Happy Appy Part 3

The zoom-in on the apple didn't help. It was rotten beyond belief, shriveled up to an almost-sickening shape. I then noticed the room was being disconnected from the lab, and was going to the other labyrinth. Finally, after crashing, I got the Golden Apple. Then, Happy started shaking uncontrollably. He was foaming at the mouth, and burn marks on both of his face meant that he was being electrocuted. Finally, he passed out, and he woke up in his van. The Golden Apple was in his hand. He then ate the apple, and then a golden shine slowly took over his body. He was gasping for air, until he suffocated. Then, text appeared on the top of him, saying "BAD END." I wondered why it said that, until I noticed the score below it. I didn't get a high enough score! Well, I'll replay it tomorrow.
August 20th, 2011Today, I decided to open the game's file to look for any missing sprites and levels. There were over 40 levels that weren't used, including some roads which could have been in the opening, where Happy drove his van to the playground. Now, the sprites were a little disturbing. One was a skull which was on one of the missing levels. According to a script that was found on the same level, it would involve going into the fake Golden Apple room and taking one of the skulls. Another was a sprite which was Happy turning to the player. This sprite was distorted, however, but the sprite before the distortion was his teeth being red, from blood.
But the most sickening one was a sprite sheet called "failure". It was 150 or so sprites, showing a kid on his knees, pulling a sword out, and committing seppuku. After that, he stands for a while before collapsing. I'm not going to post the sprite anywhere, because of how realistic it is, even for a MS-Painted game. Then, I wondered if there were any sound effects. Yes, I was that sick to know. So, I looked through the sound effects, and found 3 that shocked me.
The first was Happy's voice saying "STAND STILL!" in an almost threatening way. The second was sound effects that would have belonged to the "failure" sheet, which includes the unsheathing of a sword, and the sound of a blade cutting through flesh. The final was a 3-minute droning noise, with a reversed discussion at the end. I reversed it, and I could hear 2 voices:
"Are you sure he's in the temple?"
"Yes. Fill up the entrance and let him die."
I will be playing the game tomorrow, but with all sprites, voices, and levels correctly placed, to make the game more playable.
August 21st, 2011I'm almost done. There's some unfinished levels that need to be done, so I'm going to take a dab at them.
August 27th, 2011Today, I found the torrent of the 19th episode of Happy Appy, called Mean Miranda. It was about boys no older or younger than 6-8 being bullied by a girl named Miranda. Happy heals them, getting progressively angrier when the episode goes on. At the end, Happy Appy says coldly "Bully one more kid and you will get a surprise". Miranda kicks a boy, but then Happy gets in his van and drives the van at her. Right before the van hits her, the episode cuts into the credits, with promos for other TV shows. The promo was for 2 new episodes each for Franklin and Blue's Clues.
So, here's the new list.
Happy's Vacation
Hurt Happy
The Monkey Bar Injury
Happy Goes to School
???, title missing
Nate Needs Help!
Never Run with Knives
Happy Fixes Kids
Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2
Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3
The Two Towers
Happy the Doctor
Mean Miranda
Happy's Trick
The Happy Appy Movie, Parts 1 and 2
September 1st, 2011Woo, another month. Expect many posts to be happening over this Friday, weekend, and Monday.
Alright, so I managed to complete the Happy Appy game. However, due to me being tired, I can only provide a quick detail of the game for now. The plot is the same; Happy hears about the Golden Apple, and does stuff to get it. It's pretty much the same game, except for differences. First, there's a lot more rooms, with more kids, which you can save for points, but you already know that. Happy can obtain new powers, like Water Happy, who can survive underwater, Fast Happy, who can run and jump over large pits, and Strong Happy, who can remove rocks that block your way. The visuals are improved. Unlike the prototype, which had some blank rooms (like Happy's van), many things are now complete. Also, a glitch was fixed in the endless staircase which made it endless. There's also bosses, like Nega Happy, a version of Happy Appy that is like Shadow Link; copying your moves. Now, this is where the bad stuff happens. I already talked about the bad ending, and how Happy dies when eating the Golden Apple. Well, the fixed ending for it is worse. After Happy dies from eating the G.A, a kid walks in, sees Happy's dead body, and commits seppuku, ending the game. The neutral ending is if you get over 10,000 points. Happy doesn't die from eating the Apple, but the Apple works at random, healing some kids at some times, but other times it doesn't. The last one is the most heartwarming ending. You must get 50,000 points or over, defeated every boss, and saved every kid. Happy eats the apple, and the Apple works fully, healing any kid that gets injured.
