Vanessa: Harry's sister

“Why, I’m Marylin Monroe!” he said jokingly. “Naw, name’s Fred Weasley, sixth year, you are too, right?”
“Um, yeah.” Vanessa seemed unsure to trust him or not.
“Hey Fred!!!” another Fred appeared out of nowhere.
Vanessa screamed, “WHO IS THAT?!”
“Calm down! This is my twin, George Weasley!”
After receiving a few more stares from some very rude people, she glared at George – or was it Fred?
“Next time, tell me when your twin will pop up out of nowhere!” Vanessa seemed irritated, but there was a glint in her eye – of laughter.
“Ugh, fine, Fred, tell me when he appears again.”
“Just kidding, I’m Fred.”
Just as Vanessa was going to say something not so nice back, a boy appeared. “Hey, Fred & George! Have you seen this exchange student from Beauxbatons? She’s a six year.” The speaker was a tall boy, with green eyes and unruly black hair.
“I’m right here. My name’s Vanessa.”
As he studied her, Vanessa thought, ‘ I think I’m looking at my brother!’
“I’m Harry Potter.”
“Hi.” Vanessa said casually. To tell the truth, she wasn’t surprised. After all, she was his – never mind. If Harry didn’t know, she wasn’t gonna tell him.
“You have to come with me. I’m your guide.” Harry told her.
Two other people appeared. One was a girl with brown bushy hair, the other was a boy with the same ginger hair as Fred/George.
“How’s our little Ronnykinks? Muhaw!” Fred and George said this simultaneously.
“Shuddup! I’m Ron, for Merlin’s beard’s sake!” the boy with ginger hair said. He let out a low whistle. “Is the girl who you have to guide?? Man, she’s a good looker.”
Vanessa turned bright red as the other girl glared at him.
“Sorry about that. I’m Hermione Granger.” The bushy-haired girl said politely.
“It’s OK.” Vanessa mumbled.
“Come with me. The rest of you, get on the train. Except for Hermione. McGonagall wants to talk to you too.” Harry took charge.
“OK.” Hermione said.
They walked in silence after Fred said he’d save Vanessa a seat (or as he called her, Essa). When they made it to the teacher’s compartment, Hermione knocked. “Come in.” said a clear, strong voice. The threesome walked in, unsure about what to expect. “Hermione, can you please wait outside while I speak to Vanessa and Harry?”
“Of course.” Hermione said, glancing sideways at Harry.
“Good morning, you two. Sit down and have a biscuit.”
Vanessa took one, and so did Harry.
“As Vanessa surely knows, you and Harry are siblings.”
Note from Vanessa: I knew it was coming.
“We’re what?” Harry said.
“But my last name is Potter. Hers is Strauss.”
“I’ll explain,” Vanessa cut in. “You were there when Mom and Dad died. Blah, Blah, Blah, you survived. I was playing at my friends house, then I came home and you don’t know how much shock I was in, with half the home blown apart and your scar and mom and dad there on the floor. The only thing I thought to do was to contact Professor Dumbledore, a great friend of our parents. So I held you in my arms the whole time, waiting. He came in and hugged me and said ‘We will have to separate you from your brother.’ I lost it after that. Completely. I screamed and shouted and kicked and wouldn’t let you go. Then he took you and said, ‘Harry will be going to Hogwarts. It’s for the best. You will be going to Beauxbatons.’ So I went, made friends, but everyday I’d wake up early to go see the board to find out when the student exchange program would come up. It did, at the end of the year. You could sign up for Hogwarts, Durmstrang, or Starcakes. I picked Hogwarts, but only to find you. I hate travel. So then I met Fred and George and Ron and Hermione and you. The rest is history. Oh yeah, my name is Vanessa Lily James Potter. Strauss is just a cover. Oh yeah, I was 5 when it happened.”
“I don’t believe this!” Harry exclaimed. “You, with your red hair, green eyes, purple glasses, skinny jeans, black Hello Kitty shirt, skull necklace and converse are SUPPOSED TO BE MY SISTER?!?”
“That will be enough, Mr. Potter. And we do have a uniform here, Ms. Strauss.”
“Sorry,” Vanessa muttered.
“You are dismissed.”
They walked out silently and made room for Hermione to go in. After 5 minutes she came out a said, “Let’s go find Fred and George and Ron.”
“Sure.” Vanessa said.
They found the threesome in compartment A3. Vanessa lay down in one full bench, Harry and George occupied another, leaving Fred, Ron, and Hermione taking the last bench. Vanessa and Harry explained what happened in the teacher’s compartment.
“So, in conclusion, she’s my big sister, and I’m her little brother.” Harry told the audience.
“Hey,” came a voice. “It’s me, Ginny.”
“Hi Ginny!” everyone chorused except for Vanessa.
“Hey, guys!” came a sweet voice, and in walked Cho Chang.
“Hiyo, I’m Vanessa, Harry’s big sis.”
“Harry has a sister??” Ginny and Cho said simultaneously.
Vanessa and Harry quickly repeated everything to Ginny and Cho.
“Hey, Essa. Do you have a pet?” Fred asked.
“Yeah, let me take it out, it’s a bird….”
Vanessa brought out a brightly colored parrot.
“Her name is Neonee.” Vanessa introduced.
“How the hell did Dumbledore let you bring that- thing on the train?!” Ron exclaimed.
“My mom gave it to me.”
“Ohhhhhh! That explains a lot.”
The kids started talking randomly, until the school approached. All of them quickly changed into their robes and rushed out the door. Ginny told the group, “Neville’s coming with me to grab a compartment. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Ok, bye.” Vanessa replied.
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"I mean, Harry’s the boy who lived, Ron the bravest person ever, and Hermione’s super smart! And look at you! A stupid, immature, dumb old IDIOT who thinks it’s funny to pick on kids who’ll save the FREAKING UNIVERSE WHILE YOU’LL BE CRYING LIKE A BRAINLESS PIECE OF THESTRAL DUNG!!!!!!!!!!"