Lose Yourself

"I would thank you for freeing me, but you have enraged me. Even though that man entrapped inside her only to be awaken by just the right amount of vampire blood, I despise to hear the other part of me cry. It is annoying." (Bloodlust Sabina)
"Do you really think you can kill me? A being so weak you could not break out without blood." (Cordelia)
"Oh, I beg to differ. I am much different, and you will see." (Bloodlust Sabina)
"You so not scare me." (Cordelia)
"You should be scared." (Bloodlust Sabina)
Well I guess you could say we are one person just different. Very different. I was crying while the other me had control, yet she felt every emotion I had. While she felt mine, I also felt hers. I felt the dark heart she had, and it was a very scary thing to feel. Killing rang all through out her soul. I guess you could say I finally enjoyed having her in control, but I knew the enjoyment would not last for long.
Sabina ran towards Cordelia with the sword tightly in her hand. With the sword extended out, Sabina swung Hellfire swiftly at Cordelia several times. Each swing would miss or just graze her. Cordelia would swing her sharp claws at Sabina, but Sabina would use Hellfire as a shield and stop the fierce attack. Then, Sabina jumped in the air twisting her body around kicking Cordelia in the face. Blood came out of the rim of Cordelia's mouth as her body was slug on the ground. I felt Sabina smile with her fangs showing out. Sabina finally had a chance to calm her blood lust down a bit, but I felt a simple kill would not stop her.
Cordelia slowly tried to raise her body up, but Sabina pressed her boot down on Cordelia's chest. Cordelia's right wing cut the left leg of our body. The sharp pain was felt throughout our entire body; however, the blood running down her leg did not stop her from enjoying pressing her heel deeper into her chest. Sabina dashed the sword and chopped both of the wings off of Cordelia. Screaming loudly, blood began oozing out of her back and covering the ground in blood. Cordelia began coughing and losing breathe. Sabina raised the sword high in the air. Falling down, the sword pierced straight through the evil woman's heart. Blood came out of Cordelia's mouth, but a smile crawled on her face.
"I see it. The demon you got from me is staring me in the face. This girl will not leave." (Cordelia)
"Hahaha! You are more pathetic than I imagined. I am nothing for you. I want to see you turn to dust while I suck the blood out of a vampire. Goodbye." (Bloodlust Sabina smiling)
The last words Sabina said frightened me a little. If I could not control this body, she might hurt people I care about. What have I done? Smiling, Cordelia's body turned into dust. Then, that thought I had before increased as I heard voices. Aurora and Luna were waking up. Luna raised her head from the ground and glared at Sabina with her red eyes. Aurora raised her head opening her green eyes and stared at the creature walking closer to her. Placing one hand to her mouth, Aurora wrapped her other hand around Luna. Trying to keep her safe, I saw the terrified look glossing over Aurora's face.
Even though I had been sitting on the sidelines, I tried to get back control of my body after realizing why she was walking closer to my sisters. The rich smell of Luna's blood filled the air with a sweet smell of roses. She planned to suck Luna's blood, but I would not let her.
"Sabina! Let's go home I do not feel good." (Luna)
"That is not Sabina! It is a monster!" (Aurora)
"A monster? Not yet." (Bloodlust Sabina)
"Who are you?" (Luna)
"Your worst nightmare." (Bloodlust Sabina)
"My worst nightmare is a bad hair day. Where is my sister?" (Aurora)
"Not here." (Bloodlust Sabina)
Sabina pushed the sword back into the mark. Quickly, Sabina rushed to the girls. Placing her hand on Aurora, she threw her down the cliff. Aurora rolled down the cliff several times before finally stopping. Sabina placed her hands tightly on Luna's shoulders and made her fangs closer to Luna's neck. I tried to stop. To gain control of me body. However, I was still telling myself I was not strong enough.
"Sissy, what are you doing? I thought you promised you would not hurt me. Why? Why, sissy?!" (Luna)
With those words, I felt her tears fall on my arms. I would not let her hurt my sister. I tried harder to fight off. Sabina took her grip away from Luna and placed them on her head shaking and screaming in pain. Yes. I was fighting back, but the deal was not seal until one speech.
"You were supposed to protect us. Never leave! You let a demon take us away! Torture us! Now you want to be like them and kill us! You are a liar! I trusted you! But you are just a killer!" (Aurora)
No! I wanted to prove Aurora wrong. I needed to stop blaming myself. Finally, I opened my red eyes. Raising my hands up, I smiled in excitement. Running to Aurora, I wrapped my arms around her tightly and hugged her. She smelled of body odor and bad breathe, but I did not care. She was ok! Pulling away, I saw a smile curve on her face. Then, I turned my head around. Luna was staring at me with dark red eyes. Running to her, I picked her up and started spinning her around. Luna giggled and smiled in amusement.
After I finished spinning her, I placed her down, and Luna ran towards father's lifeless body. They kneeled down beside his body crying their eyes out. Wrapping my arms around the girls, I held them tightly.
"Father said he loved you. I am sorry." (Me)
"Iiis this ffiinnally oover?" (Luna)
"I am sorry to say, but no. This is just the beginning." (Me)
"It wwill get better right?" (Aurora)
"Possibly. For now, let's go home." (Me)
Picking up father's body, we started making our way back home. For now, we were ok. We were heading home to discover the lives we always dreamed of. A smile began to grow on my face, but a voice kept me from being truly happy.
'Hello. I am ready to discover to world with you, my other half.' (Bloodlust Sabina)
The realization of what was going on finally hit me. My other half was just as strong as me, but my sisters and willpower keeps her from controlling me.
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