Vampire Hunters

"Isn't this a wonderful welcoming?" (Shin)
"I should throw you across the hallway." (Me)
"Sister, that isn't nice to do to a guest." (Luna)
"The guest is not welcomed here." (Me)
"I think it's wonderful to see Shin again." (Luna)
"Glad someone is happy to see me. Come on, Sabi. Aren't you happy to see me?" (Shin)
"To see a vampire hunter who was once a vampire in my house. I am thrilled to see you." (Me)
"Oh sarcasm that was your favorite thing, darling." (Shin)
Shin and me have a strange past. Before he became a vampire hunter, Shin was a regular vampire. We met on a hunt and connected. With Shin, I had someone to talk to and make me feel like I was the only girl in the world. I loved him of course, but love is a evil things sometimes. After I gave Shin my heart, he began to change. Shin never wanted to do anything anymore but wanted something else. One day, I learned he traded his vampire role for a vampire hunter. Vampire hunters can be human or vampire. Vampire who go to be hunters are rare though, but if a vampire does do that, the vampire is shunned by family and sometimes hunted down. A week later, Shin came into my house with a sword in his hand. My heart broke into millions of pieces when I discovered he was here to kill my sisters and me.
Letting go of his neck, I backed away from the vampire hunter. Shin slid his knife inside his leather jacket. A intrigued smile curved on the mischievous boy's face.
"Why are you here?" (Me)
"Honey, I just wanted to see you. More beautiful than better." (Shin)
"I will rip your throat out if you keep it up." (Me)
"Ouch. Harsh much? That isn't the sweet girl you wanted me all the time." (Shin)
"Cut the crap. Why are you here?" (Me)
"Fine. The council ordered Kota and me to guard the wedding, and we are investigating the demon accruing." (Shin)
"Well I did not plan for hunters at my wedding. I must call Krista. It was nice to see you, Shin." (Luna walking away)
Alone with Shin. For once, I wished for someone to save me from this nightmare. I felt his blue eyes staring all over me. Kind of like undressing me with his eyes. Then, his face turned serious with no emotion.
"Sorry about Charles. I heard." (Shin)
"It's fine." (Me)
"Are you sure? I can be here for you now, honey." (Shin placing his hand on my shoulder)
"I don't need your help. Let go of me." (Me)
"I will once you tell me why demons want you? Where have they gone?" (Shin)
"They are gone." (Me)
"Oh really now, what happened at the engagement party?" (Shin)
"Someone crashed it. I stopped it." (Me)
"Mhm. Now tell me, how did your father die?" (Shin)
"You already know." (Me)
"Oh, your so clever. Just how I like you." (Shin)
His hand slowly crested my face. With his warm touch moving around my cheek, I felt emotions hit me all at once. Then, a perfect moment for the voices to come out.
'He's hotter than the other.' (Bloodlust Sabina)
'Stay out of this.' (Me)
'I don't like him.' (Hellfire)
'Why don't you like the hot guys? Would love his blood.' (Bloodlust Sabina)
'Something seems odd. Like evil darkness controls his heart.' (Hellfire)
'I feel it too.' (Me)
As the sword begin to disliked he boy rubbing my face, the mark on my thigh began to glow red. Oh no. Shin's gaze transferred to the glowing mark. His hand ran across my mark lightly. The burning passion went down my leg, but I kept my thoughts on the man I love.
"Get away from me." (Me pushing Shin away)
"I see. You control the sword of fire. A deal with the Devil." (Shin coming closer)
Inside my head
'What!' (Me)
'How did he know? Only Charles knew.' (Hellfire)
'Such a genius! Can we keep him?' (Bloodlust Sabina)
'Deal with the Devil!? Hellfire!' (Me)
'Will explain later.' (Hellfire)
My fist began to tighten as I was ready to punch him in his face. Suddenly, someone else threw Shin against the wall. Firm white arms gripped Shin's red shirt. On the boy was a white sweaty tee shirt laying softly on his muscular physic. On his legs, loose blue jeans laid on his small waist and strong legs with brown sandals on his feet. His red hair was combed back while his grey eyes were darted at Shin. Sebastian. Finally.