But it gets even worse. A whole lot worse. Along the plot of the game, there are two bullies who follow Happy Appy, and that's where the mp3 of the people talking about Happy in the cave. Depending on these requirements, their outcomes vary. All of them require you to have the best ending.
If you do it in a fast time, Happy just ignores the bullies.
If you do it in a medium time, Happy will tell the bullies to mind their own business, and they get upset and leave.
If you do it in over 24 hours, Happy will get mad, and drive the van into them, while screaming “STAND STILL! MIRANDA'S DEATH WAS MUCH! MORE! QUICKER!”
The last ending where Happy drives the van into the bullies always happens in the neutral ending, but not in the bad ending.
And guess who I saw today? I saw Forenzik again, but this time, I got a good look at a part of his face. Well, I could just simply say that he might be a human. Might be.
September 2nd, 2011This post isn't about Happy Appy and the Golden Apple, but it's about a new discovery I found while searching torrents for “Happy Appy”. It was a torrent of an intact version of the Happy Appy Movie's Bonus Features. Visually, it wasn't good. It was just a simple menu with a white background. There were 1 bonus feature; How Happy Was Made.
I decided to see it. It was around 30 minutes long, and showed the making of a new episode which wasn't released, called “Happy Meets the Rhubears”, where Happy Appy is in a crossover with Aphex Twin. Here's what happens, according to the clips shown;
Happy is in the playground, when he sees a Rhubear running around. Happy asks who he is. The Rhubear does not respond.
Richard drives in his long limo from Windowlicker.
Happy and a Rhubear heal a kid who accidently hit his head on the swings.
According to a worker, "This episode will appear in Season 2!" Of course, Season 2 never aired.
September 3rd, 2011 Okay, there are two things I want to talk about on this blog post. First off, I've been hearing a rumor that there's an actual episode of Season 2 intact, but it's a majorly incomplete fan restoration (Why would this show have fans?). How incomplete? Like 90% incomplete. The rumor states that it was the very first episode of Season 2, called “Camp Aaah”. In it, it starts with the intro, as always, but with some differences. First off, Happy didn't dance in the intro, but starred the new main characters, sort of like the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation intro. After that, it cut to a scene where Happy Appy is in his van, but there are 2 girl(friend?)s in the passenger seats. The girls are only clay heads on sticks, like Appy. After driving for a while, Happy parks in the camp, gets a wash cloth, and sits on it, as well as the girls. They just sit there, staring at the sky. After a few seconds, another apple appears, sort of like one of those beach bullies you see in any movie that has teenagers in a beach, and Happy says “Move it, ladies”, although the quality makes it sound like “Movie it leddys”.
The second thing is that Happy Appy does not have an IMDb page. The page some people are mistaking it for is actually a TV show called the Happy Apple. I could understand why people would think it would be related to Happy Appy, Happy Apple being the rarely used full title of Happy Appy. But it's from the 1980s. How can you confuse a TV show from the Eighties about an insurance company with a Nick Jr. TV show from the 1990s that has imagery of 9/11?
September 4th, 2011Earlier today, I received an email about Happy Appy and the Golden Apple. It was from the person on eBay that I bought the game from. He said that he left out a sound file for the game and sent it to me. It was an mp3 file that was 1 minute long. I played it, and no sound came out. It was almost 0 bytes in size, so I deleted it thinking that it was just a blank sound file. I was wrong. Remembering that it was still in my Recycle Bin, I looked in my there and luckily figured out that I had not emptied it. I am now trying to decode it.
September 5th, 2011When I first tried to decode it, I just heard static. Then I tried reversing it, changing the pitch, and adding volume with successful results. At first, it was just the sound of Happy Appy laughing. Not just a regular laugh. But a scary, hurting, and painful laugh. Then Happy started screaming and you could hear someone in the background laughing now. Again, it sounded like the person that was laughing was killing someone, but was also injured. I think that it was a child struggling against Happy trying to kill him, but that's just a guess.
September 6th, 2011After 12 pages of a Google search, I found someone who said that they were a survivor of the staff who made Happy Appy. I was so excited and got their address, so I could meet them in person. I took a long way because the directions they gave me required me to go through a lonely dirt road, and I thought that I would get my shoes dirty. Hey, can't be too cautious, can I? Well, anyway, I was at an angle where I could see the person who was standing near his house. I was right about to yell out to them, but I got a closer look and freaked out. It was Forenzik, standing near the house right behind the corner of a building I was supposed to pass. If I had passed it, Forenzik would have caught me off-guard and stabbed me to death. I don't know why Forenzik set this up, but he is definitely out to get me. He was still looking at the way that I was supposed to have come through and then quickly checking his watch, so he didn't see me yet. He WAS a human. He was wearing this weird gas mask, looking as if it were for decoration. His arms were bone skinny and it looked like he needed to put on 20 pounds to be considered "under-weight". He started getting more and more nervous and thinking that I wasn't going to show up. I decided to run off and tell you about this near-death experience, because it will probably happen more and more often.
