Each Tear Shed

Grabbing my little make up, I rubbed my light shade of foundation around my face and parts of my neck. Second, I grabbed a orange shade of blush and lightly applied it to my cheeks. After that, I put a light shadow of pink on my eyelids and brown above the pink. Next, I put black eyeliner on the top and bottom and black mascara on the top and bottom eyelashes. Finally, I found a shade of pink lipstick and applied it to my lips.
The last part of my look good outfit was the hair. I didn't do much to it since it was already bouncing with red curls, so I just brushed through it and used a little hairspray. Putting my shoes on, I started heading out of the house.
"Everyone ready?" (Me)
No response. The house was quieter than a burglar. Where was everyone? Walking outside the large door, I then found out where everyone was. Aurora was leaning against a black limo. Her pink hair was pulled up in a loose up hair do while she inched the side of the pink dress. The dress the bridesmaids wore was neon pink which hung tight on their bodies and had one strap sliding on the right with sparkle on the strap. Aurora's green eyes glared at the ground as if she hated what she was wearing. Beside Aurora was Silvia with her black hair curled on the left side of her. Like Aurora, she wore the same dress, but her blue eyes seemed more annoyed rather than anything. Kat was leaning against the back of the limo with her white hair in a loose up do along with the same dress as the others, but her purple eyes seemed to be distant.
Glaring around, I seemed to be missing two siblings. Where was Krista and Luna? Walking down the stairs, it wasn't long before Krista busted throw the door. Krista's blue hair was straightened perfectly while her pink dress was on her figure. Her purple eyes seemed the stressed out one of us all, but I haven't seen Luna.
"Is everyone ready??" (Krista)
"Calm down. We are still missing the bride." (Me)
"She's already in the limo." (Aurora)
"How did we afford a limo?" (Kat)
"The Lamia Senatus is paying for all of weddings." (Silvia)
"Seriously? Such suck ups." (Me)
"Be nice!" (Krista)
"Be warned the claws are out!" (Aurora)
"And they are sharp." (Silvia)
"Y'all shut up and come on." (Krista)
To the order of our demanding sister, we all piled into the large limo. When I caught a look at Luna, my heart stopped beating. My little sister was more gorgeous than normal. Her gorgeous blonde shining hair was in a side ponytail with curls on the bottom while her make up was not overly done but just right. I couldn't see much of the dress, but I already knew. Her red eyes were glowing brighter than a full moon. Plus Luna went a little crazy with the glitter.
"Alright since Sabina didn't show for the rehearsal dinner." (Krista)
"Not my thing since there were no food." (Me)
"I agree. There should of been food." (Silvia)
"Food would of been great." (Luna)
"Oh shut up. Each one of us will get out in age order. Then Luna and Sabina will walk down the isle, and Sabina will take a seat next to Sebastian." (Krista)
"Sounds good. What's on the menu tonight?" (Me)
"I will personally buy you a Bloody Mary (really rich blood) if you shut up." (Krista)
"Make it two, and we have a deal." (Me)
"If Krista is paying I want some." (Kat)
"Uh!" (Krista)
"Oh calm down. We don't talk this much like we used to." (Aurora)
"It's nice isn't this. All of us together." (Luna)
"You are right." (Silvia)
"Well let's get this show on the road." (Kat)
Each girl in age jumped out of the car. Then, it came to mine and Luna's turn. I exited the car and pulled the beautiful bride out of the car. Walking done the isle, she had a beautiful bouquet of pink water lilies. As we walked, I felt her body shaking.
"You can relax, sis. You are beautiful." (Me)
"It's not that. I feel uneasy. Like I shouldn't be doing this." (Luna)
"Nothing is going to happen. I promise." (Me)
"Ok. Thank you for everything, Sabina. You have always been there for me. I love you." (Luna)
"I will always be there for you. I love you too." (Me)
Luna's body began to relax, and she caught a look at Hale. Hale was smiling for ear to ear and wore a black tux with a pink vest. The other boys were wearing the same thing. How they got in pink was unknown to me. However, I got to see the love radiating out of Hale's eyes. Kissing Luna on the cheek, I handed her away to Hale and took a seat next to Sebastian. Sebastian's smile widen with delight when I seat down. He grabbed my small hand and held it tight. Then, we started whispering.
"You look beautiful." (Sebastian)
"You don't look half bad yourself, Mr. Black." (Me)
"A compliment I will have to take, Mrs. Black." (Sebastian)
"Not yet." (Me)
The service continued in a very short amount of time. Frequently, I did not want it to stop. These two were adorable together, and the thought of my sister growing up did not help me. When we got to the part of I do, I almost wanted to cry. Luna had tears running out of her eyes. After she said it, a gun shot came from the woods. Blood covered the white dress on Luna's chest. Her red eyes widen, and her mouth opened wide as a scream came out. No. I stood up out of my seat and ran to my bleeding sister.
Tears began to appear on my face. Hale and my sisters crowded around the body as I heard tears coming out from the people. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian running towards who shot it, but I was more worried about my sister rather than the person for now. Pushing through the crowd, I saw Luna. Her color was fading fast, and I saw her mouth chocking and coughing up blood as her body laid in Hale's arms. Blood was pouring from her chest quickly. Taking her out of his arms, I felt her body turning colder than normal. A smile curved on her pale face.
"I guess this how I will leave you." (Luna)
"Don't say that.. You aren't going any where. You will still be here with me. Hale put pressure on the wound. Keep as much blood as you can inside." (Me as Hale did what I said)
"You always tried to protect me." (Luna)
"I will still protect you. You can't leave me. Together forever, right." (Me)
"I love you. All of you, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough." (Luna)
"No! Luna, you can't leave me! No.. No.. Please stay with me..I need all of y'all with me..without one of you, I wouldn't know what to do. Please..you are strong.." (Me crying)
"Sabina.." (Krista)
"No!! She is not dead! No she can't be dead..please no..Luna... Luna.. I'm sorry...please stay with me.. No.." (Hale)
"She's not dead! Don't tell me she is dead! She isn't no..you aren't going to die.. You are gonna get up and laugh and smile and return to your happy self." (CryingMe)
"I (coughing blood) don't think that will happen. I see a light. I see mama and daddy..they are waving at me.." (Luna)
"Don't go into the light! Please it's not your time to go.." (CryingMe)
"Sabina, we have to get her to a vampire doctor, now. If you want her to have a chance." (Krista)
"I know where one is pretty close." (Niles)
"Let's go!" (Jasper)
"Let me take her, Sabina. You, Hale and Sebastian find the jerk who did this." (Lucas)
"I will see you soon, Luna. Don't give up little sister. Please! Stay with us!" (Me)
"Her breathe is shortening we have to go now." (Reyes)
Lucas ripped her away from me, and they ran to the doctor. My body was frozen in place. Luna, my precious sister. Please be ok. Please. Looking to my right, I saw Hale. His eyes were as red as mine was. Tears fell on the ground with his fists cringing together. Wrapping my arms around Hale, we both cried into each other's shoulders.
"She is going to be ok." (Me)
"I hope your right." (Hale)
Letting go of Hale, I saw the jerk who shot my sister. I knew that face. The feeling of hatred covered my entire body. Sebastian had the guy in a chock hold. Wiping my face, I walked up to the dude, and for once, killing was the main thing on my mind.
"I'm going to kill you!" (Me)
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