"Nice to see you again, Sebastian. How you been old friend?" (Shin)
"We are not friends. I will not let you take Sabina away from me." (Sebastian)
"Hey. She is still on the market for a few weeks." (Shin)
"No I'm not, you jerk." (Me)
"Are you ok, Sabina?" (Sebastian)
"Yes, baby." (Me)
"It is time for you to leave." (Sebastian)
"Just one question for this lovely girl. When will I meet the other you?" (Shin)
"Get out of here!" (Sebastian throwing him to the exit)
"Ha fine I'm going. See you at the wedding." (Shin)
Watching Shin leave made my body relax, but I noticed Sebastian's grey eyes fierce fully staring down Shin. What was going on between them two? Sebastian watched Shin till Shin was unable to be seen. Then, those fierce full eyes were darted at me.
"Why was he here?!" (Sebastian)
"To say he is coming to the wedding and to investigate why demons were attacking us." (Me)
"Wonderful! Now he is going to be watching us! Could you not tell him no?" (Sebastian)
"No! The order does what the order wants! I don't want to have vampire hunters hunting my family!" (Me)
"Well what the heck was that!? You let him rub on you like you enjoyed it." (Sebastian)
"I tried pushing him off! I even attacked him! Trust me I don't want nothing to do with that jerk!" (Me)
Sebastian extended his arms and wrapped me into his warm embrace. With one hand on the lower part of my back, the other was brushing my red hair down my head. My anger disappeared as I felt his comfortable embrace calm me. Sebastian. This wonderful guy who has stayed with me for months was holding me with such comfort.
"I am sorry I got jealous. The thought of him touching you angered me. I know y'all have history, but I would never hurt you. I only want to make you happy. Ever since I met you, my life has been complete. I want to give you the world! I want to save you from the pain you are going through. I want to take you away from all this pain you are going through and just make you smile. I have lived on this world for a long time, but no woman has made me feel like this way. I love you with all of my not beating heart, Sabina Tomas. I can not wait to call you my wife." (Sebastian)
"Oh, Sebastian..." (Me)
Tears began rolling down my face. Tears of joy. Happiness. This man cares so much about me. I have found him. Sebastian took his hand away from my head and began whipping the tears from my eyes.
"All my life, love was a myth, but you showed me something new. You showed me that love is beautiful. I want you to smile every day. I want to take away every horrible thing that happened in your life. You are a amazing and wonderful man who I wouldn't want to change in my life. You are the man of my dreams. The only guy I would cry in front of. You complete my life. I have dated guys, but they have left me. You. You have stayed with me for better and for worse. I love you to the moon and back, Sebastian Black. I will be honored to call you my husband." (Me)
"Thank you.." (Sebastian)
Sebastian moved his hand from my face and gripped it carefully around my chin. Raising my chin up, I closed my eyes to feel to feel soft lips pressed against mine. First was soft, but the next was passionate. Our lips entangled with each other. Sebastian kissed me with such passion and such love. Pulling away, I opened my eyes to see Sebastian staring at me with loving grey eyes. Then, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the hallway.
"Where are we going?" (Me)
"We are going to go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. (Sebastian)
While he was pulling me, I smiled at the thought of us just sleeping together. Silence was all there was while we were walking. Finally, I decided to find out what Shin was talking about.
'Hellfire, explain now.' (Me)
'Fine. I am a demon sword meant to kill demons. To obtain a demon sword, you must make a deal with a demon, but only I can be obtained my the Devil himself.' (Hellfire)
'What did my father give him to get you?' (Me)
'Well how do I put this. Your father gave the Devil well you. The other side of you is meant to be a killing machine that is why there is another you.' (Hellfire)
'So all the people I was meant to kill was to get me ready to be the Devil's killing machine?' (Me)
'Correct. With all the vampires' blood you drank after you killed each one of them, I was able to awake faster than before.' (Bloodlust Sabina)
'So now if the Devil needs someone dead, I must do it.' (Me)
'Either you or me.' (Bloodlust Sabina)
'I would of told you sooner, but so far you are my favorite owner. I didn't want you to unmark me and stone me like your father did.' (Hellfire)
The thought of killing more people made me sick. I did not want to kill people anymore, but I guess that part of me will never leave. No matter who comes into my life.
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