Lysander's parents died, even though he ran away from his parents farm to become a famous poet, that means nothing now because he returned to the farm when they died to take it over. His brother is now with his girlfriend and Lysander has no one now. He lives on a farm, that he didn't want to be at in the first place, and works there instead of living his dream
Castiel is in a famous band
Armin is out hired for an IT management thing and doesn't show up to be a date anymore, See More and he got into a lot of trouble because he kept hacking into everything he touched
No one knows about Nathanial
Ken isn't even mentioned
What the fuc k happened to my children this makes me both sad and pissed off
Lysander's parents died, even though he ran away from his parents farm to become a famous poet, that means nothing now because he returned to the farm when they died to take it over. His brother is now with his girlfriend and Lysander has no one now. He lives on a farm, that he didn't want to be at in the first place, and works there instead of living his dream
Castiel is in a famous band
Armin is out hired for an IT management thing and doesn't show up to be a date anymore, See More and he got into a lot of trouble because he kept hacking into everything he touched
No one knows about Nathanial
Ken isn't even mentioned
What the fuc k happened to my children this makes me both sad and pissed off
on June 01, 2018

on June 01, 2018

Prussia's ice cream song
From the Hetalia drama CD Don'r remember which though. I do not own Hetalia Axis Powers nor the picture.
on June 01, 2018

Give ?? more ?! When ?? = ? have ? ➕ shake, shake! Even When ?? = ? have ? ➕ ?! Just put it ? your forehead ➕ ?? will be ? as ?! Better in ❎ ⏳! By way, ? ?! What hecks a ❄️? Being positive = very Great, Great, Great! ? Street. I am hero of whole entire ?! ? Street. If it's for justice then let ?? go already! ?! ? Street. I am counting ? your support ?? ? & ?. ? Street. I will ? except any objections so deal with it...?! Gimme more ?~ ?! Dorufuu~ Gimme more

The kazoo fell out when I did his laugh on it
Because I was laughing so hard
America's laugh on the kazoo is my life
Because I was laughing so hard
America's laugh on the kazoo is my life
on June 01, 2018
on June 01, 2018

on June 01, 2018

Andrea: I snap necks, that is my instrument
Simone: I play something call burning a house down and causing everyone inside to scream! Step up!
Sega: I play with the sssound of breaking legsss and lissstening to their ssscreaming asss I tear them apart piece by piece
Chancellor: I just...I just wanted to know if any of you knew how to play a Midi Fighter 64...
Simone: I play something call burning a house down and causing everyone inside to scream! Step up!
Sega: I play with the sssound of breaking legsss and lissstening to their ssscreaming asss I tear them apart piece by piece
Chancellor: I just...I just wanted to know if any of you knew how to play a Midi Fighter 64...
on June 01, 2018

That moment when you make an aesthetic and Qfeast wont allow you to post it
That moment when you make an aesthetic and Qfeast wont allow you to post it

on June 01, 2018
on June 01, 2018

on June 01, 2018

Conspiracy theory that Ciel was high af the whole time
on June 01, 2018

Me: Let's finish that episode of MCL, the event is over after all...there isn't anything else to do
Amber: I want a phone, buy me a phone and I'll tell you information
Me: K
Me: *goes to the dollar store*
Phone: Hi, I'm 299$
Wallet: Hi, you spent all ya money on clothes from the event, you got 19$
Me: fuk
Amber: I want a phone, buy me a phone and I'll tell you information
Me: K
Me: *goes to the dollar store*
Phone: Hi, I'm 299$
Wallet: Hi, you spent all ya money on clothes from the event, you got 19$
Me: fuk
on June 01, 2018

on May 30, 2018


Oh yeah bro I'm almost done with chapter 17, almost done with uploading the whole story
on May 30, 2018
on May 30, 2018

England makes strange noises for 10 minutes [Hetalia 10 minute challenge]
Well, i have no idea frankly. Audio from the hetalia drama CD.
on May 30, 2018

Donald Trump sings Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul opening)
Donald Trump sings Unravel, sung by Toru Kitajima (北嶋 徹) / TK and used as opening of Tokyo Ghoul (東京喰種:トーキョーグール). The video used can be found searching Donal...
on May 30, 2018

Trust me it's a good meme

Dog jumps on another dog and humps it - YouTube
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on May 30, 2018