Darkness Awakens

The members of Adya made it into the court room after being called there. In front of the members, large white humans with beautiful feathery wings sat on throne chairs around the members. Gabriel, the strongest angel and the only one who doesn't have the face of fear on his face, was in front of the girls. His eyes glimmered a small show of fear. The girls knew something was wrong.
"Enforcers, we have a mission for you." (Gabriel)
"What is it, Gabriel?" (Max)
"The earthquake yesterday woke up a dark evil the Duante summoned. I am not sure what it is, but dark forces destroyed the city, Marcy. The people were not killed but immobilized in darkness. Slowly dying." (Gabriel)
"Oh my angel." (Crystal Xie)
"That is horrible! Who would do that?" (Evie)
"Could it be..?" (Lacee)
"What do we do?" (Hannah)
"The darkness is coming from Dugan Mountain. It's a difficult and dangerous journey." (Gabriel)
"We will go." (Hannah)
"Now hold on. How do you fix the curse?" (Max)
"We are not sure." (Gabriel)
"So they will just die?!" (Evie)
"No. We are working on it." (Gabriel)
"So kill the darkness. Alright let's go." (Hannah)
"Hold on! We have to be patient." (Crystal Xie)
"People are dying. Each moment we waste is a moment someone is dying." (Hannah)
"Be careful, young warriors." (Gabriel)
"Do you think he is telling the truth?" (Lacee whispering to Max)
"Not a chance." (Max whispers back)
"Do you think the story about Marcy is true?" (Lacee whispering)
"By Angel, I hope not." (Max whispering)
Returning to their rooms, each member grabbed their weapons and started their way to Dugan Mountain.
At Dunate
The Destroyers stood around in a firry room with three large demons sitting on throne chairs. The one named Draca was in a shape of a black dragon with green eyes shining. The one in the shape of a large male wolf with brown fur and green symbols on him was named Fenris. The last one, Agra, appeared to be human with red marks glowing on his pale skin and a glowing black staff in his hand. His black eyes glared at the Destroyers with no emotion peering through.
"Destroyers, it is time to let the Adya see who you are." (Agra)
"Agra, the Adya already know after our encounter with them trying to retrieve Robin." (Alyssa)
"True, Alyssa. However, they will know more after this mission." (Draca)
"What are we doing?" (Lilith)
"Will killing be evolved?" (Crystal)
"I see you haven't changed, youngling. You prefer killing over anything." (Agra)
"No small talk yet. The earthquake awoken a dark force sealed away by a powerful group of members. The idea was that he would never wake up, but someone has awoken him somehow. Your mission is to destroy the darkness. It is already destroyed a small village." (Fenris)
"If the village was destroyed, how come no one has heard about it?" (Lilith)
"Good observation. The village is still there. The people are immobilized by darkness." (Fenris)
"What?! You have got to be kidding? A quick death is easier than a long one." (Autumn)
"It can't be...no." (Alyssa)
"This darkness..could you save our village?" (Alana)
"She is right. I would rather kill Adya than see Duante die." (Crystal)
"We believe Crystal's darkness might be able to convert the effects of the darkness." (Agra)
"Interesting. Fighting darkness with darkness. Where will we meet this dark force?" (Alyssa)
"At Dugan Mountain. It should be a easy journey." (Draca)
"Will we cross the village?" (Lilith)
"It is on the way, young wolf" (Fenris)
"Now go on your way." (Agra)
"Understood." (Destroyers)
"Lilith, wait. Draca and Agra, I would like to talk to her alone." (Fenris)
Alyssa placed her hand on Lilith's shoulder, and the Destroyers, Draca, and Agra left the room
"What is it, Master Fenris?" (Lilith)
"Must you call me that when we are alone?" (Fenris)
"Sorry, Father." (Lilith)
"Good, I was informed you shape shifted into your wolf." (Fenris)
"Yes, Father. I needed to transform." (Lilith)
"You must stop that, or you will become like me. Unable to transform back." (Fenris walking besides Lilith)
"I won't, Father." (Lilith)
"Well to make sure, I am putting this chocker on you." (Fenris wrapping it around her neck)
"What have you done??" (Lilith)
"You will only transform if the chocker feels you need too." (Fenris)
Lilith ran back to her room, grabbed her sword, and hurried to meet the girls at the gate.
