*flips table*
Please stop. Stop with the depressing rep0sts. Please. You really do NOT need to star those photos. Or post them. I understand talking about your depression and such if you need help, but... There is no good reason for these sad photos to be so popular. I understand if you can relate to them. And if you can, that seriously sucks. And I'll pray for you and try to help you. But please stop starring and/or posting those photos. It's making me feel bad, and I'm See More willing to bet that it's hurting you. It's certainly not making you feel any better.
The only way that you have a chance of defeating depression or sadness or whatever it is that you're dealing with is by fighting it. BE HAPPY. Find a way to combat the darkness instead of helping it thrive. Maybe you feel like shit, but you don't have to. I can promise you that you are amazing in your own way. No matter what. You're not perfect, but you're AWESOME. Start making that popular for once. Because I'm tired of this: either just accepting this sadness and rep0sting/starring/ignoring or complaining about it. Stop. Stand up and DO something. You CAN be happy. You CAN make yourself feel better. Only YOU hold that power. I can't make you happy. Friends can't make you happy. Music can't make you happy. Maybe they can temporarily give you the illusion of happiness, but they can't actually give you the real thing. Only YOU can. And I promise that it's easier than you think.
*flips table*
Please stop. Stop with the depressing rep0sts. Please. You really do NOT need to star those photos. Or post them. I understand talking about your depression and such if you need help, but... There is no good reason for these sad photos to be so popular. I understand if you can relate to them. And if you can, that seriously sucks. And I'll pray for you and try to help you. But please stop starring and/or posting those photos. It's making me feel bad, and I'm See More willing to bet that it's hurting you. It's certainly not making you feel any better.
The only way that you have a chance of defeating depression or sadness or whatever it is that you're dealing with is by fighting it. BE HAPPY. Find a way to combat the darkness instead of helping it thrive. Maybe you feel like shit, but you don't have to. I can promise you that you are amazing in your own way. No matter what. You're not perfect, but you're AWESOME. Start making that popular for once. Because I'm tired of this: either just accepting this sadness and rep0sting/starring/ignoring or complaining about it. Stop. Stand up and DO something. You CAN be happy. You CAN make yourself feel better. Only YOU hold that power. I can't make you happy. Friends can't make you happy. Music can't make you happy. Maybe they can temporarily give you the illusion of happiness, but they can't actually give you the real thing. Only YOU can. And I promise that it's easier than you think.
on February 09, 2016

*explosion rocks the world*
Bye, Qfeast. I'll return when WB attacks again.
Bye, Qfeast. I'll return when WB attacks again.
on February 08, 2016

Is it possible for a girl and guy to be identical twins?

Actually- according to my science teacher- even though they may look identical- the X and Y chromosomes are technically different genes therefore they'd have to be fraternal.
on February 09, 2016

Yes! welp the hair is gonna be a problem but girls can have short hair like the guys and even a guy hair cut and the guys can have long hair soooo it's basically possible! XD
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Crap. Somehow I have gotten myself sick with Type 1 WB again. .-.
on February 08, 2016

on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

@XxusernamexX WOW.
@tails_the_evil_doll It's pretty much being unable to write or work on a story/book due to the different kinds of WB. Read the link I sent a few seconds ago.
@tails_the_evil_doll It's pretty much being unable to write or work on a story/book due to the different kinds of WB. Read the link I sent a few seconds ago.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

A breakdown of the different types of Writer's Block. I currently have Type 3 WB.

Writer Girl
You know what sucks? Being a young author. This is partially my story, partially fiction. Even I'm not sure what exactly is going to be in this story, so for once I'm going to do what I want, go with the flow, and not give a description yet. This is MY story, and it's going to be whatever I want it to be.

