10 More Facts!

12. The Cutie Mark Crusaders already met in Season 1 Episode 1. They are crouched together at the moment Nightmare Moon appears.
13. In the last episodes while a fighting scene, Pinkie Pies Cutie Mark is missing.
14. In Season 2 Episode 25/26 the pony Wildfire can be seen which is an OC of Sibsy (one of the animators).
15.The YYYYYEEEEAAAAHHH pony's name is Snowflake.
16.In Call of the Cutie (S1E12) the pony sitting next to Twist in the class room turns into Sweetie Belle for a brief second.
17. MMMystery in the Friendship Express (S2E24) is a homage to Murder on the Orient Express, not Sherlock Holmes.
18. Apparently Flim Flam means to swindle (cheat).
19. Rainbow Dash was originally a serial prankster, and Rob would mistakenly call her a he in meetings.
20. For those who dont know Lauren Fause is the creator of MLP. (which most of u know already T_T)
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