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22. Opal Essence was originally Ruby, but many gem stones were already trademarked for toys.
23. In Return Of the Harmony Applejack was scripted to climb to the top of the balloon to get to the basket to rope RD.
24. The voice actor for Spike is Cathy Weseluck.
25. Season 3 Episode 10 (really its 11) Keep Calm and Flutter on was originally called Fluttershy's Home for Reformed Draconqeui.
26. There are 2 versions os Season 1 in the German version cause Nickelodeon once forgot to calculate the PAL-SpeedUp.
27. Cadance was originally a unicorn.
28. The voice actor of Rarity is Tabitha St. German.
29. Flutterguy's voice was provided by Blu Mankuma.
30.Twilight Sparkle's original name was Twilight Twinkle.
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