When Darkness Comes

"What are you doing, you old fart?" (Me)
"Well by you ripping the note, I am going to help. Darkening Submit is not a safe place." (Father)
"Why is it not safe?" (Silvia)
"Humans would grab vampires and burn them on a stake. Some even say that their is holy water and spiritual chants all around the air." (Me)
"I want to come with you." (Sebastian)
"No. It only said father and me." (Me)
"But.." (Sebastian)
"No but. I am going to get changed. Meet me in front of the door when you are ready, father." (Me)
Walking out of the room, I realized just how serious this is. I mean my sisters' could die if I don't hurry up. I could see Luna running up to be hugging me with her blonde hair loose and free, and her red eyes glaring at me with love. While I could see Aurora, she would be laughing and showing off with her pink hair fixed up, and her green eyes looking at me with jealously. I could not imagine them dying. Entering my room, I opened the closet and grabbed a black tight tank top, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots. After taking off the ripped blue dress, I slid on my new outfit. Going to the mirror, I ripped out all the bobby pins and pulled my red hair into a pony tail. A knock came from the door.
Opening the door, I saw Sebastian standing in front of me. His red hair was messed up all over his head while his suit was ripped. Staring at me, his grey eyes stayed on me with compassion and worry. Grabbing my shoulders, Sebastian pushed me up against the wall. With his face inches from mine, he pressed his lips to mine. Our lips tangled together. The warm feel of the kiss made me feel so much warmth, but the taste of my blood was horrible from his mouth. Pulling away from me, I saw a tear run down Sebastian's face. Placing my small hand on his face, I whipped away the tear.
"Why are you crying?" (Me)
"I want you to be safe. Thinking of you dying makes me want to cry." (Sebastian)
"I will come back alive with my sisters." (Me)
"Promise?" (Sebastian)
"I promise." (Me)
"There is something I have been meaning to say. I know it has only been a while since we first met, but I know what I feel when I am around you. I want to protect you from any thing. What I am trying to say is I love you, Sabina Tomas." (Sebastian)
"I love you too, Sebastian Black. One day, this will all stop. When it does, we can finally plan our wedding." (Me)
"Sounds wonderful." (Sebastian)
"I must go." (Me)
"Just a little present before you go." (Sebastian)
Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist. Tightening his arms around my waist, Sebastian pulled me into him for a long kiss. I never knew this feeling exist. Being able to care for a guy like I do for him was a new beginning for me. I wanted my sisters to feel this as well. As we stopped kissing, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran to the doors. Finally, I was ready to get me sisters back.
Making it to the doors, I saw my father. His short red hair was brushed, and his torn bloody clothes were changed to a black loose shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of Nike red shoes. Looking at me with his yellow eyes, a smile grew wide on his face.
"Are you ready to go?" (Father)
"Yeah. Lets go save my sisters." (Me)
Opening the door, we started running into the dark forest. The sun tried to sneak through the trees as we ran through the forest. Each step we would make crushed leaves or sticks. I never imagined I would be saving my sisters' from demons. Thinking back, I realized the pain they went through the past few days. Krista was in coma. Aurora and Luna are captured, and Silvia and Kat are stressing their selves out. While I was thinking about my sisters, a evil voice appeared inside of my head.
'Wow. You are my first marked owner to ever care about anyone.' (Sword)
'I am different.' (Me)
'Maybe, but I know you are thirsty. You will not survive without your blood lust taking over.' (Sword)
'You do not know how strong I am.' (Me)
'I do.' (Sword)
I stopped talking to the sword and continued running. The sword knows nothing. I mean I am in control of my body, but still a little blood would not hurt. Feeling the wind blow my red hair back, I realized how much fun this was. Running felt so good, but I knew we were close to our destination. I felt the evil atmosphere coming up. Then, I smelt it. The blood of a vampire. Sweet. Young. Luna. Anger and thirst blow up inside of me. She was not dead! No she can not be! As I saw the sun setting, I saw Darkening Submit. The hill grew very high almost like a cliff for the whole world to see. Rocks covered the entire cliff with no trees in sight. On top of the cliff was two stakes. One has Luna with her blonde hair falling in front of her face. The next one had Aurora on it with her pink hair on the side. Aurora's eyes were closed as her body laid on the stake.
