SmolRaccoons's Polls
SmolRaccoons published 32 polls

Which ship should North and I make a story on?

Which type of science is better?

Which Mystic Messenger character is your favourite?

Are tits and nipples the same thing

Do you support LGBT people?

A Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th?

Which is the best username?

Armin or Eren

Which Hogwarts house is the best?

Would Muffet or Claude win a dance battle?

Which Hetalia ship?

Pancakes,Waffles,or French Toast

Puma shirt or Panther shirt

Wisest Qfeaster?

Best Quiz maker?
Funniest Qfeaster?

Weirdest Qfeaster?

Sweetest Qfeaster?

Most smart ass qfeaster?