The "Controlled"

"WHERE DID HE GO?!?!" skyler screeched in the back of the copcar. "I wonder... and plus WE DID NOTHING, COPS!" micah said loudly. "You have knives and blood in your house. You had a strange monster that teleported in your house. That is some strange activity. Were taking you to your parents." one cop said. The girls forgot that they were on summer break after andrew got them out of jail. "Oh yeah, and that reminds me," another cop started "you three girls bailed jail." skyler whispered somthing to micah, and then micah whispered it to kayleigh. "One..." skyler said. "Two..." micah said, looking at skyler. "THREE!" kayleigh shouted. All the girls jumped out of the car. They heard andrews scream. They followed the noise and went to a creepy, foggy path.......
Andrew put his hand on his face. Then he went limp. "Wake up, young one!" zeego said after andrew had slept for 3 hours. "Huh?! What?!" andrew said. Then he realized he felt different, and his voice sounded different. He stood up but had to look up to see zeego's knee. "What the...." andrew said, looking down. Then his eyes went wide.. His legs were orangish-yellow with stiches, and his shoes were red and white also with stitches. "Your being controlled by that thing right there." zeego said, picking andrew up by the foot. "Now i'll end you.." zeego said, laughing a evil laugh. ~WOAH. PLOT TWIST.~ He got a knife and a pair of scizzors. First he tried to cut the anntenae like thing off of andrew's head. Andrew let out a screech when the scizzors touched the red diamond at the top. He jerked away quickly, but still couldn't get out of the grasp of zeego.
"Andrew!" skyler said as she rushed in the cave. Then her eyes went wide, too. "You've been saved by the girl, this time..." zeego said, disappearing. "A-andrew....?" skyler said, shakly picking him up "is that you......?" andrew looked up at her, eyes wide. "Sadly, it is." andrew said
"and i can't turn back."
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It was awesome :).