I know i have not been active for a while, but I promise I am hard at work on a new multiple part quiz... SQUEE! That I am super excited for you guys to try out. Also... I'm in the progress of writing a story so I will be needing OC's Be sure to comment Name: Height: Age: Hair Color: Personality: Style: Eye Color: Fandoms: Etc. You can comment as many as you please and I will go through and pick some of my favorites. Love yall <3 Note: My quiz should be out super soon!!!
on July 27, 2016

Hey! So I'll be writing some new stories and I would like OC's to be commented. Be sure to include Name, features, age, crush, style, outfit, hair, family, favorite subject, fandoms, and friends. Please comment below all of the above! I hope to see you in my story!!!!!

also if people like @mockingjaydistrict could please spread the word I'd really appreciate it!!!!!!!
on January 19, 2016
on January 19, 2016

Also I'm trying to decide what I should call my wonderful followers so comment what you think they should be and I'll read them all :) Whoever's I pick will get a shout out so get commenting!
on December 23, 2015

P.S. guys, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I have been really busy with school and stuff and m newest quiz has taken a lot of my time. I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you everybody!!!
on December 23, 2015

created a

What is your hunger games story? (girls only sorry boys!)
on December 23, 2015

based off of my yule ball experience quiz, i am making a your hunger games story quiz. It includes interview outfit, district, family history, allies, how or if you died, etc. Please take when I'm finished!;)
on April 12, 2015

created a

AreYou a Psychopath, a Sociopath, or something else?
on March 15, 2015

take my hardest harry potter quiz you'll ever take even i had to pull out the books to make it practically impossible @MockingjayDistrict

on December 21, 2014
on December 07, 2014

created a

The Hardest Harry Potter Quiz you'll ever take
on December 07, 2014

on September 30, 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvF2VSp2SA Hey I'm doing a exteded version of the slave, please read it when it comes out!!

Update on qfeast the slave
http://www.qfeast.com/Thehost is my homepage and http://www.qfeast.com/story/1139/Slave is the original first part. Please like subscribe and comment :)
on September 02, 2014

created a

Your Yule Ball Experience (girls only) sorry boys!
on July 23, 2014