A Visit From Father-In-Law

"Who is it?" (Me)
"It is Silvia. I had a weird dream last night." (Silvia)
"What you mean a weird dream?" (Me washing my hair with shampoo)
"I had a dream you were fighting this woman with a sword. She had black hair and black eyes and wings. You were bleeding but still fighting. Sabina, you seemed anger, and there was a dead body in the corner. The woman was saying something. The only word I could hear was 'I am going to wish you never did what you did.'" (Silvia)
"Do not worry about it, Silvia. I am sure it was just a bad dream." (Me washing my body)
"It seemed so real though. Is something going on, Sabina?" (Silvia)
"If something was, I would not let anything hurt y'all. Now go talk to the others. I will be in there soon." (Me)
"Ok. See you in a little bit." (Silvia)
As the warm water was the suds of the strawberry body wash, I knew what was going on. Cordelia got into Silvia's dreams to make my sisters and her seemed scared she was coming. Turning off the shower, I wrapped a white towel around me and got out. While I was putting on my clothes, my thoughts went into their own world. I promised my self I would never regret that day I killed her. No matter what father says if Cordelia comes after my sisters, I will kill her with that sword. Hellfire is the only way to kill that woman. Father can say how strong and evil that sword is all he wants, but it is the only way to kill her. Pushing the door open, I heard a terrified girl scream coming from the basement. Dropping my dirty clothes, I ran to the end of the hallway. Normally, there was no opening at the end of the hallway. The only reason there was a opening there was because that is the entrance to the basement I keep the Hellfire, sword that killed Cordelia or so I thought. Running down the steps from the opening in the wall, I thought about how one of them got into the basement. The entrance was only supposed to open if you hit a certain side. When I reached the bottom, Hale was laying in the floor holding his hand while Luna was holding him. Luna's hair was tied up into a pony tail while her blue dress was getting wrinkled by Hale's body. Hale tried wrapping his hand into his black T-shirt, but from the look of his face the burn still hurt. The room was covered in black besides the flaming red sword in the front. With black chains, the sword was nailed and chained to the stone. Shaking my head, I realized why he was in the floor in pain. As I walked to Hale and Luna, the others ran into the room.
"What happened, and what is that?" (Krista)
"Hale and me were throwing books at the wall when the wall opened. We got curious and went down the stairs. Then um, Hale saw the sword and wanted to play with it, but he touched it and burned him." (Luna)
"Sabina, why have I never seen this room?" (Kat)
"I have never either." (Silvia)
"Me either." (Aurora)
"What is this place, Sabina?" (Krista)
"This is where Hellfire aka the sword stays." (Me)
"Why do you have a sword that burns people in a basement?" (Niles)
"This sword is a very powerful. It was made to where only I could only touch it with out getting burned." (Me)
"Why do you have it?" (Lucas)
"Krista, before I answer this, just know I did this to protect you from her. I used this sword once.. to kill my mother." (Me)
"What! You killed your mother." (Aurora)
"How could you?" (Jasper)
"Stop talking down on her. No of you knew our mother." (Krista)
"Krista, why are you not hurting?" (Reyes)
"I had a feeling Sabina killed her." (Krista)
"This family gets weirder every day." (Jasper)
"Sabina, will Hale be ok?" (Luna)
"He will be by tomorrow. Have you learned your lesson, Hale?" (Me)
"Never touch random swords." (Hale)
"I am not finished about mother, Krista." (Me)
"Why is there something more?" (Krista)
"For years, I thought she was dead, but I was wrong. The thing I killed was not our mother. She is still alive and is coming after all of us." (Me)
"So that demon and who it was talking about was with mother." (Krista)
"I wanted to tell you sooner, but you are so happy I did not wanting you to worry." (Me)
"Such a nice and clueless sister." (Sebastian)
"So y'all are in danger?" (Niles)
"Possibly, but do not worry. Everything is going to be fine." (Me)
"See! Sabina will protect us." (Luna)
"What if she attacks us?" (Jasper)
"Let me handle it." (Me)
"We can help." (Aurora)
"Only the sword can kill her, and only I can use the sword." (Me)
"Miss All And Powerful has to be all strong and protective." (Sebastian)
"Alright enough jokes. Everyone get out. I am blood locking the door." (Me)
Everyone but Sebastian exited the room. Sebastian stood there with his grey eyes staring strangely at me. His blue button up shirt was still undone, and his red hair was messed up. My heart beat faster as I started at him from the open door. This guy did something to me I have never felt before. He made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach.
