Everything Gets (Slightly) Better
I fiddled with the ends of my hair, something i always do when im nervous or anxious. Coraline patted my shoulder and whispered something about her being here all the time. Libby was sitting across from us, glaring with a bruise under her eye, while Miku was trying to smooth the tornado on her head. She was the unluckiest, because she had the longest hair. That would probably take HOURS to comb out. Libby's hair had miraculously survived.
"Ms. Feldman?" The secretary poked her head out of the dark green door. I stood up and ignored Libby's smirk. The secretary led me through a narrow corridor. Why was it even there? There was nothing in it, just blank walls. Physiology maybe. If it was suppost to make you feel intimidated, it was doing a good job. At the end of the hallway was a single door, which the secretary opened and went beckoned me inside. I blinked, then stepped through the doorway. A burly man with a frizzy mane sat behind the desk. Imagine... imagine a mad scientist with Harry Potter glasses and a dark gray suit. THAT part certainly wasn't intimidating. I was suppost to have seen him during the orientation, but he was sick so the principal had to greet me herself. Like, literally, just GREET me. It's called "orientation" and yet all they did was say hi and give me my schedule.
"So... Ms. Feeeldman..." The vice principal's drawl made me snap back to the present. "Why do we have you here today?" I rapidly tried to explain what had happened, but stumbled in several places and got confused myself. The vice principal put his hand to his forehead in a exasperated manner.
"Again darling? Im sorry, I didn't understand a single word," he asked. I took a breath and began the tale again, starting from getting on the bus to Coraline punching Libby. The vice principal (I still don't know what his name is!) started nodding.
"I see. And you couldn't stand by to see your friend get hurt?" I shook my head yes. He tapped his finger together and there was an awkward pause.
"Well Ms. Feldman," he spoke at last. "I am sincerely disappointed in you. I heard that you got detention from Ms. Harris yesterday as well." I hung my head.
"I think that is a well enough punishment since you were standing up to a friend. I will have a talk with Libby and Miku about it. As for Coraline..." He paused, and it wasn't a good pause. "We will see about that." I nodded, and he waved his hand to dismiss me.
"Thank you, Mr. ...uh..."
"Mr. Polovinchikov
"Uh, yeah. Thank you... whatever you just said." He turned around in his chair and smiled.
"You can call me Mr. P." he noted.
"All right. Thanks." I walked out of the room as fast as possible, before he changed his mind. I reached the "waiting-for-your-sentence" room just in time to see the secretary call in Miku. I could tell she was on a verge of tears. I remembered what Candy had said about how Miku didn't actually want to be friends with Libby, and I actually started feeling a little sorry for her. I smiled reassuringly at Coraline and walked out of the retched room. Looking at my watch, I saw that 2nd period was about to end. Second day of school and I still didn't meet my homeroom teacher. I sighed and walked slowly to my locker to retrieve my books.
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