My story is about the FIRST SONG I WROTE and how many people liked it and the day it came out.
HUNTINGISFUNpublished on October 17, 2013completed
when i got a signed to be a stear
when i went to american idol i sang my new song and they loved it and i loved it to because it was the first time i had hrd it and i loved it to. utftewtf7we rt78ewte8wtyuewtf87ewt etr7etfewtryuewtrewdyuewtf6erfew tewtrf6ewtgrfewtet fewtewt ewttew ewewtr7ttrewuiew ewft wfewttewiytewyutew ewtytewt ewtryew tr ewtitewt ewrtewtirtewr ewrewytewtew rewetwrter ertewtrew rewrtewtrtertew irewturiewrew rewruiewrte wew ire eir r rriewtirew rtiuewrteuiw tewr r u