September 7th, 2011Since I was freaked out by Forenzik, and it is nearing 9/11, I decided to check out the "The Towers" episode again. When I played it, I heard the faint whining noise in the background of the recording, and I instantly recognized it as a quieter version of the decoded sound I was talking about two days ago. I don't know why that sound was in there, but it was. I still can't imagine out what video matches with that audio clip.
September 8th, 2011I realized: it must be Forenzik and Happy Appy fighting. I figured it out when I was getting my groceries. Because of that encounter, I carry a switchblade with me at ALL times when I go out of my house, just to be on the safe side. I saw a police car with its lights on and sirens blaring on my way home, and decided to follow it. When it stopped, I saw Forenzik drop a gun and something red, and run away. I left the police to run after him, and looked at the red thing. It was an apple with a face on it....The Happy Appy figure! I could have sworn that I saw its mouth moving, but I was so freaked out that I'm not sure. I went back home and looked for the Happy Appy figure, and it was gone! Forenzik must have broken into my house while I was out, and stolen Happy Appy from me.
September 9th, 2011I am not sure how, but maybe the audio was in a different episode of Happy Appy in the planned future, and got mixed up when they were putting sound files in. I really have no clue why Forenzik was fighting with Happy Appy. Was he around when Happy Appy was being made, and put himself in one of the episodes because he was in the staff, or was he just infamous around that time and the makers decided that he was perfect material? I really still can't put this together. Today, I also read the news and discovered that a "crazed maniac was arrested after a robbery at a gun store, a home break-in, use of weaponry without a permit, and evading arrest". Sometimes, I ask myself why I chose to get involved in Happy Appy.
September 10th, 2011Well, tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I had lots of thoughts in my head today; will I be visited by Forenzik again, or will I have a normal day for once? Will my house burn down again, or will I be murdered in my sleep? I am not going to make a post on September 11th, but on September 12th.
Oh, and here's another revision of the list, with Season 2's two (unreleased) episodes, and the duets properly listed.
Season 1
Happy's Vacation/Hurt Happy
The Monkey Bar Injury/Happy Goes to School
???/Nate Needs Help
Never Run with Knives/Happy Fixes Kids
Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2/Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3
The Two Towers/Happy the Doctor
???/Mean Miranda
Happy's Trick/??? (Possible second half of duet)
The Happy Appy Movie, Part 1/The Happy Appy Movie, Part 2
Season 2
Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah (possibly vice-versa?)
September 11th, 2011
I know I'm not supposed to make a post on September 11th, but I just had to get this out. Last night, a certain someone went on my computer today. Luckily, the only things that Forenzik did were add a couple of (three to be exact) photos and a badly distorted sound clip. The images were made today, during 2:20 - 2:30 AM, while the sound clip was made on April 9th, 2005. Odd. All the images were most likely made using Paint.Net (Since I do not have a fancy art program like Photoshop, and I removed MS Paint from my computer, I have Paint.Net), had the file name 'image1' to 'image3', and all were badly drawn, but I expected that, because Forenzik has a gas mask on, and he has long fingers not fit to use my mouse.The first image was Happy Appy during the Natural scene from "The Towers" episode. It was done on the black pencil brush (due to me knowing a lot about Paint), and seemed to take the least amount of time to do.
The second image is the only one that does not show a person (or thing). It is in fact a portion of the song "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" I wonder; what is the connection between Napoleon XIV and Happy Appy/Forenzik? Is it that they're both disturbing to listen to?
The final image is more disturbing than the rest. Forenzik stands behind a black background which has "I'LL FIND YOU" in red. This photo is the most interesting because it shows a shot of Forenzik that's actually more high-quality than the other photo I took of him (Even though it's quite bland), showing his long pale neck, and his unusual gas mask, with red eyes and a Happy Appy grin, yet no filters. Maybe they're on the back of his head?
