Evil Is Coming

"What are you doing here, Cordelia!" (Father)
"Can I not attend my two girls engagement party? I would love to see who her arrogant father chose for these two." (Cordelia)
"I would rather see you dead than here." (Me)
"You never kept her mouth shut when it needed to be, but I must say. You may look like your father, but I have been watching you. You are more like me than what you think." (Cordelia)
"I am nothing like you!" (Me)
"Leave, Cordelia. No one wants you here." (Krista)
"What are you going to do about it? You are weaker than my pinky finger." (Cordelia)
I felt my eyes growing darker red, and my eager to kill her rose brighter through my blood. Running up to Cordelia, I pulled my arm back and punched her in the face. Her body slammed up against the unbroken wall and cracked the wall. With her red eyes closed, her limp body slid down to where she was standing on her feet. Then, I heard laughter coming from the body, and her eyes opened. After she opened her eyes, she moved behind Krista. Cordelia's pale hand was dangling her finger through Krista's dark blue hair. With her other hand, Cordelia was twisting the top of Reyes' blonde hair. Krista's purple eyes were widen as she felt her mother touch her hair. Anger boiled in my blood as I stepped closer to where Cordelia was.
"You never looked like me, but I kept you around because you remind me so much of my mother. Ha. You could of at least had been as strong as my mother." (Cordelia) After that, Cordelia place her hands on Krista's shoulders, and Cordelia threw Krista across the room. Krista's body hit the wall and lay limp and unconscious on the pile of rumble.
"Krista!" (Me) Yelling Krista's name, I ran over to Krista's knocked out body and held her in my arms. Her heart was still beating, but her body was not moving. Holding her tight, I felt more rage growing inside of me. That evil woman hurt my sister, and I was not going to let her hurt anyone else. When I looked up, Cordelia was standing behind Sebastian with her pale hand playing with his hair. His body stood still with his grey eyes widen. Standing up, I felt my fists tightly at the sight of her playing with Sebastian's hair.
"I will warn you once. Get your hands off him, or I will put you in your place." (Me)
"Perfect. I want to see what power you have, but you look a little pale. I do not think this will be fun if you are thirsty." (Cordelia)
"Sabina, what is she talking about?" (Father)
"I have no drunk blood in a while, but I do not need blood to kill you!" (Me)
Running up to her body, I jumped in the air and twisted my leg around to where I kicked her in the face. Pulling Sebastian away, I punched Cordelia in the stomach. With that blow, her eyes got darker red, and wings sprouted out the back of Cordelia's face.
"Are you ready for this?" (Cordelia)
"Bring it on!" (Me)
Next thing I know, father and Derrick was standing behind her. Running to Cordelia, Derrick had a metal pipe in his hand. Cordelia just stood there as her right wing threw him against the wall. Derrick slid down the broken wall passed out.
"Well. Well. Well. Doesn't this bring back good memories. Father and daughter versus mother." (Cordelia)
"I promise I will kill you this time." (Father)
Both father and me began running towards Cordelia. Father's fist hit the wing that was aiming for him while Cordelia and I were in a fist fight. Landing blows after another, Cordelia and I sent jabs from all directions. Cordelia lashed her claws down the sides of my dress ripping it. I would aim for the parts that was not covered in her metal outfit. Bruises covered her body. Cordelia's speed increased, and I tried to block her attacks. However; a sharp pain went through my stomach. Looking down, her hand was all the way through my stomach. Red blood began oozing out of my stomach and onto the floor. Cordelia pulled her hand out and laughed at me.
"This is what happens when you do not satisfy your thirst." (Cordelia)
"Rot in hell." (Me)
"I will when you go first." (Cordelia)
Pulling her hand back, I knew she was about to try to cut my head off. With my arms ready to stop her blow, father jumped on Cordelia, and they went rolling across the room. My body fell to the ground. I was tired, thirsty, and losing blood. How could this be happening? I always satisfied my thirst, but human and animal blood must not be good enough for me any more. Then, I felt strong arms holding me. When I looked up, Sebastian was holding onto my body.
"Drink my blood. You can heal and fix your thirst." (Sebastian)
"I can't. You do not understand. If I do, then.." (Me)
Before I could finish my sentence, Sebastian had cut a little of his neck to where he was bleeding. I could not hold my thirst anymore, and his blood smelled so sweet. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I brought him closer to me and sunk my fangs inside his neck. Sucking his blood, the taste filled my mouth with sweet and tangy blood. I had never tasted anything so delicious. His blood went through out my entire body, but I tasted something about him. His feelings powered through my fangs and into my mind. I felt he was trying to hide something from me, but I forgot the sensation as I began to lose control. With this delicious blood came a price, and I tried to warn him. If I drunk another vampire's blood, I might not be able to control my lust to kill. I had absorbed so much vampire blood that one day it would take over me. Today was just the beginning. Ripping my fangs from his neck, I raised up. The womb was disappearing, and my eyes grew black around where white was supposed to be while the middle turned dark red. My strength had increased, and my urge to kill took over. Glaring around the room, the people around me had the look of fear covering them. Looking in the corner, blows from my father and Cordelia blew through the air. With a blink of a eye, I was standing behind Cordelia with my hand on her shoulder. She turned around, and I smiled slightly with my fangs showing while blood ran down the corner of my mouth. With my other hand, I punched my mother right in the face. She flew to the other side of the room, and the people scattered.