"What is with that collar?" (Crystal)
"Is the dog being collared down?" (Autumn)
"Shut up. Let's just go." (Lilith)
"...Calm down, doggie." (Alana)
"Grrr. Stay quiet." (Lilith)
"Ha. Bunch of crazy friends we are." (Alyssa)
Both teams started their journey to reach the mountain. With their days long journey ahead, the Enforcers were the first to make it to the Duante village. Shocked, the Enforcers walked around the dark city. The Duante villagers stood in the position of staring into the black sky. Their eyes were covered in fear.
"What happened here?" (Evie running up to a froze body)
"I thought they said it was a Duante darkness?" (Max)
"They keep lying to us." (Lacee)
"I want to help these people. They are just children, mothers, friends, and fathers having a normal day." (Hannah)
"I'm not sure if there is anything to do." (Crystal Xie)
"This one is still breathing." (Evie listening to the body's chest)
"Max, what are we up against?" (Crystal Xie)
"A darkness who has just woken up from its nap." (Max)
"Ha good one, Max! Hey this little girl is so cute. Look at her curly hair!" (Hannah placing her hand on the girl's head)
Suddenly, a large bolt of lightening hit Hannah. Knocking the breathe out of her, the impact threw her against one of the wooden walls. Looking where the lightening bolt was threw, the Destroyers stood with their powers and weapons ready for a fight.
"Don't touch her." (Alana)
"Why would you do this?!" (Lacee pointing at Crystal)
"Me? You are kidding me, right? If I wanted to do this, I would have immobilized all of the Adya army." (Crystal)
"Then, what are you doing here?" (Crystal Xie)
"Don't you see they want a fight! You ready, Kiara?" (Hannah got up while Kiara got ready for battle)
"Let's go!!" (Autumn pulling the bow)
"Hold it. For once, we have no intention of fighting. This time." (Lilith holding Autumn's bow)
"I'm guessing she is strong enough to fix this," (Max)
"Your guess is correct. Crystal is going to try and fix this." (Alyssa)
"If she does, could she fix Marcy?" (Evie)
"I would rather have my legs and arms chopped off." (Crystal)
"Pathetic spoiled brat!" (Lacee)
"Trying to fight?" (Crystal)
"Ladies! Shut it up!" (Lilith)
"Dog is getting furious isn't she?" (Hannah)
"Ha even the Adya joke around!" (Autumn)
"Crystal, get this over with." (Alyssa)
Crystal jumped on top of a building. With her red eyes growing redder, Crystal raised her hands in the air shooting out a darkness from her fingers. Darkness covered over the village, and in a blink of the eye it was gone. However, the people were still immobilized. The Destroyers glared at this small village that was doomed.
"No.." (Alana running to a child)
"It didn't work." (Evie)
"Why didn't it work?" (Crystal Xie)
"I can't believe this." (Alyssa)
"Alyssa, what's going on?" (Lilith)
"Yes, Alyssa. What are we up against?" (Max)
"We can handle it. Go back home." (Alyssa)
"These people need our help." (Hannah)
"..her breathing is decreasing..." (Alana hugging the girl)
"Why didn't it work? I'm going to kill whoever it is!" (Crystal jumping beside Alyssa)
"I'll help." (Autumn)
"Let's go." (Lacee)
"Y'all aren't going any where." (Lilith)
"And why not?" (Evie)
"We don't need brats joining our adventure." (Crystal)
"Well why don't you bring it!?" (Hannah)
"With plea.." (Crystal got interrupted by Alana)
"Stop it!! These people are dying. I hate the Adya just as much as the next Duante, but maybe for once we should work together." (Alana yelling at the girls)
In hatred, the members stared at each other. No one but one understood what was going on, and even she feared what was coming. The girl knew the darkness inside of the mountain. Finally, the silence was broken.