Oh yes, about the sound clip. It starts with a bunch of ambience that sounds like it would belong in a factory; metal banging, steam blowing, all that stuff. It might be possible that it is just some of the distortion. But then, I heard a person walking, kicking over an empty tin can. I suddenly heard a noise that sounded like someone beginning to say "Stop!", before it goes to static for the rest of the clip. I assume its Forenzik killing someone, which is most likely.
September 12th, 2011Today was one of the worst days I have ever had. But at the same time, it was also one of the best.
To start off, I was coming home after getting late-night groceries on September 11th when I noticed Forenzik was crossing the road to my house. I decided to run him over, so I sped up and had the car hit him at full force. I heard a couple of bones breaking, and I knew I must have injured or possibly killed him. So, I got out of my car, and to my surprise, I couldn't find Forenzik, although he made a trail of blood which pointed to where he went, so I followed the blood.
The trail led me to the nearby forest a couple of miles out of town. I had doubts about it; Forenzik had run off into the woods, and is probably ready to attack me if I go too deep into it. I put those aside, because I knew I had one thing to do; I had to kill Forenzik, so I got my switchblade from the car, and went into the forest. The blood led down a dirt trail that would take anyone who followed it to an abandoned summer camp.
The summer camp was opened in 1996, as John Wilkinson Summer Camp. The owner of the summer camp was John Wilkinson, a 35 year-old man who had schizophrenia. For years, it was a very popular summer camp; even people all the way from Maine came here. Unfortunately, in 2004, John Wilkinson's schizophrenia reached a peak, and around 2 in the night, John got an axe, went into the log cabins, and killed 6 children before disappearing. The case remains cold to this day.
So, I went to the first cabin, A (The cabin series are A (16-18 year-olds), B (13-15 year-olds), C (10-12 year-olds), and D (7-9 year-olds)). It looked like a regular cabin, minus the fact that blood was on the walls, beds were undone, and some of the wood was rotting. Oh, and there was an axe stuck on the wall. Obviously, since an axe is a better weapon then a switchblade, I took the axe. I then went to B, and axed the door down. It was the same as A.
Axed down C's door. Still the same as A. Finally, I axed down D's door. As I walked in, I noticed the sound of a generator running. After turning the lights on, I was horrified. On the walls were the mutilated bodies of Kevin Costo, Blair Meyes, and Miranda, held up by hooks. Then, behind me, I heard a slithering voice.
“Do you like my trophies?”
I jumped, and turned around. It was Forenzik, with a butcher knife. He was wearing a black robe and his 'trademark' gas mask.
“Go on, take a closer look.”
When he said that, I was both horrified and intrigued. I decided to walk up to the body of Kevin Costo. It had three slice marks on his chest, and the skin on his face was half gone. His jaw was positioned to make it look like he was laughing. I had to do something. There was a broken mirror next to Kevin's body. I picked it up, and saw Forenzik in a chair, sharpening a knife.
“So, you found me at last. Congratulations.”
“What the hell did you with them?” I screamed. It seemed like the only thing I could say.
“Well, since you asked, I will tell you what I did. They were people who had...annoyed me, to a certain extent. Kevin Costo kept calling me 'slow' and 'retarded'. So, when you were still watching those 10 episodes, I managed to find him, and so I killed him. I then watched you enter the house with that photo of Happy Appy.”
“What about Blair Meyes and Miranda?” I squeaked.
“Blair was the voice of Happy Appy. I had wondered why they got a teenager to voice Happy Appy, even though I should have done that. So, who told you about Blair's death? Was it Jim Forester?”
I was shocked, but I slowly nodded my head. Forenzik then sharpened another knife.
“Finally, Miranda. You see, Happy Appy didn't kill her with his van. He actually killed her with her knife she was using for self-defense, and I took the body. Go ahead...get closer to the bodies.”
Forenzik got up the chair, and started pushing me more forward towards Blair's body. I still had the broken mirror, and noticed Forenzik was slowly holding up the second knife he sharpened in his left hand, to backstab me.
“NO!” I screamed, before taking out the axe and striking his left arm. He screamed in agony while I chopped the arm. After chopping off his arm, I grabbed the arm and then ran off. Finally, I found a can of gasoline. I dumped the gasoline all over the house. When I was finished, Forenzik woke up, grabbing his chopped-off arm. Then, he realized what I was doing, grabbed his weapons, and ran off. I then got a match and burned the cabin down. It felt satisfying to make Forenzik homeless.
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Also, I would have adored Smile cat!
Her mother just dismissed the fact she was raped
And said it was a nightmare
but considering the story seems to be fictional I don't know exactly what you mean, or your question. o3o But in the story, yes. In real life? Um.. I don't know.