Conquering The Past

A man covered in a black cloak watched the expressions on the girls' faces from his orb. The blue crystal did what he wanted it to do. Distract them until he could find something that hurt them the most. Looking around, he found her. The midnight black hair was unmissable. Eleanor was just in his reach. Watching her, he realized during their journey the others called her Alyssa.
"Strange. You seem to defy me. Is it cause of these so called friends, young Eleanor? Have you told them your past? Don't worry. You are coming back to me."
A evil laugh creep out of those diabolical lips. Victory was just around the corner, and he had the beautiful creatures in the corner to thank.
Back with the girls
None of the girls could believe these people were standing in front of them. However, it did not take long for Crystal to get the anger boiled inside of her to be the first to attack this foe. Crystal launched a straight dark shot at the foe, but the foe just jumped away.
"How?? I killed you!" (Crystal yelled shooting more darkness)
"Crystal! Calm down! Your missing attacks is crumbling the cave!" (Lilith)
"No!" (Glaring at the foe) "You. You bullied me for years. Finally, I got my revenge, yet why won't you die!?" (Crystal still attacking)
There was no helping Crystal now. Her mind was set of destroying the being in front of her.
Next person to attack was Autumn. She glared at the giant dog creature growling at her. In her head, she couldn't stand to see this large dog creature in front of her. Drawing her bow back, Autumn was ready to kill this thing just one more time.
"Now be still, mut." (Autumn shooting her bow)
The giant dog jumped away from the arrow and seemed to laugh at her attempt. Anger grew inside of the little girl as she ran behind a blue crystal continuously shooting the dog.
Hannah glared at the commanding person in front of her. In her thoughts, she remembered how she was always ordered to do ignorant stuff. Hannah did not really hate the person in front of her, but she knew what was coming if she didn't attack. Spreading her large wings, she grabbed the dagger in her pocket and then told Kiara to be ready to fight.
Running at her, Hannah slashed her dagger back and forth with her wings sending in certain attacks. Sometimes her attacks would miss while sometimes the person would grab Hannah and punch her.
Lacee glared at the monster in front of her. Despising this man, Lacee pulled the sword out of her. The power she was determined to hide started lightening up on her sword in a purple color.
" did this to me! Why couldn't you leave me alone?" (Lacee running at the person)
"Lacee.." (Max)
No one knew the pain Lacee held inside of her. When that person injected her with that curse, she allows had to watch her emotions. Swinging her sword, she wasn't paying much attention to anyone else but killing the person who ruined her life.
Alana glared at her deceased best friend who was suddenly alive. Remembering back, she saw the fire flash before her eyes. The crying pleads for help engulfed her mind, but Lexi ran straight at Alana throwing punch after punch. Alana dodged around the punches not wanting to hurt her friend.
"'s me...Stop it." (Alana dodging attack)
Crystal Xie watched as her father stood in front of her. His wings was just like her. Everything about him reminded her of herself.
"Father..I thought you died during a battle..How?" (Crystal Xie)
Seeing her father almost brought tears to her eyes until he started running toward her with a black misty dagger. Jumping in the air, Crystal Xie couldn't believe he was attacking her. She continued to have her father chase her in the air.
Lilith gazed at her mother's human form in front of her. Seeing the resemble between each other, Lilith couldn't put it in her head her mother was gone. Then, Lilith knew it wasn't her mother when her mother ran at her throwing punches. Drawing her sword, Lilith felt the pain of what she had to do.
"I am sorry..Forgive me." (Lilith)
With the sword ready to swing, Lilith remembered her mother tucking her into bed, running with her, and doing things a mother would do. Tear stung her as she was the first to conquer Nemesis's creature. Swinging her sword down, Lilith cut her mother in half. Black ooze came from the body of her mother and then disappeared. With her sword in her hand, Lilith fell to her knees fighting the urge not to cry.
Evie's eyes glared at her older sister fighting the urge not to cry her eyes out. The thought of holding Bravery in her arms that night hurt her so much. Merlin and Flash jumped in front of her as she noticed Bravery just tried to attack her. Looking at her partners, Evie saw them growling and barking at the person in front of them. They knew it wasn't Bravery. Drawing her bow back, her mind couldn't focus on this not being her sister. Shaking, Evie heard something coming from Merlin and Flash.
"Snap out of it, Evie." (Flash)
"This isn't your sister!" (Merlin)
"I am sorry.." (Evie calming down and shooting the arrow)
The arrow went soaring through the air and straight into her sister's heart. Black ooze ran down her chest from the arrow and then disappeared. Evie fell to the ground with tears down her face. Merlin and Flash came to her and laid against each other.
Max glared at her brother. No emotion grew on her face as she looked at her brother. Laughter even came to her. Raising her hands up, a dagger appeared in each hand. Max thought what Nemesis did was a pretty good strategy by doing that. She will give him that. Pulling her hands back, two daggers launched from Max's hands into his chest. Black ooze burst out of his chest and then disappeared.
"Well seven more things to destroy. Plus looks like I won't get those daggers back." (Max)
Alyssa took it the worst out of everyone else. Her head was feeling like it was splitting in half. His voice ringed in her head calling her to come to him. Looking up, she saw her brother coming to her. Raising her hand up, flames shot out toward her brother, but Jaden continued walking towards her. Seeing her brother, Alyssa had mixed emotions. She knew it wasn't her true brother standing in front of her. A huge trick she couldn't fight. Oddly enough, Alyssa did not understand why Jaden did not attack her. Instead, he grabbed her face and raised it to meet his. In a dark man voice, she heard the evil man talking through her brother.
