Happy Appy Part 4

October 19th, 2011Hey guys! I'm back! I should let you all know that any rumors regarding my break are all false. I didn't see Forenzik during the break, which makes my life a whole lot easier.
Also, I'll try to find all episodes of Happy Appy. Promise.
October 20th, 2011Today, I was going through a flea market, when I realized that I could possibly find a Happy Appy episode in the VHS section. After look through obscure VHS movies, I found a VHS with a rushed label that said:
“Happy Appy Goes to the Circus”
Since I buy anything Happy Appy related, I bought the tape.
After driving home, I got my VHS player and put the tape in. The tape had some pretty bad deterioration since it was recorded; some parts of the episode had been taped over with an episode of Blue's Clues, and the other parts had very low-quality audio and video (some parts were even replaced with static, but for a few seconds).
The title is the plot in a nutshell; Happy Appy goes to a traveling circus, and helps kids who hurt themselves. The episode starts with Happy buying a ticket to see the “Banana Brothers' Traveling Circus”. After buying popcorn and a drink, he gets into a seat, and the show begins. Unfortunately, half of the scene is replaced with the Blue's Clues episode, and the show scene was pretty bad anyways.
After the scene, which was three minutes long, it goes to the intermission. Happy Appy throws his trash away when he hears a kid crying. He walks to where the crying kid is and discovers a kid who hit his head on the bleachers. Happy heals him using bandages and an ice pack, and the kid thanks him. Then, Happy Appy sees a kid get bullied by a bandaged girl. Happy gets closer, and guess who was bullying the kid? Miranda!
Miranda then tells Happy Appy that she has a knife on her. Unfortunately, the video gets very, very static-y, but the audio remains intact. I think the last part being static helped a lot; I heard Miranda screaming, Happy laughing, and someone being stabbed. It then went to the credits.
October 21st, 2011Hello, it's me again. Today, I am going to try to answer a well-known question about Happy Appy; Why DOES Happy Appy kill kids?
Well, to be honest, I might have an answer to the question. You see, when I went to the employee's house where Forenzik was at, I wondered; did Forenzik kill the employee, or is Forenzik THE employee? I think the most likely answer is the latter. Another question arises; who exactly is Forenzik? Well, I can say a few things; it's not Kevin Costo, Blair Meyes, or Jim Forester (Maybe not?). The other thing is I can't really confirm Forenzik's identity. You might be saying that the decapitated hand has Forenzik's blood in it, and his fingerprints. Well, it's not that. Forenzik has a prosthetic arm, and I accidentally axed off half of it (at where the elbow would be).
So, what did the last paragraph have to do with the question? Well, Forenzik might have edited the episodes to show those horrifying scenes, which makes sense, because if Forenzik is an employee, he would have access to the props and the tapes. More questions arise;
Why did Forenzik go crazy?
Why are there not a lot of survivors of Happy Appy?
How did the studio burn down then? Did Forenzik do it?
How did Forenzik know about 9/11?
I have temporary answers to the questions, and they can change if I get more evidence;
This sounds weird, but maybe he's John Wilkinson. This makes sense; John Wilkinson has schizophrenia, and in some cases, schizophrenia can lead to murder. However, he was chubby, while Forenzik is very skinny. However, things can change...
Maybe Forenzik killed them. This seems plausible, because I can say that four people related to Happy Appy died (other than the countless amounts of children); Kevin Costo, Blair Meyes, Miranda, and Kevin's wife.
I think Forenzik might have burned the studio down, for reasons I don't currently know.
I am not sure on this, but maybe it's a coincidence that Forenzik made a scene where the Twin Towers were catching on fire because of a plane crash. Or maybe it isn't.
October 22nd, 2011Today, Jim Forester (Believe it or not, he's still alive) told me the names of more people who helped work on Happy Appy, which puts me closer to who Forenzik is.
First, there's Tristan Drews, the man who designed the Happy Appy puppet. After hearing about the string of deaths associated with people who worked on Happy Appy, Tristan went into hiding, and now goes under a different identity.
Then, there's John Tresti, the man who created the music for Happy Appy. He was a musician who was specialized in keyboards, synthesizers, and producing songs. After releasing his debut album “Hedalgo” (which, to this day, is quite rare to find), he was called to work on Happy Appy's title theme.
