Someone please explain to me what "inner beauty" is. Because I don't think that I have it.
on February 08, 2016

At this point, I don't even want to win the Valentine's contest. I just want Galactic_Noodles to. Because that quiz was FREAKING AWESOME.
I'm still going to make my quiz, though. Might as well.
I'm still going to make my quiz, though. Might as well.

@EveryonesSenpai OK, I'll definitely look it up when I finally move out of the house and anime is unbanned.
on February 08, 2016

@EveryonesSenpai No, I think that I like anime (I've seen Soul Eater), but my dad has banned all animes.
on February 08, 2016

@EveryonesSenpai I don't even know who that is. XD
@Galactic_Noodles NP! It's really true, though. Your quiz is one of my favorites of all time, not joking.
@Galactic_Noodles NP! It's really true, though. Your quiz is one of my favorites of all time, not joking.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Most People: *get a long fall break*
Most People: *get snow days*
Most People: *get things like Mardis Gras breaks*
Me: ...;-; This is the biggest downside to homeschool.
Most People: *get snow days*
Most People: *get things like Mardis Gras breaks*
Me: ...;-; This is the biggest downside to homeschool.

I get more and better education, but I can get it done faster. So I get more education, but less time of education. If that makes any sense.
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

But I want to write more... ;-; Qfeast, why must there be a limit on how much one can say about oneself? Are you afraid of narcissism or just trying to put boundaries around my personality?
But I want to write more... ;-; Qfeast, why must there be a limit on how much one can say about oneself? Are you afraid of narcissism or just trying to put boundaries around my personality?
on February 08, 2016

Iz ish in youse bio
YAYYYY!!! :D *throws confetti* THANKS!!!
YAYYYY!!! :D *throws confetti* THANKS!!!
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Now I hate my bio. Time for more perfectionistic editing that will last the next half hour...
(If you haven't noticed, I get distracted way too easily.... *sigh*)
(If you haven't noticed, I get distracted way too easily.... *sigh*)

Yup one second I am doing something and then an amazing idea comes to my mind and boom I am doing something else...
on February 08, 2016

on February 08, 2016

on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Editeeddddd bioooo
Also got stuck with WB again two sentences into the prologue.
*bangs head on table*
Also got stuck with WB again two sentences into the prologue.
*bangs head on table*
on February 08, 2016

*hands out free Hershey's milk chocolate bars* ^-^

on February 08, 2016

@XxusernamexX ^_^
@Rebel_Fangirl The best food in the world!
@Princesscrystalkat ^.^
@Rebel_Fangirl The best food in the world!
@Princesscrystalkat ^.^
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016
*realizes I'm in your bio*
*freaks out*
*freaks out*
on February 08, 2016

Hershey's milk chocolate is obviously the best thing on earth.

@Dungeon_Master Never had it. Buuuut....
Hershey's milk chocolate is obviously the best thing I have ever tasted.
Better? :3
Hershey's milk chocolate is obviously the best thing I have ever tasted.
Better? :3
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

If enough people beg me and give me chocolate, I might just publish a sneak peek of the book on here. XD
Seriously, though. I need chocolate. BRB.
Seriously, though. I need chocolate. BRB.

@EveryonesSenpai Yay!! Iz ish not mad. *eats ALLL da chocolate* YUM
@MagentaHusky Obviously I do!! :D
@MagentaHusky Obviously I do!! :D
on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016


@Rose_the_hedgehog Yup. I'm so proud of you for actually figuring all of that out, though. ^_^
on February 08, 2016

@Rose_the_hedgehog Yay! Good for you!!
on February 08, 2016

on February 08, 2016
on February 08, 2016

Any cool songs about having a crush?
on February 08, 2016

Help, anyone? I need a song about being single and being happy being single. It's for my quiz, which I'll hopefully have out sometime today or tomorrow or possibly Tuesday.
on February 08, 2016

So you ARE alive! =P
on February 07, 2016

I gotta go to bed. When I wake up tomorrow, I will probably be significantly less angry and possibly even apologetic for that last post. But not right now. Night!
on February 07, 2016
on February 07, 2016
@StickerLord Skeleto? You mean skeleton?
But seriously.... What makes someone "beautiful" on the inside? Because, judging by the crap that goes on in my mind, I am NOT pretty in the least. So.... How does one really become beautiful on the inside? Not just beautiful based on how they act, but what they think?