Chapter 13: The Boogeyman

I felt my stomach began to feel uneasy. I felt like I was going to vomit anytime soon. I slowly crawled out of bed and went to search for a bathroom, until I felt hand grab my shoulder. I gasped and quickly spun around and went to slap away whoever's hand that was. Then the lights came on and I looked to see Aunt Esther over on the other side of the room with the light switch. My dad as the one that had his hand on me.
"Awake I see.", Aunt Esther smiled.
"Wh-where am I?", I stammered.
"Home.", Aunt Esther replied.
I looked from my Aunt and looked up at my dad. He was starring at me for the longest time without a word. I remember back to what happened earlier. I last thing I really remember was running; running from whatever it was that caused me to run and then I ran into my dad. My dad was out in the woods and...and...I guess that was when I blocked out or something. Maybe that was when I fell asleep and my dad carried me home.
Esther, could you get a wet cloth and some food please? I remember she hasn't eaten since she's been home., I heard my dad say.
I looked over at Aunt Esther who nodded and walked out the door. I turned to my dad who turned to me.
Are you ok?, he asked.
I thought for moment and nodded. The feeling in my stomach went away thankfully, but the flashbacks of what happened from earlier didn't. I still couldn't keep my mind off of that. The only thing that really sickened me was Jeepers Creepers eating that human arm.
Ashley talk to me. What happened?, my dad asked.
I didn't know that there was silence between us, until he broke up. I looked up at my dad and shrugged. I couldn't find the right words to speak to tell hi what actually happened. Then again, maybe he did knew what happen. He had to be with the other killing that innocent elderly woman and whoever else was in that house. Maybe some people that lived in that house had escaped and my dad had went after them. Maybe that was why I ran in to him in the woods; maybe that was why he was out there and the others weren't. The others had stayed behind in the house to finish off the others and maybe clean up their mess or something.
Ashley?, my dad spoke. He raised a hand to my hair and began to stroke it. I let him stroke my hair for a while until Aunt Esther came in with a tray. She didn't come alone though. Uncle Pinhead was behind her.
"I brought her some soup and French bread.", Aunt Esther smiled. She walked over and placed the tray on my lap.
Thank you Esther., my dad said.
Aunt Esther nodded in response and handed him a wet cloth. My dad took the cloth and raised it over my head and began to damp my hair at first and then my forehead.
"How is she?", I heard Uncle Pinhead asked.
My dad sighed. She won't talk to me.
Just then, silence filled the room and I felt all eyes on me. I didn't care though. I looked down at the bowl of soup that sat in front of me and then looked at the bread. It all looked good, but I wasn't hungry. I was still thinking about what had happened from earlier. I remembered the main reason why I left the house in the first place; there was someone in the house, someone in the closet.
"There is no one here Ashley.", I heard Uncle Pinhead say.
I would of ignored my Uncle's words, but that caught my attention. I looked up at him in confusment. How did he know what I was thinking?
"Just so you know dear child, I can read minds when you speak your thoughts out loud.", Uncle Pinhead smiled.
I gasped. There was no way he could read my thoughts right? I never heard of anyone reading people's thoughts. People couldn't read other people's thoughts unless they were not right in the head.
"I actually can read people's thoughts Ashley.", Uncle Pinhead chuckled.
"Speaking of that, if I wanted to block my thoughts from letting you hear them, how do I do that?", Aunt Esther asked.
Uncle pinhead looked up at her and smirked. "You don't...well, I shouldn't say that. I mean there is a way, but I rather not tell you."
Aunt Esther rolled her eyes. "And why the hell not?"
Uncle Pinhead chuckled at her reaction and then they started to fuss back and forth. I just ignored them and turned to look at my dad who kept damping the cloth on my head.
Ashley? Please talk to me, I heard my dad sigh.
I turned away and let out a sigh. What was there to say?
"There is a lot to be said child.", Uncle Pinhead said. "Do you mind telling us why you and Glen left the house?"
I remember back to the closet. Then I remember Uncle Pinhead could read minds. I looked up at Uncle Pinhead and thought out loud. I pictured the flashback in my mind at what happened before they left. I pictured the smiley face ball and the closet. I pictured the whole scene in my head, letting Uncle Pinhead hear it. I was hoping he would see it too, to actually know what happened and what caused me and Glen to leave the house in the first place.
