Hi all, this is my 1st story, plz comment what you thought. I don't care how bad you criticise me it will all help with my next book... Enjoy.
P.s. this is my fan made story, it is not MLP.
P.p.s. the pictures aren't any of my horses. I also use some pictures from MLP:FIM and these pictures are hasbros.
As Daisy and Flash walk through town with Flame and Daffodil in there carriage. DJ-colt greets them and has a look at the babies. "They are cute. If you ever need a party with music give me a call and I'll come, I'll give you 10 years free music." Daisy kisses him on the cheek, "thanks DJ-colt." And they carry on walking. They get to the farm and dash greets them, "howdy. Nice to see y'all. I have some bad news an' great news but Big Bill Donno the good news yet." When inside Flash takes out Flame and Daffodil and put them on the floor, he then changes Daffodil. Dash starts, " the bad news is I can't have a baby." Daisy hugs her, "I'm so sorry." Dash continues, "the good news is me an big bill are adoptin a little filly, and I got a letter today sayin that we passed the test so will have her in a month or so." Flash finishes changing daffodil and says, "I'm glad. What will you two name it?" . Dash replies, "that's what me an bill gotta talk about soon." At that moment Big Bill comes in and asks, "what have we gotta talk about soon." And gets on the floor and plays with the kids. Dash smiles, "we got a le'er from the orphanage... We are able to adopt her." Big Bill jumps up and Hugs dash. "Yehaw! I know the perfect name." He pauses then continues "I thought we'd call her Lickity split." Dash smiles, "that's a gorgeous name."
3 to 5 chapters remaining in pony pals. I will add them within 20 hours. I will then add a page called Firestar Stories, feel free to chat to me on there... Again plz feel free to comment what you think, this is my 1st story so I'd like as much info to help with my next book. ;)
Again plz feel free to comment what you think, this is my 1st story so I'd like as much info to help with my next book. ;)