The First Battle

"I see him! He is in the middle of a field!" (Crystal Xie)
"Good. Let's get this over with!" (Max)
"Just be careful." (Lacee)
"We got this!!" (Evie)
"Just be ready. We are getting into Duante territory." (Hannah)
The field was open with no trees around. There he stood, Max's black eyes caught a hold of him as soon as he made it. His black eyes were stating darkly at her while his tawny hair moving everywhere. The sun radiated off of his tan skin and dark shirt and dark jeans. Almost looking like Max, her tawny choppy hair had black tips on the end with her tan skin covered in a right shirt and skinny jeans.
Lacee came in next with her black hair blowing behind her, and her black eyes watching the sibling. Her pale skin was showing with her black tank top and black skinny jeans as she held her sword in her hand. Crystal Xie was still in the sky watching with her green eyes. Her white tank top and shorts clung to her in the sky. Hannah caught a glimpse of then with her greenish blue eyes as her long blonde hair flew in the wind and held her dagger tight. Her fair skin was showing out of a v neck shirt and skinny jeans. Evie's brown hair was pulled in pig tails with her green eyes stared at the two and gripping tight on her bow. Her light skin was showing from her tank top and shorts.
"Took you guys long enough." (Robin)
"Robin, it is the end of the line!" (Max)
"If you think so, little sister." (Robin)
Max threw one of her daggers at Robin's head, but it was suddenly blew away by a flying arrow and returned to Max's hand.
"What?" (Max)
"A little slow aren't you?" (Archer)
From a tree, a girl with forest green eyes and black hair sat on a branch. Her pale skin was seen through the darkness as she held a bow in her hand. After seeing her, a ring of fire surrounded the Enforcers and Robin. Jumping inside the fire were five girls. The girl with fire from the tips of her fingers had midnight black hair and sky blue eyes with a black clock around her. Another girl with dark most coming out of her fingers had white hair and red dangerous eyes. She wore a black and red uniform with gloves that seemed sweet, but her vicious eyes showed evil and bloodlust. Another one had black hair and red eyes with pale skin hiding behind a black clock around her waist and down her black between her black wings that were spreading out. The last one had long white hair with red eyes and white ears on the top of her head while she wore a white right shirt and black shorts.
"Let's hurry and finish them." (Girl with fire)
"Ohhh come on! Let's do a little killing first! They look harmless." (Girl with dark mist)
"Crystal has a great idea, Alyssa. I think these are the Enforcers. They don't look like much." (Girl with ears staring emotionless)
"I want the one with the dogs!!! Can I, Lilith??" (Girl with bow)
"Don't care, Autumn." (Lilith)
"..." (Girl with wings)
"Not going to talk around people, Alana?" (Alyssa)
"Let's just get this over with." (Alana flying at Crystal Xie)
"Who are y'all? What do you want?" (Hannah)
"Hehe! Don't worry about who we are. Worry about me!" (Crystal hooting darkness at Hannah slamming her against at tree while she ran at her)
"Hannah! Crystal Xie! I'm coming!" (Max)
"Worry about the person fighting you before the others." (Alyssa teleporting in front of Max)
"Crystal Xie, I got you!" (Evie aiming a arrow at Alana)
"I don't think so! Let's play!" (Autumn hitting the arrow with her bow)
"Guess I'm fighting you huh? I think I can beat a dog." (Lacee standing her ground)
"There's where you are wrong." (Lilith charging at Lacee with her sword)
Lacee and Lilith were clashing their swords together with each blow clinging their swords. Lilith showed no acts as if she wasn't trying while Lacee was fighting her heart out. Lacee's breath was fading at each strong blow Lilith made.
"Gu guess I underestimated you." (Lacee out of breath)
"Mhm. Pathetic Adya." (Lilith swinging her sword faster at her)
"Wow. What are you?" (Lacee inches away from Lilith's face)
"I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it, pest." (Lilith smiling evilly and kicking her in the gut)
Alana and Crystal Xie were flying through the sky. Crystal Xie's quick wings prevented her from getting hit by a lightning bolt coming from Alana's fingers. The missed targets evaporated after each missed shot.
"Who are you guys? Why are you here?" (Crystal Xie)
"...." (Alana launching a lightning bolt)
"Talk! Say something!" (Crystal Xie dodging the attack)
"Stay still, you little pest." (Alana throwing another)
Hannah spread her wings out and tried to dodge the dark blast coming out of Crystal's hands. Hannah would try attacking her with her dagger or tell Kiara to try and attack her, but Crystal would notice the attack and send them flying.
"You should just stay still. It won't hurt. It will hurt a whole lot." (Crystal sending a dark blast from her hand)
"What is with you guys?" (Hannah dodging)
"Just hate Adya brats." (Crystal attacking Hannah)
"Well I won't give up!" (Hannah dodging and charging at her with a dagger with Kiara jumping behind Crystal)
Evie and Autumn battled with their bows. One would jump to one side to the other, but the other would jump and launch a arrow. They were not aloud to get into trees dew to the fire still flaming strong. Merlin and Flash would try attacking Autumn; however, Autumn would kick them out of the way and forget about Evie to try to kill the dogs. Evie would stand between them before she could.
"Annoying little animal lover aren't you?" (Autumn attacking Evie)
"I'd rather not let you hurt them." (Evie attacking Autumn)
"But they will meet a sweet death." (Autumn drawing her bow)
"You will not touch them!" Evie sweeping under her feet)
Max and Alyssa were fighting fiercely. Max would throw her daggers swiftly at Alyssa having the daggers almost hit but miss and returned the Max's hand. Even though Alyssa would throw fire at Max, Max's amazing speed would dodge it. Then, Alyssa would teleport and throw a hard punch at her.
