
“I’m still surprised you got Gryffindor!” Fred said.
“I AM brave, smart one!” Vanessa said teasingly. “When do we have our first class?”
Vanessa’s schedule:
Period one: Arithmancy with Prof. Sonurus
Period two: Defense Against the dark arts with Prof. Umbride
Period three: 15 min. break
Period four: Muggle Studies with Prof. Burbage
Period five: Divination with Prof. Trelawney
Period six: Lunch
Period seven: 20 min. break
Period eight: Potions with Prof. Snape
Period 7: Transfiguration with Prof. McGonagall
Period 8: Care of Magical Creatures with Prof. Hagrid
Period 9: Herbology with Prof. Sprout
Period 10: Charms with Prof. Flitwick
Period 11: 10 min. break
Period 12: Dinner then bed
Property of: Vanessa Strauss
“You have Arithmancy in 5 minutes.” George told her.
“Shoot! Where’s that? And on this lame schedule, where’s the ‘Look your best’ class??” Vanessa replied, annoyed.
Fred and George laughed. “What ‘look your best’ class?”
“You know,” Vanessa said impatiently, “the ‘look your best’ cl-“ realization began to dawn on her. “There isn’t one?”
“Duh!” Fred told her.
“I’m an idiot!!” She muttered.
“We’re getting late for DADA, so we’ll see you later, ok?” George said.
“Sure! Where’s Arithmancy?”
“Right here,” came a crisp voice. Professor Sonurus.
“ Hello Professor!” Vanessa said.
Professor Sonurus didn’t quite answer for a few seconds, looking Vanessa up and down.
Note from Vanessa:
Is this my 1st note or second? Can’t remember. Anyways, here’s what I was thinking at the time: ‘I’m wearing my best robes! The black ones with the cute red fringe! Oh and knee socks! Pleated skirt! Long shirt! Please make this crazy analyzation of me be over!’
“Very appropriate attire, I must say, Ms Strauss. Most exchange students come here in skinny jeans, hair open, some t-shirt with this weird character ‘Hello Kitty’ on it, and black converse!” Prof. Sonurus was talking more to himself than to Vanessa.
“Um, OK Professor,” She replied, trying to stifle a giggle.
Suddenly she was nearly trampled alive with students rushing to get to their classes. Rushing in herself, Vanessa quickly took a seat in the second to last row. The class went by fast enough, and Vanessa found herself in defense against the dark arts.
Now this is where things get interesting.
Vanessa slid into the last available seat and took out her wand, running it between her fingers.
“Wands away, and open your books to page XI. Read the Table Of Contents.” Professor Umbridge said with a businesslike tone.
“Excuse me, but aren’t we going to do any magic?” Vanessa said quite rudely.
“Ms Strauss, Mr. Potter has already gotten in trouble for this. The Ministry of Magic has got everything under control.”
“The Ministry of Magic is too scared to believe.” Vanessa retorted.
Gasps filled the room, except for a few kids who yawned, as if to say ‘Duh! Umbridge, that’s what we’ve been trying to tell you!!’
One girl (who was wearing combat boots and had the ends of her hair dyed red) said, “Umbridge, get a GRIP! The Ministry of magic are so stupid, a dementor would come and they couldn’t produce a wisp.”
“Professor, Voldemort is here, he’s alive, and he’s going to destroy us all if we don’t learn how to do spells!!!” Vanessa yelled.
Silence. Complete silence.
“THAT WILL BE ENOUGH OF THAT!!” Professor Umbridge bellowed, her face getting redder with every word.
Vanessa and the rebellious girl glanced at each other.
“Ms Strauss and Ms Feser, your behavior is unacceptable.” Umbridge said, collecting herself. “Your detention begins tonight, along with Mr. Potter’s. Now go wait outside for the rest of this session.”
“Yes Professor.” The two girls collected their things and walked out.
Vanessa’s note:
I need to explain why I talked back. The general question was: aren’t we doing any magic? And really, I was wondering. But when she said Mr. POTTER, I realized I had to have an excuse to get into detention with him to see what he did. Back to the story.
The two girls walked five feet away from the door before talking.
“Wazzup, I’m Tecilia Feser, girl rebel, blah blah blah.” The girl with the combat boots introduced herself.
“Hey I’m Vanessa Strauss, the new exchange student from Beauxbatons. Why do you seem so familiar?”
“Our school took a trip there once! A girl named Jessica guided me.”
“OHH! Jessica was my best friend! That’s how I know you!” Vanessa said.
Suddenly the bell rang. “I’ll talk to you about detention later but let’s hang out together! Oh yeah, call me Tally.”
“I see you’ve met Tally,” George said behind her.
Vanessa jumped a few inches and said, ”Give me a heart attack, why don’t you?”
“Not in this life, and we have a 15 minute break now, so let’s go down to the lake.” Fred said.
“Ok.” Vanessa said.
“Hey, Fred or George.” Tally said nonchalantly.
“Hi! Hi! Hi!” Fred yelled, jumping up and down like crazy
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"I mean, Harry’s the boy who lived, Ron the bravest person ever, and Hermione’s super smart! And look at you! A stupid, immature, dumb old IDIOT who thinks it’s funny to pick on kids who’ll save the FREAKING UNIVERSE WHILE YOU’LL BE CRYING LIKE A BRAINLESS PIECE OF THESTRAL DUNG!!!!!!!!!!"