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32. Celestia is Latin and means heaven.
33. Trixie is a pun. Tricks, see?
34. Merriwether Williams, one of the writers of the show, was also the writer for SpongeBob Squarepants.
35. To cut a rug means to be a skilled dancer.
36. The Quills and Sofas ponys fan-given name is Davenport. A Davenport is a style of sofa.
37.The tourist in Putting Your Hoof Down is also the pony who asks Rainbow Dash to skip her motto in The Mysterious Mare Do-Well.
38. Flash is the most predominant tool used to animate the show.
39. King Sombra has a red horn that is curved and smooth, unlike any other pony horn. (by the way his horn color should match his skin color. It does not match.)
40. Ursa Minor is actually a constellation in the Northern sky.
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