"What do you guys want with my brother?" (Max dodging the fire)
"Just to get information from him." (Alyssa punching Max in the face)
"Grr. I hate the teleportation. Who are you guys any way?" (Max throwing a dagger and slicing the bottom of her cloak)
"Little brat! Well I guess you will find out sooner or later. We are the Destroyers, Duante's killing team. I'm getting sick of you, so I'll just use this move." (Alyssa using her shadow powers to wrap shadows around Max)
"Urgh! I can't move! Waiting a killing team?!" (Max trying to break free)
"Yes. Say goodbye." (Alyssa raising her hand)
"The flames are dying! He's getting away!" (Crystal Xie)
"No! Let me go!" (Max throwing a dagger at Alyssa)
"Do you really think..what?" (Alyssa hearing a growl behind her)
Kiara attacked Alyssa from the air, but Alyssa just threw her to the side. Although the attacked failed, Max was able to get away and chase after her brother. Lacee was able to get away from Lilith's powerful attacks and followed after Max. While Max and Lacee reached Robin, Alyssa teleported herself and Lilith to where they were. All five of each other stared at one another while they heard their comrades fighting.
"Pathetic much aren't you sister?" (Robin)
"You are the one talking." (Max)
"You don't even know why I killed him." (Robin)
"I would enjoy to hearing that. Wouldn't you Ali?" (Lilith)
"Do it quickly." (Alyssa)
"Have you wondered why the Duante are attacking us so bad? Why we attacked Herat? Or why the war started?" (Robin)
"Why should we care why these jerks are attacking us like they are? We attacked Herat because they had dangerous weapons! The war started because they wanted to control us are!" (Lacee said as her eyes grew darker)
"Calm down, Lacee. Don't lose it." (Max)
"So dumb! Grrr do you really think that we care so much about some stupid Adyas? You idiots! I should..." (Lilith's eyes grew darker, and teeth sharpened)
"Calm down, Lilith. I will explain the truth to them, Robin. The war started after the demon lord and the angel were caught in love and with children. The angels wanted to kill all the demons for the angel's fault. I am not sure why you attacked the city, but the only weapons there were crops and families that you guys destroyed with no mercy. After seeing Herat turned to dust, Duante were angry, and now we ate determined to destroy all of the Adya." (Alyssa with no emotion on her face)
"Just jump into conclusions! Not even consider the families and friends inside the city!!" (Lilith)
Max and Lacee stood shocked. How could they not have been told this? Even though they were shocked, they had to finish the mission. However, their minds were still wondered how they couldn't know. Why the angels were lying to them? They were so nice. Just why?
"Is that all you know?" (Alyssa)
"Only thing. Also, the Enforcers here." (Robin)
"Pathetic, Adya. May I do the honors?" (Lilith)
"Quickly." (Alyssa)
"Do what?" (Robin)
"It will be quick." (Lilith)
Lilith's body began to change. A teenage form was engulfed into a white demon wolf with red marks on the sides. Lacee glared at the wolf in shock, but Max glared with no emotion. Lilith ran at Robin aiming for his neck. Grabbing a dagger, Max chucked in at Robin's neck. Max's dagger sliced his neck killing him before Lilith started him ripping him to shreds. Holding the dagger in her hand, Max watched as Lilith tore Robin's flesh into pieces. All that laid of Robin was pieces of flesh and guts left of him.
"Robin.." (Max)
"Lilith, let's go. Call the others." (Alyssa)
"Wait how can we trust what you said?" (Max)
"Why would I want to lie to a traitor
like you?" (Alyssa)
Lilith howled into the air calling the Destroyers to their location. All the Destroyers stood in front of the two Enforcers. Crystal stared at the members disappointed she didn't finish her fun. All the Destroyers touched Alyssa, and she teleported them back home.
"Are you ok??" (Hannah)
"Yeah. We are fine." (Lacee)
"What is wrong with you two? Is it cause of...Oh My Angel.." (Crystal Xie)
"How..How did this happen?" (Evie)
"The girl they call Lilith can transform into a demon wolf. He didn't suffer." (Max)
"Who are we up against?" (Evie)
"A team full of rage and pure evil." (Lacee)
"Girls, the angels aren't telling us the truth..." (Max explained to the others about everything)
"Are you serious?" (Hannah)
"Yes." (Max)
"But Max your..." (Crystal Xie)
"I didn't stay long and didn't know about this...but I believe them." (Max)
"Well I guess we will ask the..." (Hannah was interrupted by a earthquake)
"What is this?" (Evie)
"A earthquake??!" (Lacee)
Before and During the earthquake with Destroyers.
"Why did we have to leave so early?! I was so close!" (Crystal)
"The objective was no use to us." (Lilith)
"Says the one who got to kill something!" (Autumn)
"I'll let you kill the next one." (Lilith)
"And me?" (Crystal)
"Yes. You too. Alyssa, you ok? You aren't normally quiet?" (Lilith)
"Just lost in thought." (Alyssa)
"Upset you didn't get the kill either?!" (Autumn)
"No the thought of them not knowing the truth about all this." (Alyssa)
" are kidding. They were so stupid not to know?" (Alana)
"Wow. She talked, but yes they were." (Lilith)
"...Shut up.." (Alana)
"I still say we should go finish them. They are probably still in the forest!" (Crystal)
"I want to go with, Crystal." (Autumn)
"Will you two just shut..." (Alyssa was interpreted by a earthquake)
"A earthquake??" (Autumn)
"It's really strong." (Crystal)
"Something is coming." (Alyssa staring out at the mountains)
Alyssa had a feeling this earthquake was awakening something evil and ready to destroy us all.
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The next part)
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But thanks for te update!! Awesome! (Yet again)
keep writing and i will keep reading thanks for picking Lacee though.