Although some parts of the story of how the theme was made are missing, John basically got five kindergarten students and had them sing the Happy Appy lyrics. After that, he made the backing synthesizer track, combined the two, and previewed the result to Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon approved the theme song, and John kept his job, due to Hedalgo being a failure to sell.
Finally, there's John Wilkinson. Yes, I'm not lying. John Wilkinson actually worked on Happy Appy. He wrote three of the episodes for the TV series. I swear, I really think Forenzik isn't John Wilkinson, but the fact that he is schizophrenic, killed people, and worked on Happy Appy does NOT help.
October 24th, 2011Today, one of my friends who worked in a daycare gave me a tape, which, on a white sticker label with a blue sharpie, said “Happy Appy – Hospital Doctor”. I went home to play the tape. It started with the famous intro, but it had changed lyrics, which didn't match the tune;
Happy Appy helps those kids,
Appy App, Appy App,
Happy Appy Appy Appy,
Happy Appy Appy!
Then, it went to a POV shot of Happy Appy running through a hospital for two and a half minutes, with a choir singing “Amazing Grace”. Since I knew what “Amazing Grace” was about, I was prepared for anything related to death. It then cuts to Happy Appy on his metal stick, doing his death stare for a whole minute.
Finally, he says “Hey kids, let's go find some children to help!” He runs up to some body bags holding bodies, while a nurse is zipping one up. Happy walks up to the nurse and says “Can I help those people?” The nurse says “They're dead. They won't come back.” Right before the credits, Happy says something that could be more disturbing than the Natural scene;
“Remember kids, you will all die one day, and I won't be there to help you.”
October 25th, 2011Today, I found one torrent of the first part of the true Happy Appy Movie. You see, the one I watched was actually a fake. The true one is actually much, much worse.
The movie started up with a different opening. The song playing was the opening song of “2001; A Space Odyssey”. The logo said “Nick Jr. Presents: The Happy Appy Movie”. It started out with Happy putting a \Band-Aid on a cut that was on a girl's arm. “Today I'm scared, Lily.” said Happy. Lily asked why, but Happy just said “He is coming.” I wondered who the He was. Forenzik?
Then, 7 other kids came running over, and in the background, cops were running over to the playground where Happy and the kids were. They kept yelling at Happy. Then finally, one cop said “Stop in the name of the law! I know you murdered Miranda, Tuck, and Gina!” Happy threw a knife at where his heart would be, and he died. Then, the cops took out revolvers, pistols, and flamethrowers, and shot (and burned) Happy. Happy was in tiny melting bits, and the cops left. The kids started to cry, but all of a sudden, the bits flew back together and reformed Happy, although more sloppy.
Happy then took out a knife and started to chase Lily in a POV shot. After 30 seconds, Happy got her and stabbed her to death. The rest of the kids ran away. Happy got in his van and drove after a little boy. One of the girls yelled “Danny, no!” Danny picked up a lit cigarette that fell from the sheriff's mouth and burned Happy's face, leaving a black burn on his left cheek. Happy screams, and Danny runs off.
Then, Happy was chasing Danny in his van, when Danny opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat, and fought Happy. Happy had his knife, while Danny had a cop's Colt Python. Happy crashed the van into a tree, and Danny went out cold, but didn't die. Happy then left the scene and picked a stick off the ground. Then it cuts to Danny, waking up and picking up Happy's dropped knife. It ended.
I then sent a message to the man who made the torrent if he had Part 2. He said yes, and that it would be done on the 27th. I guess I'll just have to wait until then.
October 27th, 2011I just finished watching the Happy Appy movie, and it was horrifying.
It starts with Danny running to a junkyard. He hid in a car, and it cut to a girl in the playground, playing with a tin can. Happy Appy walked up to her, and she screamed, and he stabbed the girl with the stick. Then, he runs off to get into his van. After driving for a while, he reaches the junkyard.
Happy then gets out of his car, and looks around, yelling for Danny. Danny then jumps into the car, Happy curses, and Danny runs him over, jumps out of the car, and pushes him and his van into a car crusher, and the car crusher crushes Happy and the van. Then, a woman comes out of the cockpit, and Danny says “Thank you, June!” June says “Thank you for telling me and dad about Happy's rage.” I thought that was the end.
