that.creepy.kid - Page 11

Hi my name is L! If anyone every needs someone to talk to I'm always here! I am 12 years 11 months and 12 days old! I love just about anything creepy! I also love Bnha ,Batim ,fnaf See More
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on June 06, 2020
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on June 06, 2020
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on June 06, 2020
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on June 06, 2020
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on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
The Guns In My Head!
Jeff says “that new!” I hold my finger up to silence him. I say a spell and then my eyes turn back to the sky blue they were! I say “okay you can talk now! Oh and I got rid of the heat!” Ben asks “How?!?” I look him dead in the eyes and I feel my eyes flash red! I say “Sorry!” I look at the floor Ben walks over to me and says “Again it’s okay! I know you can’t control it! So are you going to tell us how you got rid of your heat or not?”

I say “back up!” he steps back a few steps and I put m...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
Cara’s weakness!
I open my eyes and I see Ben and Jeff armwrestling on either side of the bed! I say nothing! Jeff wins and says “I win again!” I sit up and say “you guys are so childish!” they both look up at me and Ben asks “how long have you been up?” I say “only a few minutes!” I pull out my f/w and put it behind Ben’s head. Jeff looks interested! I pull my f/w down from his head and say “and you died! You need to be more aware of your surroundings! You would have died with one hit of my f/w!”

Jeff star...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
My Past!
I wake up to see Ben lying there staring at me. He sees me open my eyes and pretends to be asleep! I yawn and say “I know you’re awake!” he opens his eyes and says “you got me!” I ask “Hey Ben? Can I talk to you?” he says “sure!” I say “well as you probably know I know almost all of the creepypasta's and their stories!” he nods his head and I continue “well I know you’re story too! And there's two things I can relate with!”

He asks “and those are?” I say “the love of video games and. . .” I...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
Cara NO!
I yell from inside my head “CARA NO!” she says “Cara yes!” she walks over to Ben and says “you’re cute!” Ben goes pink in the face and says “and you’re not y/n!” Cara says “you’re right! My name is Cara!” I yell from inside my head “CARA LET ME OUT!!! NOW!!!” Cara says out loud “y/n likes you! Which means I do to!” Ben goes bright red and says “y/n what?” Cara says “you heard me!” Cara grabs Ben by the hand and makes him sit on the bed! She then sits on his lap!

I am able to break out of ...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
Ben the pervert
I open my eyes and I am in Ben’s room. I know this because there are pictures of link all across the walls! Ben and Jeff walk in and I fly up yelling “IS EVERYONE OK?” Jeff nods and says “well almost!” he pulls out f/n's severed head from behind his back and I yell “HAHAHAHAHA! WHO DID IT?” my right eye turns purple and my left one turns emerald green! Jeff says “that’s new!” I yell “WHO. . .DID. . .IT?”

Ben says “Zalgo!” I say a spell and teleport to Zalgo’s layer and yell “YOU HAVE GONE T...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
What Are You Doing?
I pick Rosalina and say “there you go!” Ben says “thank you!” I nod and we start the game! A few moments passed and I had two wins. Ben had one and Jeff had none. I said “hey Jeff might want to step up your game!” Jeff flips me off and I say taunting him “aww I hate you too!” Jeff wins the last race and I am in first Ben is in second and Jeff is in last I say “oh my gosh I wish these were the results for the first game!”

Ben says “well too bad!” and Jeff says “yeah I guess you’re out of luc...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
Think Again!
I open my eyes to see that I am in what looks like a jail cell! Zalgo enters and I ask “what do you want from me?” he says “I want you to join me!” I yell “NEVER!” I think to myself “slender I need you!” slenderman appears behind Zalgo and I say “I am not joining you uncle Z! You know what I am and all the trouble I can cause!” Slender hits Zalgo in the head and teleports us back.

