Science has turned my ass into a dolphin!

"Do you have a name mister dolphin?",I asked as we were sneaking down the back hallway so no one caught a glimpse of him."My name is Sir Assholio Dolphindick but you can just call me Holio.",He replied with a dolphin laugh following.After he finished up in the bathroom and I stopped him from trying to eat the fish in an aquarium we made it back to our lab.Where Ronnie was waiting with a suit jacket.He put it on and I blushed at how cute he looked in it.Ronnie pulled me aside while Holio was putting on the jacket and whispered,"If we give him to the DBO they could give us millions of hashbrown bucks for our discovery!".I gasped and said,"That is horrible the DBO would do horrible experiments on him plus its my ass!I can't just be assless forever!".Ronnie said she wouldn't do anything and we turned back to Holio who was tangled in the jacket.
I ran over to help him put it on right and our eyes met,I blushed and looked away.I couldn't believe I had a crush on a dolphin that was my ass!Ronnie and I agreed after some debate that Holio would stay at my house.We finished another dolphin serum gave it to our mail carrier hamster and went back to our houses.I helped Holio climb on Pablo and we went back to my house.
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