"You look nice." (Sebastian)
"Oh so I do not look nice every day?" (Me)
"Oh shut up. Just take the complement." (Sebastian)
Smiling, Sebastian walked away from the entrance. Standing in front of the open door, I shut it and pressed my fangs into my index right finger. Pressing the finger on the door, I drew a circle. In the circle, I drew two lines parallel to each other going horizontal. Next, two lines parallel going vertical. Finally, I drew two parallel lines going diagonal. The bloody seal glowed red, and the blood seal was complete. No one was allowed to get in this door any more unless my blood was placed on the door. Walking down the hallway, I realized a odd smell coming from the living room. The smell seemed to be a mix of cigarettes and human blood. As far as I know, no one in the house smoked that means someone else is in the house. Picking up my speed, I entered the living room. Kat, Luna, Krista, and Silvia were standing behind Niles, Hale, Reyes, and Jasper. On the other hand, Aurora had her hand wrapped around Lucas' arm. My sisters' faces had a show of fear written all over while the boys showed faces of hate. Looking at the recliner, I noticed a white long haired guy with yellow eyes and a tattoo under his left eye. While the bottom of the tattoo pointed out three times, the tattoo lined his left eye. His skin was snow with his white undershirt and a cut sleeve black jacket. His blue jean pants were torn at the knees with his black shoes were laying in the floor. Glaring at the man, his legs were crossed together with a cup of blood in his hand. Standing in front of him was Sebastian. His normal cool appearance was change into a feel of hate like the other boys.
"Well look who it is, the strongest herself, or as most vampires call her the queen." (Grey haired guy)
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" (Me)
"Sebastian, did you not mention I was coming?" (Grey haired guy)
"Sabina. Ladies. This is Derrick Black, our father." (Sebastian)
"What do you want?" (Lucas)
"Can I not come and see who my sons are marrying?" (Derrick)
Derrick jumped out of the recliner and walked closer to me. As he walked closer, I noticed the lust for something. I was not for sure what, but as he got closer, I smelt the human blood from his glass excite my hunger. Looking out the window, I knew I could get some with the full moon shining bright. When he got to me, he placed his white hand on my shoulder.
"Well I see why my son has not said no. You are quite beautiful." (Derrick)
"I would advise you to let go of her shoulder, father." (Sebastian quickly standing beside me holding his father's hand)
"Why would I do that? Oh you mean she is thirsty. Go on drink one of us." (Derrick)
Derrick must of noticed my red eyes glow as his cup of blood got closer. Knowing vampires can not kill humans, Derrick put up the option for me to drink someone's blood in the room. I have only drunk Krista's blood, but I told myself I would never do it again. Vampires drinking each others blood was ok unless they were a lower classed vampire. They are considered the ones who live in the cities and not in big mansions or houses. Higher class vampires were allowed to drink each others blood to stay away from the cravings. A strong vampire's blood may allow a vampire to stay weeks with desiring blood, but no matter how bad I tried to hold it in. I still wanted a drink of someone's blood. Glaring around the room, I held my hunger in trying to prove my father-in-law wrong.
"I will not." (Me)
"What did you say?" (Derrick)
"I said no." (Me)
"Interesting. You are able to handle your hunger, but I wonder for how long. Animal blood and human food will not fill your hunger for much longer." (Derrick)
"She is not as weak as you." (Sebastian)
"Oh my eldest son. Tell me have you had a chance to taste her blood?" (Derrick)
"No!" (Sebastian)
"That is ashamed. If it is any thing like her mother's blood, then it will be delicious." (Derrick)
"What did you say?" (Me)
I felt the anger boil inside me. Never had I had such a rude guest appear in my house. How could this strange man be my father's best friend and these amazing boys' father? Was I in a dream, or was the thought of someone drinking my mother's blood angering me? Thinking of that evil woman possibly cheating on my father with this horrible man made me want to rip his throat at. Looking at him, a devilish grin shimmered on Derrick's face. When I balled my hand into a fist, I felt movement coming from the room. The boys were standing in front of me straight and strong while my sisters' with their hair in pony tails placed their hands on my arms. Sebastian stood right beside me. Glaring up at him, I noticed something I had never seen. Someone was trying to protect me but not just someone.
"Father, I think you should stop." (Sebastian)
"We are not holding her back just hoping she doesn't try to kill you." (Krista)
"I would rather see her beat the crap out of you." (Jasper)
"Oh how I have missed seeing my sons! Oh and Hale your mother wanted me to tell you she loved you." (Derrick)
"I do not care." (Hale)
"What do you want?" (Reyes)
"Oh I am just here for one thing well two." (Derrick)
"Tell us what you want." (Kat)
"Well I taste of Sabina's blood would be nice.." (Derrick cut off)
"Never. Not even in your dreams!" (Me)
"Kind of figured. The last thing I want is to throw a engagement party here." (Derrick)
"A engagement party?" (Luna)
"Yes, young one. Humans throw engagement parties to show off and allow the fiancés to meet the family; however, vampires do it to show how powerful the couple is. If you went to gatherings, Sabina, you would have had hundreds of guys pushed onto you for your strength so would your sisters for being related to you." (Derrick)
"So you wish to show how stronger the family has got." (Aurora)
"We are not trophies for you to show off." (Reyes)
"Actually for once I am doing this to help you all out. Charles has even agreed we should do it." (Derrick)
"I say we don't." (Silvia)
"It will be better if you all did. Vampires are blood lusting more this next few decades because of the red moon." (Derrick)
"What is a red moon?" (Hale)
"It happens every two hundred years and last for forty years. Then, it disappears." (Me)
"The red moon makes vampires more thirsty." (Sebastian)
"And with my blood." (Me)
"They will desire it more." (Sebastian)
"You two are finishing each others sentences. Is that not the cutest?" (Derrick)
"Shut up. We will do the engagement party." (Me)
"It will be tomorrow at midnight. Dress formal." (Derrick)
With those words, Derrick walked out the door and into the dark night.
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