He says “you have some explaining to do!” I nod my head as Jeff and Ben run in the room! They see me sitting i...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
I open my eyes and see Jeff and Ben standing over me and I say “what happened? What did you two do?” Jeff and Ben look at each other while f/n walks in and says “they were testing your strength!” I say “well that was stupid all you had to do was ask!” I stand up out of the bed I'm in then pick up Ben and put him on my shoulder! I say “See!”

Ben yells “PUT ME DOWN!!!” I taunt him. f/n starts laughing and I put him down. He asks “Can I kill them?” He points to f/n and Jeff says “sure!” I yell...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
That’s Perverted!
Jeff walks over to me and says “you didn’t say anything about this!” he puts something around my neck and I ask “what is this?” he says “a collar so that you can’t run away!” I say “whatever not the worst thing that you could have put on my neck!” Ben smirks and I say “don’t even think about it! That's perverted!” Ben says “you’re no fun!” and

Jeff says “no they are reasonable! And I don’t think you would want a bruise on your neck either!” I say “thank you Jeff!” he nods and Ben says “well...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
I Win!
It’s the final race we all have one win and I am in the lead! Ben passes me and I say “I am not letting you win!” I throw a shell at him and it lets me pass him. Jeff is tailing me with Ben behind him. I crash into a wall on the second lap and Jeff and Ben pass me. I say “dang it!” I pick up to full speed and I pass Ben and then I pass Jeff! We all make it to the third lap and I am in last place! I feel a sharp shooting pain in my head and I say “Oww!” and hold my head.

Ben puts the race on...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
The Bet!
I turn around and see Liu and I say “you need something?” his eyes are solid black and I say “Sully let him back in control! NOW!” his eyes turn back to being the green they were and I say “that wasn't that hard was it?” Jeff asks “who are you talking to?”

I ask “you can’t see him?” Jeff says “see who?” I turn back around and Liu is gone again and I say “frick! He’s gone!” Jeff hugs me and says “calm down! You’re hallucinating again!” I start to shake and I whisper in his ear “someone is wa...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
You Did What!?!
Jack shrugs his shoulders and walks over to the closet he points to the closet and says “open it!” I open the closet slowly and see f/n lying in the closet with a huge cut in their stomach. I sit next to them and whisper “hiyasadnaki.” I then say aloud “Rise! Stop playing dead and sit up!” they sit up slowly and say “how did you know?” I smile and say “I have my ways! Now lay back down I need to stitch you up!” I say a spell and they fall right to sleep.

Jeff puts a hand on my shoulder and ...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
Jeff and I walk in and he yells “LAZARI!” and she comes bolting down the stairs she sees me and says “Jeff, who is that?” I pull a pair of blue glasses frames out of my back pocket and put them on the I pull my short blond hair into a low ponytail and I say “recognize me now?” she smiles and says “n/n?” I say back “the one and only!”

she pulls out a pair of red glasses frames and says “look! Look! I have mine too!” I smile and say “now do you know where Stripy is?” Lazari says “she’s with d...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
I ask “so you’re Jeff’s brother right?” he asks “Jeff the killer?” I nod and he says “Yep! But you don’t look like you belong down here?” I say “I have DID or Dissociative identity disorder! I have three voices in my head and another part of me! All of them can take control of me but I have to give some kind of consent!” he looks shocked and says “can you show me?”

I say “sure! Which one do you want to meet? There's lust,sadness,happiness and my other half!” he says “can I meet happiness?”...
on June 06, 2020
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added a new chapter to Halloween In December
I open my eyes to see Jeff and f/n standing next to the table I am on I start to freak out! I start thinking things like “it’s just like that dream!” and “f/n is going to stab me!” Jeff puts his hand over my mouth and says “calm down I’m not letting you die!” I bite his hand then close my eyes and I hear Jeff say “That was easy!” then I hear f/n say “their not asleep! I can tell the difference between sleeping and resting!”

I say “their right I’m not asleep! This is how I calm myself down! ...
on June 06, 2020
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