on August 01, 2015

Coveryoureyes added a new chapter to Meh. Bored again.

The "Controlled"
"Uhhhh....." andrew moaned as he woke up in a strange, cold place. When he was finally up, he saw a creepy old man. "AHH!" he screamed, jumping back. "Don't be afraid, young one." the old man said "My name is Zeego, i'm here to help you." andrew stared at the man who called himself zeego. He still didnt get one part of the words that 'zeego' said. Helping him? He didn't know what he meant, but he wanted to find out. "The first time the nightcrawlers appeared, you didn't turn into LostSilver....
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on July 27, 2015

Coveryoureyes added a new chapter to Meh. Bored again.

The "Depressed"
Andrew had 10 pillows on his head. Why? The girls were screaming non-stop because they got turned into creepy looking creatures. "OMG!!" micah screeched. "ANDREW WAS LUCKY!" skyler screamed, louder than micah. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" kayleigh screamed and didn't stop. Andrew couldn't take it anymore. "SHUT UP!!" he screamed, making all three of the girls stop and look at him. "Woah.." skyler said "andrew, you feeling ok?" Andrew looked at her, and then walked out of the house to go to the ...
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on July 26, 2015

Well, my friend follows me everywhere so i have to shove her away and lock the door wherever im at. She also hugs me for no reason.
on July 25, 2015

Coveryoureyes asked a question

Do i have a problem? It's not anger issues or something like that, but... So, i watched...
on July 25, 2015

Coveryoureyes added a new chapter to My dream

The stupid (XD)
"Water! Water!" water screamed infront of the mirror. "Oh my god... How stupid can this guy be?!" jolt said when he looked in the room. "Well" flygon said "When he was born he hit his head.." Jolt tried not to laugh. "That explains alot..." he finally said. Water finally stopped when he got a glass of water and walked over to flygon and jolt. "THIS IS ME!" he screamed "HELP! I'M DROWNING!" Jolt and flygon couldnt help it; then started laughing uncontrollably. "OH! OH! IM GONNA HAVE A HEART ...
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on July 25, 2015

So the truth has happened. Find out what i mean by reading my story, "My dream" :D
on July 25, 2015

Coveryoureyes added a new chapter to My dream

The reality
"H-h-hero...?" fiona said, shaking with fear. Hero disappeared in shock because fiona knew it was him. He also couldn't beileve he was about to kill his sister! Fiona ran back home, forgetting the picture. "AHHH! HOW'D YOU DO THAT, RESHI?!" screamed jolt. "Well you knows my skil-" reshi was interupted by fiona running into the house. "HERO IS ALIVE!" screamed fiona. "WAIT WHAT..!?!" yelled flygon, running downstairs. "I said hero is alive!" echoed fiona, in a more gentle voice. "How do you k...
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on July 25, 2015

Coveryoureyes asked a question

WHY?!?!?! D: why u pepl nuh pay attention to lost silver and tailz doll in creepypasta?...
on July 24, 2015