NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
Me walky walky into da place and it iz called camp. The weird girl with shiny teeth tells meh to makey friendsies with dat person. I walk to person. HALLO person me is CS and u iz person? Peeps call me NurseFunFunCake but u call me CS. Dat person tyrn and looky looky at the marvelous me. Hello CS I iz da BobDaCool but u iz calling my Bob. (He said it like Bawb so Bob is Bawb and I am better den u( Bob said hi. Besties for evah? Bob asks. Yes Bawb/Bob. Bob do u likey likey spongey-poos? Yes me do! Me do sponges! Sponges people too righty righty? Yes! U iz da smarty smart Bob. (Me said it as Bawb too peoplez) Me and Bob scream and cry and cause trauma at Ms.ShinyTeethPerson. ShinyTeeth givey us sponges and me and Bob hit fat people with our sponges! Bob and I are besties and we force feed people cantelope while cleaning their ugly fat toes with spongey sponges! Yay! (Findy outy more STUFF in da next chapter Includes, Bob and CS meet FattyPatty [MissFattyPattyPoo])