Someone: Imagine East being forced to play football
South: As someone who actually loves football, I can assure you...that even I would feel awful for him, and I'm an asshole
South: As someone who actually loves football, I can assure you...that even I would feel awful for him, and I'm an asshole
on June 07, 2018

Me: I'm going to revise this character
Other character that I've been thinking about for some time: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/27392e9d143139483ce66c1a93c729b8886a6f280b938174a01879bc05e510b0.gif
Me: ...fuk
Other character that I've been thinking about for some time: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/27392e9d143139483ce66c1a93c729b8886a6f280b938174a01879bc05e510b0.gif
Me: ...fuk
on June 07, 2018

My body: Ey yo it would be nice if you worked out a bit more, ate better, had a set sleeping schedule, and-
Me: *eating snack cakes at three in the morning, scrolling through Ifunny while watching Youtube and laying in bed* wot?
Me: *eating snack cakes at three in the morning, scrolling through Ifunny while watching Youtube and laying in bed* wot?
on June 07, 2018

My poor bean that lost literally everything *tear*
My poor bean that lost literally everything *tear*
on June 06, 2018

Sign that bitch, no paying, no credit card information, just slap you name (can be fake af too) and email down and bam
You are helping a good cause
Sign that bitch, no paying, no credit card information, just slap you name (can be fake af too) and email down and bam
You are helping a good cause
Petition · Beemoov and Chinomiko: Beemoov add Lysander, Kentin and Armin as dateable characters in mcl university · Change.org
Beemoov and Chinomiko: Beemoov add Lysander, Kentin and Armin as dateable characters in mcl university
on June 06, 2018

When your autocorrect makes Weeb into Weed
on June 06, 2018

West: I'm falling on the floor!
West: no seriously I've fallen and I can't get up
West: no seriously I've fallen and I can't get up
on June 06, 2018

I put lotion on my hands and rubbed my eyes a while later and now my nose is running and my eyes burn
on June 06, 2018

Mmmmm do you have any feminist masks that I could borrow, Big Blunt Daddy?
on June 06, 2018

What I say: I'm fine
What I mean: I'm seriously fine like jeez sure I might be a bit depressed but that doesn't mean that I always feel that way and lie about it all the time. Saying your fine when you're not fine is just begging for people to not really listen due to the fact that it's like ordering a pizza and expecting a burger because you wanted a burger but ordered a pizza. You can't lie about your feelings because that's not helping anyone but your sick ways of self loathing See More and attention seeking. "I don't want to annoy people or make anyone worry!!1!" well then tell them the truth because trust me they will constantly worry about you until you tell them what's wrong. Only then would they finally be able to relax because they know what they're working with, and aren't being fed by your dumbass lies.
What I mean: I'm seriously fine like jeez sure I might be a bit depressed but that doesn't mean that I always feel that way and lie about it all the time. Saying your fine when you're not fine is just begging for people to not really listen due to the fact that it's like ordering a pizza and expecting a burger because you wanted a burger but ordered a pizza. You can't lie about your feelings because that's not helping anyone but your sick ways of self loathing See More and attention seeking. "I don't want to annoy people or make anyone worry!!1!" well then tell them the truth because trust me they will constantly worry about you until you tell them what's wrong. Only then would they finally be able to relax because they know what they're working with, and aren't being fed by your dumbass lies.
on June 06, 2018

on June 06, 2018

You ever just stretch and make a death metal scream so loud that it awakens the Dragon of the Forgotten Realms and it screeches back and flies all the way to your house but then realises that it was your master plan all along and you already got dressed in your Norwegian viking outfit with a braided beard and full on axe and sword and you were waiting on the roof of your house for the dragon to appear and you hold your axe up and the dragon screeches at you again but then you See More let out another death metal screech just like the one you did before and you two have a battle to the death?
on June 05, 2018

Welcome to the bottom of the Dead Sea
Where I throw shade and salt like it's a lifeline
Where I throw shade and salt like it's a lifeline
on June 05, 2018

Mm another purge post

Sorry I tried to look for her name on the damn pages and scrolled through your profile to find that post about all your damn ocs and couldn't find her on it
on June 05, 2018

First of all bitch her name was Araminta
And I don't think she would end a sentence with the word orange
And I don't think she would end a sentence with the word orange
on June 05, 2018
on June 05, 2018

Me: Oh I want to fill out this Oc thing
Me: *sees that there is a backstory thing*
Me: *looks at Fanfiction.net, where I wrote down North and Souths backstory, and sees that it's over a thousand words long*
Me: *slowly leaves the Oc thing*
Me: *sees that there is a backstory thing*
Me: *looks at Fanfiction.net, where I wrote down North and Souths backstory, and sees that it's over a thousand words long*
Me: *slowly leaves the Oc thing*

Okay so I checked the chapter and it was doing a weird thing where it was all cramped together and had codes in it that didn't make italics, bold, or paragraphs show up so I had to fix all of that but here you go
If you want to check the others then go ahead, but North is the main one:
If you want to check the others then go ahead, but North is the main one:
on June 05, 2018
on June 05, 2018

I can feel my life spiraling downhill as I type this
I'm going to do something that I never thought I would do...
@American.Idiot ....
*le sigh* son of a bitch
give me a list of fuc king musicals you want me to watch because I'm already feeling my life spiral out of control so why not make it worse
I'm going to do something that I never thought I would do...
@American.Idiot ....
*le sigh* son of a bitch
give me a list of fuc king musicals you want me to watch because I'm already feeling my life spiral out of control so why not make it worse

I only put them last cause I sorted the musicals by the tone of them since the ones at the top are more comedic in theme and the top ones take place in a highschool setting
on June 05, 2018

1. Heathers
2. Be More Chill
3. Dear Evan Hansen
4. Book of Mormon See More
5. Newsies
6. Les Misérables
7. Phantom of the Opera
8. Dracula
1. Heathers
2. Be More Chill
3. Dear Evan Hansen
4. Book of Mormon See More
5. Newsies
6. Les Misérables
7. Phantom of the Opera
8. Dracula
on June 05, 2018
on June 05, 2018