I was wrong.
Another Happy peaks behind a car and says “My clone has died for his unholy master. Now, I will kill the kids I shall lay my eyes upon. Today is one day, but the day after shall be a day filled with fear, hate and revenge. I shall come again and murder until I am lifeless on the ground or on a rope.” Then, the credits start. I could only make out these in the credits;
Director – F......... G......
Happy – Blair Meyes
Danny – Ray Bollia
The good thing is this; I might know the initials of who Forenzik is.
October 31st, 2011Happy Halloween. Today, I got a gift in the mail. In it was a note saying;
“To Mr. Yakovlev;
I have heard that you are researching on a show called Happy Appy. During a recent investigation of Kevin Costo's house, I found an incomplete journal that seems to be related to Happy Appy. I hope it will aid you on your quest to unlocking Happy Appy.
Officer Newport”
I decided to open the package, and it was a 70-page notebook, yet most of the pages were torn out. Here are the entries in chronological order;
“February 12th, 1999
Just got the job at Nickelodeon! I've been put on a project that is still being discussed as I write this. I will write more soon.
-Kevin Costo”
“February 25th, 1999
I've been put out of the project to work on Rugrats. The plot of the show, which was called “Attack of the Killer Apples”, was a rip-off of the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, but no one liked the idea, including me.”
“March 1st, 1999
Guess what? I've heard that the show is going to see the light of day! The man who is going to help produce the show, Keith Blue, made Claymation commercials for Noggin. After being one of the most successful things they did so far, he was asked to do a show on the Claymation commercials.”
“March 11th, 1999
Heard we're filming at the old stage where Double Dare was being filmed.”
“March 23rd, 1999
I just want to leave this project right now.
You see, today, I was eating lunch when I saw some sick fucker dragging in Happy's voice actor, Blair Meyes, who was in his late teens, and had a pretty deep voice. We started filming tests like Happy in his van and practicing lines. Then, the guy who dragged Blair in shouted action. A weird country song started playing on the radio in the van. I shouted to the guy who shouted action and dragged Blair “What the fuck did you do to Blair?” He just jumped over a coffee table and (rest of page (and every page except the last is torn off)”
“January 2nd, 2011
I just remembered two things about Happy Appy; its original air dates, and some facts.
The air dates were;
Nick Jr; April 26th, 1999 – June 3rd, 1999
Pre-TV (UK channel); May 16th, 1999 – March 31st, 2000
Brazil (I don't know where in Brazil); November 30th, 1999 – February 1st, 2000.
The facts are;
Happy Appy had a scrapped DVD release.
The director was tall and mid-weight.
He went by the name “Fred”.
This is all I know about the show.”
November 1st, 2011I finally did it. I killed Forenzik. Or, I think I have.
I was driving home at midnight, when I saw Forenzik leaving Jim's house. I then drove my car to the garage, and parked it. I then ran in the house, with my switchblade. I looked all around the house, but I couldn't find Jim or Forenzik. I did get a Winchester shotgun from the fireplace. Then I checked in the basement.
I saw Jim's body, hanging from the roof. Below it was a suicide note, saying that he would have died if he had not done that, and that there might be more than one Forenzik. Then I heard Forenzik walk into the house, and I loaded the Winchester.
I cornered him, and he cut my shoulder with a knife and growled at me. I shot him in the chest with the Winchester but someone looking just like him jumped behind me and tried to bite me. I shot him in the chest, also. I thought they were both dead, but the second Forenzik ran behind me, and I blew his head off, threw him in the oven, and turned it on, burning his body.
I decided to go into the cellar and call the police, before I noticed that the other Forenzik's body was missing. Oh, please don't tell me he's still alive. When I got to the cellar, I found a USB Drive, and I took it. Then the police arrived, and took Jim's body away. I told Officer Newport about what happened, and how there is a burnt body of a second Forenzik in the oven.
I got home, and put the USB Drive in my computer. It only had one file; “Instructions.MOV”. It was just a 30 second video of the second Forenzik saying “In your pillow will be” over and over. In your pillow will be what? I decided to open my pillow. I found my switchblade, and wallet, but I found a DVD saying “Happy Appy Complete Series” with it saying Seasons 1, 2, and 3.
