Harry Potter, Hunger games, The fault in our stars, dead city, percy jackson, the series of unfortunate events, The mysterious benidect society, divergent.... Oh sorry!!! This page is for all AWESOME FANGIRLS!!! Fan girls only please!!!

on July 15, 2014

Yay!!! I've already read the books and want a movie to come out! This is just the book trailer and I love how they try and capture books yet it still doesn't quite fit that rustling of the pages and the hard spines on the side! They did a pretty cool job though... Enjoy!!!!
Yay!!! I've already read the books and want a movie to come out! This is just the book trailer and I love how they try and capture books yet it still doesn't quite fit that rustling of the pages and the hard spines on the side! They did a pretty cool job though... Enjoy!!!!

Dead City Book Trailer
Trailer for the Book Dead City by James Ponti
on July 15, 2014

on July 13, 2014

on July 13, 2014

on July 13, 2014