Engagement Party

"Yes. Is there a problem?" (Me)
"Well lets see we are attending a party we do not want to attend and host." (Silvia)
"It will not be that hard." (Kat)
"We should all just get ready for tomorrow." (Reyes)
"Y'all guys go home, get ready do whatever needs to be done, and we will decorate the ball room." (Krista)
"Oh fun we get to dress up." (Jasper)
"It will be fun!" (Lucas)
"Goodbye girls." (The guys)
All the guys walked out of the house while the rest of us stayed in the living room. Walking to the couch, I stretched my tired body on the soft couch. First, I had to tell my sisters and the boys about Cordelia, and now I have to attend a engagement party. As I felt my wet red hair damp the couch, someone tugged my foot. Glaring at my feet, Silvia was there. Her black hair was tied back in a pony tail, and her blue eyes seemed excited for once in a long time. Last time I saw Silvia's eyes look like that was the last day her mother was alive. Sitting up, I saw Aurora's green eyes and Kat's purple eyes just as excited as Silvia's eyes. Smiling, I felt happy to see the three girls' eyes show so much happiness. The last time was the day Juliet, Kat, Silvia, and Aurora mother, dressed all of us but Luna (she was not born yet) to go to a party. Remembering Juliet's white hair and blue eyes flashed a horrible moment in my life. Seeing Juliet's body lay there motionless after seeing a strange guy place a silver knife into her chest. Shaking my head, I stood up and began walking.
"Where are you going?" (Silvia)
"Well I was going to go to the closet and grab the decorations." (Me)
"So we are going to decorate the ball room?" (Kat)
"Of course! Lets go! It is going to be so pretty!" (Luna)
"I want to go with you, Sabina! You going to need some help." (Aurora)
"I will go get the ladder!' (Krista)
"Alright. Aurora and me will go to the decorations, Silvia and Luna can start cooking food, and Krista and Kat can go get the ladder." (Me)
Walking down the hallway, I glared at Aurora. Her pink long was flowing and down with waves running with it. Wearing all yellow, her shirt and pants were loose while she wore no shoes. Remembering back, I thought of Aurora with big green eyes and short pink hair with tank tops and shorts. I thought of her holding my hand, smiling, and hugging me every time I would come home kind of like what Luna does. What happened between us to distance us so much?
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" (Aurora)
"Considering we only have a couple of hours to finish this." (Me)
"Well its just five in the morning." (Aurora)
"True." (Me)
"I think it is going to be amazing! With us working on it everyone will have fun." (Aurora)
Reaching the closet, I twisted the metal knob and walked through the large closet. In the closet was boxes on top of boxes. Each box had its own certain thing inside of each one. Walking to the back, I picked up a box with different color string inside of it. Picking it up, dust exploded in my face. Pulling my head back, I felt my nose twitch, and then I squeezed. The box fell out of my hand and landed on another box while Aurora laughed.
"Beware of the dust!" (Aurora laughing)
"Shut up and help me." (Me)
As I placed three boxes on top of each other, Aurora placed two boxes on top of each other, and we picked up the boxes. Walking to the ballroom, we carried the boxes. Finally, we arrived at the ballroom and placed the boxes in the corner. After we arrived, Krista and Kat arrived in the ballroom with the ladder.
"Ok Sabina. It is time for you to go." (Krista)
"What you talking about?" (Me)
"You are not very decorative." (Aurora)
"So nice. Well I will just go to sleep. Y'all don't stay up too late." (Me)
Walking out of the room, I smile arouse on my face. My sisters were planning a party without my help. As I walked down the hallway, I felt a idea of success. All of their mothers were dead, yet I raised them to be the wonderful girls they are now. Entering my room, I jumped on the bed and went under the covers. The main thing going through my mind was what do I wear, and do I have to wear makeup?
Loud knocks exploded from my door. Opening my eyes, I rolled over to where I was looking at the door.