"Everyone please follow me hurry." (Kat)
Everyone but Krista's body, Reyes holding Krista's body, Sebastian, Derrick passed out, father, Cordelia, and the uncontrollable me was left in the room. Cordelia's wings spread wide behind her. I felt hate to this woman, but seeing a tiny bit of blood run down her face made my fangs lust for her blood. Glaring at my father, he had bruises on him but was healing slowly. Smiling, this new power thrilled my body, but my mind stayed full intake for long.
"You will not be able to control for long! I must say this has been fun, but I must leave. I will see you soon." (Cordelia)
"Oh just stay from a little bit." (Me)
As I began run to Cordelia, black smoke surrounded her. The smoke circled around her body, and then the smoke and her disappeared into thin air. Shaking my head, I wanted more. I wanted to fight and taste more blood. Looking around the room, I glared at the bodies around me. My fangs began to flash out at every one. I heard the beat of their hearts and push of blood through their bodies. The thirst filled my entire body.
"Sabina, are you ok?" (Father) Turning to my father, I slightly tilted my head and smiled with a devilish grin. Then, I noticed blood coming from his pale arm. My body reacted, and I could not control it. My mind was fighting my body to stop what it was doing, but my body ignored the response my mind was sending. Standing in front of my father, I slammed him against the wall as I pressed my hand on his neck.
"What are you doing!" (Father)
"Sabina, stop!" (Sebastian)
My body ignored the yells from the two men. I tried to fight the urge to drink my father's blood, but I could not control it. The only thing going through my mind is someone help me. If I drunk my father's blood in this state, I might not be able to come back to my normal self. I would be a uncontrollable monster. As my face got closer to his neck, I felt my fangs inches away from his neck. What could I do? This can not happen. Then, my body got slung away from my father. I stood on my feet and glared at the person who threw me. Sebastian was in front of my father as he glared at me with disapproval eyes. My smile slowly grinned in amusement.
"Why are you doing this?" (Sebastian) I just laughed at his response. I began to become scared of myself. Even though I could not control my body, my mind was still her for now. Sebastian could save me. I had faith he could, but that is not what saved me. My strong earring heard a voice coming from the corner. The voice was weak; however, I knew that was Krista. With her limp body still hurting, I saw her struggle to talk to me.
"Sabina, I never thought I would say this, but you are acting just like our mother! Sabina, fight the blood running through our veins! I know you can! The man you are attacking is your father! Do not let your power destroy your family!" (Krista)
With those words, I had the courage to fight my body. I would not let this power take over me. Placing my hands on my head, the pain shot through me sharply. This pain was getting worse until it finally disappeared. Looking up at the family with terrified looks, I knew what I had done is horrible. I tried to kill my father without any hesitation. My father was chocking in the corner, Sebastian was standing in my direction, and Reyes was holding Krista tightly. This could not have happened. I was dangerous. I felt my eyes returning back to the normal color, but my body still ready for another fight.
"Sabina, are you ok now?" (Sebastian)
"I am sorry. I could not control it." (Me)
"What could you not control?" (Father)
"The power. The urge. I tried to warn you not to give me your blood." (Me)
"Will you do that with everyone's blood?" (Father)
"No. Only vampires. It happened once before, but I stopped when I felt different. Reyes, take Krista to the infirmary. Now." (Me)
"I will take Derrick there, too." (Father)
"Are you sure?" (Me)
"I am not a weak old man just yet." (Father)
Father grabbed Derrick's passed out body and ran with Reyes who was holding Krista. Sebastian and I was the only ones left in the room. The atmosphere around us was strange and dark. I started at his strong structure appearance with worry. He saw me in a horrible state of mind. What will he think?
"Stop looking at me like that." (Sebastian)
"What do you mean?" (Me)
"You are looking at me as if I hate you." (Sebastian)
"I did not want you to see that." (Me)
Sebastian began walking closer to me with his caring grey eyes staring me down. The bottom and sides of my dressed were ripped, and my hair was barely staying in the bun. My makeup was gone. I was a total mess, but Sebastian did not care. When he got to me, Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.
"No matter what you are, I will always be here for you. I will help you get through this. No matter who gets in my way, I will be yours. That girl I saw today will not change how I truly feel about you." (Sebastian)
"Thank you. Please keep me from being that monster again." (Me)
"I will. I will never let you be that person again, and promise me you will not become her." (Sebastian)
"I promise." (Me)
"Good. Well you have my blood inside you. What will happen if I drink yours?" (Sebastian)
"I will be inside of you, and you will feel stronger. However, you will not be as strong as me, but you will gain a little more blood lust." (Me)
"May I?" (Sebastian)
"Just do not drink to much." (Me)
"Ok, but first I have been wanting to do this for a long time." (Sebastian)
Lifting my head up with his hand, Sebastian's head got closer to me. Our lips connected. They moved up and down entangling today. Closing on each other, I felt out one with Sebastian. With my eyes closed, I wrapped my hands around his neck. My first kiss sent excitement through out my body. Amazing. Beautiful. Those words went through my head. Sebastian pulled away and trailed down my throat. Licking his spot, I felt his fangs brush against my neck. Then, a sharp pain hitting my neck.
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