"Fine. I'll go with that plan." (Lilith walking to the forest)
"But Lilith! You hate them probably a little more than us. Your.." (Autumn got interrupted)
"I do hate them for what they did, but for now, these innocent people are in trouble." (Lilith)
"I agree with the dog." (Hannah)
"Then, let's go." (Max walking the path Lilith is going)
"But Max.." (Lacee)
"Come on. It will be ok, Lacee." (Crystal Xie)
"Just to warn you brats. Hurt me friends, and I will make you suffer." (Crystal)
"So scary." (Evie)
The Enforcers and Destroyers made their way into the forest, but the tension between the two teams stayed close. Each team stayed close to their friends whispering their thoughts.
"Alyssa, I know you know something. What is going on?" (Lilith whispering)
"Lilith, we have been friends for a long time just like I have been with the others. I have told you things, and some still secrets. This is one of those secrets you will find out soon." (Alyssa whispering)
"I hate your riddles so much." (Lilith whispering)
"Just never let me forget who I am." (Alyssa whispering)
"Why are we doing this? Shouldn't we just kill them." (Autumn whispering)
"We will. Soon. They won't live past the night." (Crystal whispering)
"Y'all two are idiots." (Alana whispering)
"Don't talk much but still enjoy your company." (Crystal whispering)
"These people will kill us. We need to go our own way." (Lacee whispering)
"They won't touch us. I swear I have a plan." (Max whispering)
"I hope your plan has a way of killing them before us." (Lacee whispering)
"Oh dear friend, we will be fine." (Max whispering)
"Kiara and me don't like this idea." (Hannah whispering)
"What do we do?" (Crystal Xie whispering)
"While we are asleep, Merlin and Flash can watch over us." (Evie whispering)
"At least I can sleep at night." (Hannah whispering)
Crystal glared back the Adya team following them. Remembering what happened to her, her mind wrapped around the thought of how she would kill each one of them. However, in that moment she remembered how her friends were there for her. Mixed emotions controlled over Crystal's mind.
Lilith placed her hand on the chocker around her neck. Relaxing, she thought about shifting in a wolf, but the collar began to shock her. She couldn't transform into her true self.
Autumn glared back at the animals following behind her. Her thoughts fading into seeing their fur covering in dark blood. A smile curved on her pale face as the thoughts continued to grow.
Thinking about the villagers, Alana followed behind her friends . Her heart broke even more at the thought of those people dying. Their suffering entered her mind. Their pain.
Evie kept close control to Merlin and Flash. Watching as Autumn would look back, Evie kept her hands in close distance to her bow. Remembering her sister, she felt no trust for the despicable Duante members in front of her.
Crystal Xie kept her wings spread and ready to fly. In her mind, she thought of a way to escape battle. However, she just wanted to be alone. The thought of those Adya people in that position made her heart ache.
Softly, Hannah had her hand placed of Kiara's head the entire walk. The angels said the Duante were responsible for what happened, but the memory of Crystal's attack wrapped over her brain. What darkness were they facing?
Lacee glared at the members in front of her while her body hurt. Trusting these people was harder than what she thought. Also, the power burning in her chest was hurting her worse than before, but she fought it.
Max glared at the girl they called Alyssa. With what happened to her, Max hardly trusted any Duante, but she knew Alyssa was hiding something. Then, the thought hit her. Could Alyssa be part of the darkness?
Alyssa's mind spun around in circles. For years, she had forgot those painful memories, but now they were back. Staring at Lilith, she felt a pain in her chest not being able to tell her friends. Dugan mountain was still so far away but in sight. Glaring at the mountain, she felt his power calling her.
That night would begin a new start for the girls. The girls would discover some of the others past and discover the enemy they will soon face.
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The next part)
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But thanks for te update!! Awesome! (Yet again)
keep writing and i will keep reading thanks for picking Lacee though.