"Don't worry sweet, Alyssa. Is that what they call you now?" (Nemesis)
"Let go of me." (Alyssa wrapping Jaden's body in shadows)
"This is new. I see you have gotten stronger, but you won't with a little more pain." (Nemesis)
"AHHH! Stop it!!" (Alyssa screaming as the pain in her head increased)
"Alyssa! I'm coming!" (Lilith after hearing Alyssa)
"Now. Now. We won't have anyone messing up our fun." (Nemesis picking Alyssa up)
"ALYSSA!" (Lilith)
Alyssa couldn't move. No matter what she tried, her head was hurting so bad. Trying to move, it was no point any more. Her body was weak, and her fight with her mind was disappearing.
Lilith ran towards the boy carrying Alyssa. Her body seemed pale and weak as the boy showed a devious grin. Suddenly, Lilith saw a black smoke wrapping around Alyssa and the boy. Then, they were gone.
"NO! Dang it." (Looking around) "Ugh Max, let's hurry and fight. Evie is hurting too bad." (Lilith running towards Hannah and the other person)
"I agree with you." (Max aiming a dagger at the man chasing Crystal Xie)
Lilith ran towards Hannah with her swing strongly on her side. Jumping in the air, Lilith landed her sword through the person's head. Landing on the ground, Lilith drew her black oozy sword out of the person and then disappeared even the ooze on her sword. Looking at Hannah, she walked up to her.
"Look. He took Alyssa. Find someone who needs help and kill it. One strong attack will kill it." (Lilith running to Lacee)
"Um. OK." (Hannah running towards Autumn)
Flying around one crystal, Crystal Xie watched as her father chased her around. Looking down, she saw Max motioning for her to fly to the left. Turning to the left, Crystal Xie turned around to see two daggers in father's chest. His body went soaring down to the ground. Crystal Xie hurried to rush and catch him, but his body disappeared before she could. Flying in place, she thought of the memories with her father and just stared at the spot. Max did not want to interrupt her, so she just went to where Alana was.
Shooting darkness everywhere, Crystal's anger boiled inside of her the entire fight. Her attack would miss, and she would get hit in the stomach. Finally, something snapped inside of Crystal at that moment. She realized this much force was not going to fix anything. Watching the person in front of her moving, Crystal caught the right target and shot a perfect shot in the bully's chest. Then, the bully disappeared into dust. She did it again. Looking around, Crystal show something she would have never thought. Adya and Duante fighting together. To her left, she saw as Hannah shoved a dagger in the monster dog's chest while Autumn shoved a arrow there. To her right, Crystal saw Max launch a dagger into a girl's chest while Alana shot lightening through her. However, she couldn't understand what was going on in front of her.
After letting some of the power out, Lacee was in pain. Thanks to Lilith, Lacee was able to finish the enemy off, but it wasn't helping the sharp pains in her chest. Placing her hand on her heart, she felt the pain increasing like a knife in her chest. Lilith walked to the girl like she knew what to do.
"Stop letting it control you. In a wolf pack, the first time a wolf turns to a human, it pain is un-bare-able. Slow your heavy breathing. You control it." (Lilith putting her sword up)
Looking at Lilith, Lacee did not want to believe Lilith was right, but once she relaxed her body and stopped breathing hard, her pain was slowly vanishing.
"Thank you." (Lacee)
"Don't mention it. Now come one. Alyssa is in trouble!" (Lilith)
"What do you mean? Who took Ali?" (Crystal)
"The guy we are here to beat." (Max)
"Well let's go." (Alana)
"Wait!" (Everyone looks at her) "We need to agree on something. This is no longer a killing the force of darkness. This is a rescue mission. Enforcers, will you help us get Ali back?" (Lilith)
No one would believe what came out of Lilith's mouth, but everyone shook their heads and agreed with her.
"Fine. We do this together." (Max)
"Everyone in?" (Hannah)
"If it means saving Ali let's do it!" (Lilith)
"Fine with me just don't get in my way." (Crystal)
"Let's do this!!" (Evie)
"Let's go!" (Crystal Xie)
"Let the fun begin." (Autumn)
"I am hating the word let." (Alana)
"Together then." (Lacee)
"Wait how do we get past the wall?" (Max)
"How about Crystal and Alana use their powers to break a hole in it?" (Crystal Xie)
"Let's try it." (Crystal)
"OK." (Alana)
Standing a distance away from the door, everyone watched as Crystal and Alana shot darkness and lightening. The mixture was so powerful that smoke scattered around the cave. After the smoke cleared, the girls could see the ruins of the door. Even the crystals were starting to lose their blue color.
"Great work!" (Evie)
"Too easy." (Crystal)
"No more time for small talk. Let's go." (Lilith)
"Dog is getting snappy!" (Hannah)
The girls ran through the dark cave only knowing a friend was trapped by a being. In all their heads, they wondered what some of the people's deepest secrets were mainly about. The thoughts slowly disappeared as they made it to the first obstacle.
With Alyssa
Laying on the ground, Alyssa felt the coldness of the cave floor. Her head still ached in ever which direction, but she couldn't open her eyes to see what really was going on. Nothing ran in her ears but the growls of some creatures. Slowly opening one eye, she saw their blurry images. These creatures in front of her must of awoken Nemesis, but with the world turning black again, she was not sure what they were, yet. Before darkness took over again, she saw him. Those red eyes. The black cloak. The face of evil.
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The next part)
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But thanks for te update!! Awesome! (Yet again)
keep writing and i will keep reading thanks for picking Lacee though.