Vanessa blinked at the pile of presents at the foot of her bed.
"Hey Gin," Tally said. "Stop looking so surprised Essa! Duh you'd get at least 10 presents!" Tally laughed as Vanessa threw a gift at her. Ginny tossed one at Vanessa, and it became a full on game, including Reyna, Ninette, and Ninette's twin, Amelie. (Vanessa had talked to them before.) "Alright, let's open our presents now!!" Renya yelped when she realized that she was the prefect.
"Ok." Everyone replied. Ginny dashed off.
"Oh each from the twins, one from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, one from Ninette and Amelie......" Both Tally and Vanessa said simutaneously.
"Hermione!!!!!!!!!!" Tally screeched.
"GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!! OF COURSE!!!!!!!!" Vanessa screamed.
"Nice one Ron....." Reyna grinned.
"I APPRECIATE ALL THE HOLLERING UP THERE, BUT WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!" Fred bellowed from the common room.
"I'll be right down! i just gotta check my calendar for something!" Vanessa called.
She quickly checked her calendar for the day she would leave Hogwarts. "Leave date...December 26."
Vanessa went pale. Today was December 25.
She wouldn't be able to go to the DA meetings.
She wouldn't be able to watch the Quidditch matches.
She wouldn't be able to tell George she'd go out with him.
Vanessa Lily James Potter was going back to Beauxbatons.
Vanessa Strauss was back, and Tally, Amelie, Ninette, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Reyna, Fred, George, and Ginny were not going to be happy.
(The girl in the picture is Vanessa's ID professional photo, which she needed to travel.)
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"I mean, Harry’s the boy who lived, Ron the bravest person ever, and Hermione’s super smart! And look at you! A stupid, immature, dumb old IDIOT who thinks it’s funny to pick on kids who’ll save the FREAKING UNIVERSE WHILE YOU’LL BE CRYING LIKE A BRAINLESS PIECE OF THESTRAL DUNG!!!!!!!!!!"