In my mind, once I got to the part where Glen and I ran to the house in the woods, I stopped. I looked at Uncle Pinhead. His face was emotionless. I couldn't tell if he was shocked or just content. Then, he looked at me.
"Show me.", Uncle Pinhead said.
I knew what he meant by show, so I slid off the bed and walked over towards the door. I looked back to see Uncle Pinhead telling my dad and Aunt Esther to stay here until we return. Uncle Pinhead motioned for me to lead the way so I did. I walked out of my father's room and walked across the hall to mine. I saw Uncle Freddy across the hall, down from Uncle Chucky and Aunt Tiffany's room. He was standing outside his door doing whatever. He must of heard Uncle Pinhead closed the door as he looked down at us. A smile came across Uncle Freddy's face from what I could tell as he saw me.
"Ashley!", Uncle Freddy smiled.
I gave a weak smile and a small wave and walked to my bedroom door. I stopped and spun around to Uncle Pinhead.
"What if something bad happens?", I asked, breaking the silence.
Stopping at my bedroom door brought many flashbacks back in my mind and made me scared all of a sudden. I didn't want to get hit by the ball again and neither did I want to get hurt or killed by whoever threw the ball either. In a matter of fact, who threw the ball anyway? Who was hiding in my closet if the others were all gone out the house? Who chased me and Glen out the house anyway? Who did I see in the window when I was at the basement?
"Nothing is going to happen to you while I'm there. I just want to see if something happens when I'm there. If not, we'll call it a name and let you get some rest, but if something does happen, well, let me handle it.", Uncle Pinhead replied.
I nodded my head and turned back to the door. I let out a sigh and slowly turned the door knob. I opened the door slowly and gasped at the cold air that hit me. It was rather cold in my room and I wondered why. I turned on the lights and saw my room. I didn't know how I was going to do this, but I was hoping something will happen. Whoever was in this house, was going to die.
I stood next to the bed and starred at the closet. Uncle Pinhead, from what I saw out of the corner of my eye, stood against the wall and placed his hands behind his back. I waited for something to happen, but nothing.
Five minutes had past.
Then ten minutes.
Then twenty.
I heard Uncle Pinhead letting out a sigh and then spoke, "Well, I guess whoever was here, left. Let's go back to bed child."
Uncle Pinhead walked to the door and walked out. I went to leave, until I remembered what I did. I looked around the room for something to throw. I saw a soft ball and went over and picked it up. Without hesitation, I threw the ball at the closet door. It hit the door really hard and bounced off and rolled over towards the other side of the room. I waited. There was a silence for a few minutes and then I heard something shuffling in the closet. I felt a lump forming in my throat and then, I saw the closet door open slowly. I gasp.
Without taking my eyes off the door, I yelled, "Uncle Pinhead!"
The door then swung wide open before my eyes and before I went to scream, a gray, wrinkly old looking hand slid out on the wall.
Just then, Uncle Pinhead was at my side and he looked at the closet. He pushed me behind him and then, chains came out from the floor and swooped in the closet and pulled out whoever was in the closet. I watched as the chains pulled out a person in a black, raggedy robe. I gasped as the person looked up and I got a good look at his face. He had what looked like pointy teeth and, dark eyes that were so deep in his eye sockets. Well, actually change that, he had no eyes from the looks of it. I let out a gulp and saw the chains disappear. I gasped and looked up at Uncle Pinhead.
"Do you have any idea or concern about what could have happened to you if I would of torn you apart.", Uncle Pinhead warned.
The creature looked up at us and smirked, showing his sharp teeth. "You would of have stopped anyway to see who I really was Pinhead. I know you."
I gasped at how the creature talked. He sounded so demonic and evil. The creature stood up and then looked down at me. He reached into his robe pocket and pulled out the smiley face ball from earlier. I gasped.
He bent down and rolled the ball towards me. I looked down at it and then looked back over at him.
"So is this her?", the creature asked.
Uncle Pinhead looked down at me and then back at the creature. "Yes, this is her. Ashley?", Uncle Pinhead called.
I looked up at him and waited for what he had to say.
"Ashley.", Uncle Pinhead spoke. "This is Boogeyman, better known as your Uncle Boogey."
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Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More there are very few haters on qfeast, and soon, there will be non:-B
google translate for a putain de surprise.
Tête de merde