"What is it?" (Me)
"Time to get up and get dressed! It is ten at night." (Krista)
"Ok. I am up." (Me)
"Oh there is makeup, bobby pins, straightener, hair spray, and anything else you need in a long container under your bed. Wear a dress, too!" (Krista)
"Do I have to mama?" (Me)
"Just do it." (Krista)
Rolling my eyes, I got out of bed and went to the closet. Looking in my closet, I pulled my normal clothes back and glared at the big puffy, slim, and mermaid dresses. Since my closet was as big as my room maybe smaller, I had a placed all the dresses I never wear in the back. Looking at the line of dresses, I found a beautiful blue puffy dress with a chocker. Bending down, I grabbed a pair of blue high heels and then grabbed the dress. Throwing the dress and the heels on the bed, I bent down under the bed and grabbed the large container. I can not believe I am going to do this. Krista knows i am not the type of girl who dresses up. Opening the container, I grabbed the makeup and sit down in front of my mirror. Grabbing the foundation, I wondered how to wear it. First, I used the brush to put the powder on my face. Next, I grabbed a light shade of brown and brushed it on my face. Then, I grabbed a sparkly blue and sparkly white eye shadow. I brushed the sparkly white eye shadow on my eyelid and the sparkly blue above the eyelid. Then, I grabbed the black eyeliner and put it on the top of my eyelid and a little on the bottom. While I was putting on this makeup, I remembered how Kat put it on me, so I knew how to do this. After the eyeliner, I grabbed the black mascara and put it on the top and bottom eyelashes. Finally, I grabbed a dark shade of red lipstick and put in on my lips. I do not understand how women can do this everyday. It takes too much time to just put makeup on, and I ain't even done the hair yet. Looking at the straightener and bobby pins, I realized I should do a natural look with my hair. Grabbing my red locks, I pulled the locks back and twisted it around in a ball. With my other hand, I grabbed a bobby pin and placed it under the ball. I did that to all my hair but my bangs. Plugging the straightener up, I waited for it to get hot. While I was waiting, I still wondered why women did this everyday. It took way too much time. When the straightener heated up, I straightened the sides of my bangs to frame my face. Finally, after working so hard to get this done, I was finished. Standing up, I looked at my face in the mirror. I looked beautiful in my opinion. Looking at the dress, I slid all my clothes off but my underwear and slid on the dress. Pulling my arms back, I zipped the back up. Grabbing the blue string chocker, I tied it around my neck and then put my high heeled shoes on. While I was admiring my appearance at the mirror, I heard a knock on the door.
"Are you ready? The boys are here." (Krista)
"Yes I am ready. What time is it?" (Me)
"Eleven fifty." (Krista)
"It took me almost two hours to get ready." (Me)
"I am sure you look beautiful, Sabina. Here comes Sebastian. I will come by when it is time." (Krista)
The door opened, and I saw Sebastian coming in. Shutting the door behind him, I noticed he was dressed up too. His red hair was curved to the side while he wore a tux. The tux was a dark gray for the jacket and a white button up under shirt with a black lower button up shirt and a black bow tie. His shoes were black and shiny just like his long pants. A smile shimmered on his face as he examined what I was wearing.
"You look beautiful, Sabina." (Sebastian)
"You look good yourself." (Me)
"Sorry my father put this on y'all all of a sudden." (Sebastian)
"Oh do not worry. My sisters are excited about it." (Me)
"Well it makes me realized that maybe this is a good thing." (Sebastian walking closer to me)
"Yeah. I have had a blast with you." (Me)
Glaring into his grey eyes, I felt my body melt. Sebastian did something to me that no other guy had ever made me feel. While I was hypnotized in his eyes, a bang came from the door.
"It is time!" (Krista)
After hearing that, Sebastian put his hand on his hip. Smiling, I placed my arm around his, and we walked out the door. Walking down the hallway, our siblings stood in a line.
"How are we going to do this?" (Me)
"They are going to announce our names starting with Luna and Hale and etc." (Reyes)
"This is going to be a blast!" (Lucas)
"Just do not embarrass me." (Aurora)
Looking at my sisters, I smiled at the girls and almost cried. Luna had on a puffy orange dress long dress with thick straps and her blonde hair in curls with a orange bow on top. Silvia had a yellow puffy dress with no straps and her black hair put to the side and curled. Aurora was wearing a red mermaid dress with a right strap, and her long pink hair curled in a side ponytail. Kat was wearing a tight purple dress with rhinestones down the sides with her white hair bumped up in the back and pinned back with curls. Krista was wearing a neon pink strapless puffy dress with her blue hair curled and let down. All the boys were wearing the same tuxes but with different colors. I was figuring the girls called the boys and told them what colors they were wearing to match because they were wearing the same colors. Walking to the door, I heard people chatting and having a good time while the smell of blood arouse my taste buds. The ability not to drink blood from people has become very difficult. Luna got up to the door and knocked on it. Then, we heard my father on the speakers.
"Welcome, everyone to the Black's and the Tomas's engagement party. This is to show the new step our families will be reaching. I will now introduce my daughters and their partners. First, my and Derrick's youngest, Luna and Hale." (Father) Luna and Hale pushed the door open and walked out. Her hip motion swaying back and forth, and then I realized just how much of a young lady she had become. Waving her right hand, she held on tight to Hale with her left arm. Luna had changed from my little baby sister to a beautiful young woman.
"Next, my and Derrick's second youngest, Silvia and Jasper." (Father) Jasper whipped his purple strips of hair out of his face, and with Silvia holding his right arm tightly, they went in the crowd with Silvia waving. Silvia had become more mature than she used to be, and from the looks of it, she could conquer anything.
"My and Derrick's third youngest, Aurora and Lucas." (Father) Aurora fixed Lucas' hair, and then she began waving and walking out the door. Aurora was my sweet pink haired girl who would love to spend time with her older sister, but now I have seen her grow up into a beautiful woman.
