4
rep0sted because this deserved to be shared.
on February 10, 2016

&[] 1st Qfeaster of the Day! :3

:D Thanks! Although I'm pretty sure that I'm now in 6th. I wonder what time zone @qfeast is in...
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016
Congrats on 2nd Qfeaster of the day!!!
on February 10, 2016

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Are you awesome? (3)
on February 09, 2016

I actually prefer a lot of my older quizzes over my new ones. >.< Apparently I've gotten worse and worse at quiz making.
on February 09, 2016

on February 09, 2016

created a

Which song are you this Valentine's Day?
on February 09, 2016

The Valentine's quiz that I've been working on didn't save correctly...
I still have the personalities and a few of the questions saved, but I have to redo all of the rest... :(
The Valentine's quiz that I've been working on didn't save correctly...
I still have the personalities and a few of the questions saved, but I have to redo all of the rest... :(
on February 09, 2016

I need to rant.
PHOTOS. See More
If you don't want the spam, then just don't post the flipping stupid photo. All of this hating and complaining and drama over photo starring is just so damn stupid! Especially if a person is new to your wall. You can't just put in your bio that people have to ask and then expect people to see that when they open a photo in their news feed. If you actually put "Please ask to star" on the caption of the photo, and people ignore you, then I suppose that that's a different argument altogether.
But one point that I would like to make: You get one notification and one news feed for every person that stars the photo. You get one news feed and two to three (depending on whether or not the choose to thank you for permission or complain if you refuse it) notifications if they ask to star. So you're actually getting even more spam. Never once have I actually seen a time when someone asks to star the photo and the owner of the photo actually says "No." So the math points to more spam by asking people to ask. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
And if people starring really annoys you THAT much, then...
Just don't post the photo!
Problem solved.
I need to rant.
PHOTOS. See More
If you don't want the spam, then just don't post the flipping stupid photo. All of this hating and complaining and drama over photo starring is just so damn stupid! Especially if a person is new to your wall. You can't just put in your bio that people have to ask and then expect people to see that when they open a photo in their news feed. If you actually put "Please ask to star" on the caption of the photo, and people ignore you, then I suppose that that's a different argument altogether.
But one point that I would like to make: You get one notification and one news feed for every person that stars the photo. You get one news feed and two to three (depending on whether or not the choose to thank you for permission or complain if you refuse it) notifications if they ask to star. So you're actually getting even more spam. Never once have I actually seen a time when someone asks to star the photo and the owner of the photo actually says "No." So the math points to more spam by asking people to ask. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
And if people starring really annoys you THAT much, then...
Just don't post the photo!
Problem solved.

@Linkin_Soldier If that is actually possible..
WHY are so many people complaining about starring spam and crap and getting mad at people who star without permission???
I'm not sure whether or not I'm overreacting. I probably put a few too many caps, but one of my close friends was really hurt because a bunch of people started hating on her for starring their See More photos and "spamming" them. Therefore I rant.
WHY are so many people complaining about starring spam and crap and getting mad at people who star without permission???
I'm not sure whether or not I'm overreacting. I probably put a few too many caps, but one of my close friends was really hurt because a bunch of people started hating on her for starring their See More photos and "spamming" them. Therefore I rant.
on February 09, 2016

Uh... you can turn off notifications for starring photos. There is no need to overreact, nor start a unnecessary rant.
on February 09, 2016
on February 09, 2016