kokichi was on russian news and is possibly replacing putin
on April 20, 2020

on April 19, 2020

DR3 future arc in two sentences
Egg Man: oh hey guys im in the future foundation now
entire future foundation except for viktor from yuri on ice and an anime guy: dies
Egg Man: oh hey guys im in the future foundation now
entire future foundation except for viktor from yuri on ice and an anime guy: dies
on April 18, 2020

its a pretty good chance that we're gonna be in online learning for the rest of the school year so y e e t
on April 15, 2020

a couple weeks till chloe day
i will have lived for a decade and a half, making me the ultimate god under celeste
i will have lived for a decade and a half, making me the ultimate god under celeste
on April 13, 2020

"To think you'd take your false accusations so far... I don't know whether to laugh or spit... Come on! Enough with your idiotic blather! Yasuhiro is a loser's name! Do I look like a loser to you!? Well!? Doooo I!? What!? I think I've earned the right to be a little on edge!"

on April 11, 2020
on April 11, 2020

Back to your regularly scheduled chloe posts
We shall also stan Koichi Kizakura from DR3 as hes the one that scouted celeste. If it wasn't for him, celeste wouldnt be the god she is today
We shall also stan Koichi Kizakura from DR3 as hes the one that scouted celeste. If it wasn't for him, celeste wouldnt be the god she is today
on April 11, 2020

Alright, let me tell my side of the story for whoever has the braincell to hear it.
A couple months ago, my friend posted a picture of herself on here. She doesnt own an account on this website.
Bostyn found her tiktok and confronted me about it because she thought it was me. It wasnt.
Also, I never abused her. I never would. I helped her when she was sad and I never mentioned celeste in any arguments. The one time I did was a joke, which I regret.
When she confronted me, she See More sent me 100 messages telling me to kill myself and that I was a mistake, and other insults that did not need to be said.
I understand the whole ptsd thing, but a fictional character shouldnt be a trigger.
Thats my side of the story.
A couple months ago, my friend posted a picture of herself on here. She doesnt own an account on this website.
Bostyn found her tiktok and confronted me about it because she thought it was me. It wasnt.
Also, I never abused her. I never would. I helped her when she was sad and I never mentioned celeste in any arguments. The one time I did was a joke, which I regret.
When she confronted me, she See More sent me 100 messages telling me to kill myself and that I was a mistake, and other insults that did not need to be said.
I understand the whole ptsd thing, but a fictional character shouldnt be a trigger.
Thats my side of the story.
on April 11, 2020

on April 11, 2020

celeste at the qfeast con
what will she do
what will she do
on April 11, 2020

why trade regular hoodies with your s/o when you could be trading these god hoodies
why trade regular hoodies with your s/o when you could be trading these god hoodies
on April 11, 2020

i gon count up

on April 07, 2020
on April 07, 2020

i gon count up
on April 07, 2020

so uhh taking like a 2 week hiatus because of online learning so see yall soon
on March 24, 2020

theres an actual danganronpa fangame based on korekiyo and idk how to feel
on March 24, 2020

whats going on with the freaking solar system in my news feed
on March 23, 2020

Danganronpa The Animation Celes Going Mad Eng Sub
Danganronpa The Animation Celes Going Mad Eng Sub
on March 18, 2020