Running up the cliff, I made it Luna's body. Searching for the blood, I found blood running down her shoulder. Moving her blonde hair, I found that something had pierced through her shoulder. After checking on Luna, I ran to Aurora. No blood was coming out of her. Shaking Aurora, I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't wake up. "Aurora. Aurora!" I screamed. Then, Father made it up here. His mouth was opened, and his yellow eyes were widened.
"Oh My Gosh." (Father)
"They won't wake up!" (Me)
"Sabina, calm down!" (Father)
Placing my hands around Aurora's waist, I pulled her off the stake. Her limp body fell into my arms, and then I did the same thing to Luna. Her limp body fell into my arms too, but I smelt her blood straight into my noise. Father and I grabbed a body a piece and carried them away from the stake. Then, black smoke covered around the girls. Their bodies transported back to where the stakes were, and a woman appeared near them. Her black hair laid on her shoulders while metal clothes were tight on her body. Her red eyes seemed pleased with what she has done with a smile gleaming on her face.
"Took you long enough." (Cordelia)
"Give me back my sisters." (Me)
"Oh I do not think you want to order me around." (Cordelia)
"Give them back to us. Now." (Father)
"Why don't you chock on your own blood, Charles!" (Cordelia)
Wings sprouted from her back as Cordelia ran towards my father with her claws out. Placing my hand on my thigh, I said "Hellfire." and drew the sword out. Jumping in front of my father, I pushed the sword in the direction of Cordelia's claws. As her claws hit the sword, she jumped away screaming in pain.
"I see you have become the owners sword. Well I guess I will have to step up my game. Come out my pet. It's feeding time!" (Cordelia)
After Cordelia said that, a roar came from above. Looking up, a black dragon with a long neck and tail was flying towards my two sisters. Running away from my father, I jumped in front of my sisters. Pulling the sword in front of us, I was ready for the attack. Jumping in the air, I placed the sword into the dragon's long neck and fell down the dragon's neck through his stomach. Black blood gushed out of his body, and the dragon fell down to the ground. While I landed in front of the girls, I heard a guy's scream come from behind me.
Turning around, I saw Cordelia's hand in my father's chest. My heart broke into tiny pieces. Blood shot out of my father's mouth as Cordelia smiled. Running to my father, I jumped in the air and twisted my leg around to land a direct hit in Cordelia's face. Her body quickly moved away from my mother and closer to the bottom of the cliff. Bending down, I held father in my arms. Tears began to form around my eyes. I knew where it hit him, but I did not want to believe it.
"Daddy, you are going to be ok." (Me)
"Do not lie to yourself. I am dying." (Father coughing)
"Please. Do not leave me. Do not leave us." (Me with tears running down my face)
"I remember when you used to go with me to hunt animals for blood. You would smile so big." (Father)
"No. Do not go yet. Drink my blood. It healed Krista and Luna. It can heal no." (Me crying)
"Sadly, it can not. Stop crying. I want you to drink all my blood, so no one else can get it." (Father)
"But Daddy." (Me)
"No but. I am sorry. I wish I could of been stronger." (Father)
"No..no..Daddy.." (Me)
"I love y'all girls. Stay together." (Father)
"Daddy..I love you too." (Me)
With that finally sentence, I felt my father cough his last spit of blood. Holding his body tight, I pierced my fangs deep into his neck. As I sucked the sweet bitter blood of my father, hot tears ran down my face. He was gone. Gone. Never coming back. Never holding me again. Never telling me to act like a lady. Never taking care of me. My father was dead. While I felt his blood run throw my body, I let the blood lust consume me. I was not going to fight it this time. I wanted to kill that woman. She murdered my father. Kidnapped my sisters. Put one of my sisters in a coma. Now it is time for revenge. Taking my fangs away from his neck, I felt my eyes turning black with my pupil turning red. Blood ran down the rim of my lips while my fangs slid out of my mouth slightly. Grabbing Hellfire in my hand, I squeezed the sword tight and let the blood lust take control of me.
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