"My and Derrick's third oldest, Kat and Niles." (Father) Niles hugged Kat and had her relax, and then they walked out the door with Kat waving slowly. Kat was always shy and nervous, but now I saw a sign of courage. She has grown so beautiful and independent.
"My and Derrick's second oldest, Krista and Reyes." (Father) Krista held Reyes' arm, glanced at me with a smile, and walked out of the door waving. My full blooded sister. The one I have spent most of my life that never looked so beautiful as she did today. Tears began to store in my eyes until Sebastian gripped my arm tightly. Looking up at Sebastian, I gave him a strong smile.
"Finally, my and Derrick's oldest, Sabina and Sebastian." (Father) Relaxing my breathing, I smiled big and walked through the door. Walking through the door, I saw a glass long table in the back with finger foods laid out along the table and a giant bowl of blood in the middle. Red and black streamers dangled down the walls and ceiling. The chandelier was dusted and shining brightly, and in the corner of the room was a band. Then, when we walked in, the guests were bowing down in front of us even the waiters. Looking up at Sebastian, he had his grey eyes wide open, and eye brows cocked up. I just smiled and looked at the bowing people.
"The queen is here!" (A Male Guest)
"Welcome to my home, my guests. Please make yourself at home." (Me)
"It is wonderful to see you!" (A Woman Guest)
"It is a honor to meet all you wonderful vampires." (Me)
"All hail, Queen Sabina." (A Male Guest)
"I am no queen. I am just like anyone of y'all. Please just have a lovely time." (Me)
After I said that, the guests began clapping, and a guy walked closer to me. He had orange hair and blue eyes while he wore a black suit with a neck tie. In his hand was a wine glass of blood, and the smell was delicious and lusting. As he got closer, his smile began to show his devilish fangs. Michael Kings was the head of the Lamia Senatus (Vampire Senate) that governed over all the vampires. If any vampire does anything wrong, they will know in a blink and eliminate them. They set all the rules for the vampires even the rule about sucking humans blood. The one rule I despised the most. Along with Michael was nine more members with involved my father and Derrick Black, and of course they were all attending my party.
"Hello there, Senator Michael. How can I help you?" (Me)
"It is a pleasure to come in your home. The Lamia Senatus is curious when you will join us on the senate, and be the first woman to join us." (Michael)
"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have no interest in joining." (Me)
"Well just consider you will always have a seat. Other than that congrats on your engagement." (Michael)
"Well thank you, Senator. Enjoy your evening." (Me)
"Oh where did you get this blood? It is delicious." (Michael)
"Ask one of my sisters. They should know." (Me)
As Michael left in the direction of my father, Sebastian began to whisper in my ear.
"Well I feel honored. I did not get invited." (Sebastian)
"Sucks being married to as everyone calls me the queen." (Me)
"True. Lets go dance shall we?" (Sebastian)
"Sure. I like this song. After this though, I want blood." (Me)
We walked to the middle of the dance floor. Sebastian raised one hand up and wrapped the other around my waist. Wrapping my hand in his, I placed the other on his shoulder, and we danced to the music of The Devil In The Deep Blue Sea. We danced all around the dance floor swaying to the rhythm of the music. Glaring into Sebastian's grey eyes, I felt happy dancing around with him. His smile brightened up every part of me and made me forget who I was, but I knew he was hiding things from me. Before I can give him my heart, I needed to know the truth of his past.
"I have a question." (Me)
"What is it, queenie?" (Sebastian)
"So funny. When we were on our date, you said your mother hit Hale as a baby. How can she do that if y'all had different mothers?" (Me)
"Oh so that what goes on through your big red head? Well if you must know, father favored my mother; however, she did not favor him. She was selfish. She saw a chance to have more power and a source of blood any time she wanted it. Father kept her around incase she changed her mind on not wanting him. None of the other wives but the last knew about her. The only reason she knew was because of the slap to Hale. There is the true reason about my mother." (Sebastian)
"Good. Now I can stop worrying." (Me)
"You are cute, so tell me who forced you to put on all this stuff." (Sebastian laughing)
"No one. Krista just told me to look dressy, so I did." (Me)
"Oh look. A slow dance." (Sebastian)
Sebastian let go of my hand and wrapped both hands around my waist. Then, I wrapped my arms around his head, and we started swaying back and forth to the beauty of the piano. Holding him tightly, I felt happy and warm in his arm. His strong hands held me tight and made me feel safe in his warm embrace.
"You are beautiful." (Sebastian)
"Thank you." (Me)
"I have enjoyed these last couple of days with you. It has been interesting." (Sebastian)
"Yes it has." (Me)
"I have to tell you something." (Sebastian)
Before I could ask what, a large bang exploded from the wall, and black smoke filled the room.
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