Wassup bitch what did you do bestie did you groom a minor?
on February 15, 2021

youre ugly ass fucck i hate you you are built like a bottle mf and yes this is damien esteller wife on jul acc dont think i fucckin forgot bc what you did scarred my asshole forever now i have worse issues cuz WHAT U DID! ugly ass mf bottle looking discord mod built ass sandbox looking ass dirty ass pokey asshole ass you might as well be with cheeky BC yall have the same grammar and build stupid ass mf you are so rancid and dirty and nasty i bet you smell like god awful rotting See More cheese i hope you never take a shit again i hope you get a hemorrhoid the size of your ass bye bitch you ugly Stupid ass MF
on February 15, 2021

this acc is dead and im probably not gonna be back

*spreads my Ass cheeks and sprays a doodoo Sprey onto @thisaccisdeaderthanceleste face* ugly
on February 27, 2021

on January 04, 2021
on October 16, 2020

new idea
celeste park
celeste park
on May 08, 2020

people: still dming me about the whole incident from last month
how they expect me to be like: sad
my brain: go go lets go lets go dateko
how they expect me to be like: sad
my brain: go go lets go lets go dateko

@I_Will_Not_Stop_Using_Cursewords no i was talking about from a while back
on May 08, 2020

@I_Will_Not_Stop_Using_Cursewords no i was talking about from a while back
on May 08, 2020
on May 08, 2020

on May 06, 2020

wait a sec
tokoyami is a bird
and the birds work for the bourgeoisie
tokoyami's the ua traitor confirmed
tokoyami is a bird
and the birds work for the bourgeoisie
tokoyami's the ua traitor confirmed
on May 05, 2020

thisaccisdeaderthanceleste added a photo to the starred list
Like this? For more subscribe to my meme page @E.M.P

on May 01, 2020

7 months and 1 day and i can legally start drivers ed
on May 01, 2020

on April 30, 2020

on April 30, 2020

thisaccisdeaderthanceleste added a new chapter to Celeste: The Musical
Celeste Rhapsody
Is this the real life?
Is this just chapter 3?
Caught in an execution,
The end of European royalty.
Open your eyes,
Look up to the fire and see,
I'm just a poor girl, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Any way the firetruck turns doesn't really matter to me, to me.
Kyoko, just killed two men
Put a hammer against their heads,
Now I'm getting executed.
Kyoko, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away.
Kyoko, ooh,
Didn't mean to ma... Read Full Chapter
Is this just chapter 3?
Caught in an execution,
The end of European royalty.
Open your eyes,
Look up to the fire and see,
I'm just a poor girl, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Any way the firetruck turns doesn't really matter to me, to me.
Kyoko, just killed two men
Put a hammer against their heads,
Now I'm getting executed.
Kyoko, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away.
Kyoko, ooh,
Didn't mean to ma... Read Full Chapter
on April 28, 2020

Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Grand Final - Full Show
After Lena Meyer-Landrut's victory in Oslo, the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 travelled to Düsseldorf in Germany. It was the first time since 1983 that German...
on April 28, 2020

thisaccisdeaderthanceleste added a story to the favorite list

The Entire Bee Movie Script (2)
on April 25, 2020