“Oh hell yes!” I said, knowing that this had the missing episodes, plus all of Season 2 and 3. I'm going to post tomorrow on this. But who made two more seasons on this show.
November 2nd, 2011This is the first part of the Happy Appy Season 2 and 3 Viewing series. This post will start with three of the Season 2 episodes, while the second and third posts deal with the rest of Season 2 and 3.
I played the DVD. It was stupid; it had a cheesy early 2000's DVD menu. I went to the episode selection and found these episodes for Season 2:
Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah! (Halloween Special)
Happy and the Oranges/Happy's Van Breaks
The Kids Are OK/Happy Happy Christmas (Christmas Special)
?????????? (Couldn't make out the title)/Miranda Lives
Lighter/Miranda Forever
Happy and Blackberry/Happy Lives
The episodes for Season 3 were:
Red/Miranda Dies
Happy 2: Revenge/Jar of Hate
Happy 3: Rose of Blood 'n Bones/Can of Kill
Happy Fest/Happy Rots in Hell
I played Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah!. It starts with the intro, which is now an acoustic version of the intro. It begins with Happy walking in the playground, with his injuries. He sees the green Rhubear running around, and Happy says “Hey, Mr. Teddy!” and the Rhubear doesn't respond.
Then, Happy says “Mr. Teddy, let's go find some kids to heal!” and the Rhubear nods his head. Then, they hear crying from the swings. Happy and the Rhubear walk over to a kid who hit his head on the swings (not the metal bars, the part you sit on). Happy gets out some bandages and heals him. Then, they hear a car crash. Happy turns around, and sees a long limousine. Then, a man exits the car, and it turns out to be Aphex Twin himself.
He starts doing the dance from Windowlicker with the umbrella. Happy and the Rhubear walk up to him, and Happy says “Hey, who are you?” and Aphex says “I'm Richard!” and Happy says “Let's go find some children to heal!” and Aphex says “Sure!” The rest of the episode is just them healing children who injure themselves on various parts of the playground. When I first saw this episode, it was so tame (for a Halloween special!), I thought it was an early Season 1 episode mislabeled as a Season 2 episode.
I then saw Camp Aaah. It starts with the intro, minus Happy Appy dancing, and adding a CSIesque intro featuring the main characters, and the original music. Why was the acoustic version used once? It starts with Happy driving his van, saying “Who's ready for Camp?”, with the two girls in the passenger seats cheering. After driving for a while, Happy parks in the camp, sets the wash cloth, and sits on with the girls. After staring at the sky for a few seconds, another apple appears, that looks like one of those beach bullies, wearing clothing like what the Beach Boys would wear.
Happy then says “Move it, ladies” and it's much clearer this time. The beach bully apple says “Don't go on the beach!” and Happy says “Why?” and the other apple says “Because I said so!” and pushes Happy out of the way. Happy then decides to go up the trail to the beach. What he finds are a bunch of children, playing on the beach, and poking at something out of view with a stick. It turns to the object, which is Miranda's body. Then, Happy screams “STOP DOING THAT!” and brings out a knife. The next shot is the girls still sitting on the wash cloth, but they hear children screaming. One of the girls says “What happened?” and the other one says “Let's go find out!” and the two girls walk to the beach.
What they find is a bunch of children's bodies, in the middle being Happy Appy with a knife. He says “Hey girls, I have a present!” and they both walk over, and it cuts to the same place with the wash cloth, now with both the girls screaming. The episode ends with Happy dragging the girls back into his van, and driving off, with this narration;
“And that, my friends, is how Camp Aaah got its name; from Happy Appy himself!”
I then played the episode Happy and the Oranges/Happy's Van Breaks. It starts with the same old intro of Happy dancing, and then it cuts to Happy walking around the playground, with children at play. Then, Happy sees something to the right; two oranges sitting on a bench. Happy walks to the bench and says “Hey, who are you?” and the oranges said “We're the Oranges!” and Happy said “Well, I'm Happy Appy!” and the oranges screamed and ran off. Happy said “Every time...” and goes into his van.
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Also, I would have adored Smile cat!
Her mother just dismissed the fact she was raped
And said it was a nightmare
but considering the story seems to be fictional I don't know exactly what you mean, or your question. o3o But in the story, yes. In real life? Um.. I don't know.