I have a million stories that I wrote as a kid XD
I also wrote them with my friends XD
Well yeah I get your point that I am more of an artist
It's just some people get both See More
It really just depends sometimes
Once I got this really bad WB for Almost like a month
I have a million stories that I wrote as a kid XD
I also wrote them with my friends XD
Well yeah I get your point that I am more of an artist
It's just some people get both See More
It really just depends sometimes
Once I got this really bad WB for Almost like a month
on February 08, 2016

@MagentaHusky I have over fifty stories, only a few of which are on here. Some I'm still working on, others are abandoned projects that I started on when I was eight and that I keep only for the sake of memories.
on February 08, 2016

Yeah and I can agree on that. Though I know much people don't know this there are a lot of stories that I start but I never finish.. Like 5 or something I just never posted them. I am working on them but there not done XD but when I draw I need to finish the drawing I did or else I can't do anything else XD
on February 08, 2016

@MagentaHusky Quite honestly, I think that you're definitely wayyy more of an artist than an author.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Cheesy Scenario #3:
Han: Cal, it’s time for… *trails off as he listens to her on the other side of the door*
Callie: Pew! Pew! Take THAT, Stormtrooper! Pew! *somersaults on bed* Pew! I’ll save you, Leia! Pew, pew, pew!
Leia: *walks down hall*
Han: *beckons her over* Listen to this. *puts ear against door*
Callie: Come on, Chewie! This way! Come on! *jumps on bed* Pew! *plops down, out of breath* We saved her, Chewie. Don’t worry. *lays down* There…
Han: *walks in See More slowly* Uh, Callie?
Callie: *looks up* Yes?
Han: It’s time for bed…
Callie: Alright. *puts fake blaster on nightstand*
Han: What were you doing?
Callie: Playing.
Han: What were you playing?
Callie: You.
Han: How do you…?
Leia: I think it’s time for bed.
Han: Cal, it’s time for… *trails off as he listens to her on the other side of the door*
Callie: Pew! Pew! Take THAT, Stormtrooper! Pew! *somersaults on bed* Pew! I’ll save you, Leia! Pew, pew, pew!
Leia: *walks down hall*
Han: *beckons her over* Listen to this. *puts ear against door*
Callie: Come on, Chewie! This way! Come on! *jumps on bed* Pew! *plops down, out of breath* We saved her, Chewie. Don’t worry. *lays down* There…
Han: *walks in See More slowly* Uh, Callie?
Callie: *looks up* Yes?
Han: It’s time for bed…
Callie: Alright. *puts fake blaster on nightstand*
Han: What were you doing?
Callie: Playing.
Han: What were you playing?
Callie: You.
Han: How do you…?
Leia: I think it’s time for bed.

on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Math Magic
Links to sources, more math magic, and other cool things below! My Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauce My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/electric...
on February 08, 2016

....Is it wrong that I think that one of my sisters is lying....? :(

@Galactic_Noodles Yeah, same.
@Rose_the_hedgehog *shrugs* Eh, it's not really important.
@Rose_the_hedgehog *shrugs* Eh, it's not really important.
on February 08, 2016

@Rose_the_hedgehog Yeah, but I mean one of my Qfeast sisters. Like, virtual sisters. Adopted sisters. BFFs-sisters.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

My new fandom:
on February 08, 2016

Two twins.
A protector.
A hero.
A traitor.
A savior.
A yin.
A yang. See More
But can you tell which is which...?
(super short sneak peek at my book; my attempt at curing WB )
A protector.
A hero.
A traitor.
A savior.
A yin.
A yang. See More
But can you tell which is which...?
(super short sneak peek at my book; my attempt at curing WB )
on February 08, 2016


OK. I'll try, but I have to wait until I can get to a library. Which won't be until sometime later this week. Unless there's a free copy or something online.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Nightcore - Postcard (+Lyrics)
Sorry for late upload. My friend got me obsessed with this anime. T.T Anyway please enjoy. Pic Link 1: http://konachan.net/post/show/121102/animal-blue_eyes-...
on February 08, 2016

Ugh. I have ZERO creativity.
on February 08, 2016