shygirl23 asked a question

Too many personalities! Do you act the way you actually feel, even if it's really bad? ...
on April 14, 2017

To everyone who is/was/will be in my life,
I'm sorry that I'm not that girl you want me to be, but this is me. Me trying to please everyone is tearing the real me apart. I'm sorry that I'm not that smart, cute, or whatever you thought you saw in me. I'm broken, I've always been. But I smile anyways, because I'm just used to it.
So I'm sorry I'm not that girl everyone wants me to be. But I'm not sorry for being who I want to be.
From S
I'm sorry that I'm not that girl you want me to be, but this is me. Me trying to please everyone is tearing the real me apart. I'm sorry that I'm not that smart, cute, or whatever you thought you saw in me. I'm broken, I've always been. But I smile anyways, because I'm just used to it.
So I'm sorry I'm not that girl everyone wants me to be. But I'm not sorry for being who I want to be.
From S

Thank you! Hope you have great days ahead, as a reward for your kind response. May god give you a lot of blessings and those who are there for u.:)
on April 20, 2017
Oh my, you are so calm and kind. You are exactly who I want you to be. Even if you are not cute or cool or smart or sassy, you are still you. And that is all that matters to me. You made my day with these words.
on April 20, 2017
on April 14, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list
What do you hope to be remembered for?
on April 13, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list

What is your favorite sport of all time?
on April 13, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list

Whats the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
on April 13, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list

What was the best thing that has ever happen to you?
on April 13, 2017

shygirl23 asked a question

Don't know what u feeling, bro? Can people like/love another person without them even k...
on April 11, 2017

Well.. most of my friends are guys so.... yeah. I'm short. Shorty squad for the win! O wait, I'm the only member in our circle of wired friends at school. Crud.
on December 12, 2017
on April 08, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list
What is the most romantic date idea you can think of? It doesn't have to be something t...
on April 07, 2017

shygirl23 asked a question

Do opposites really attract? You think people that are almost or totally opposite are m...
on April 02, 2017

When ur disappointed yet it wasn't the creators fault they don't know u...
I will always love pink, unless it's with black that is.
I don't like pink, I love blue and red!
I will always love pink, unless it's with black that is.
I don't like pink, I love blue and red!
on April 02, 2017

shygirl23 added a question to the starred list

Favorite band/singer? What is your favorite band or singer? Just curious...
on April 01, 2017

Eh. I don't even wear makeup? So why did i take this quiz? Sometimes a question myself too much.
on December 12, 2017
on December 12, 2017
on December 12, 2017

Lip balm technically isn't make-up. You just use it so there aren't any cracks in your lips. Makes them look fresher.
on March 29, 2017
on March 29, 2017

Remember that girl who was wesring black at school, the silent shy type. That is me. Dony judge a person by how they look or act. Because that person might be tge opposite of how they look...
Remember me, for i am the girl in black that may have wings that are pure white.
Remember me, for i am the girl in black that may have wings that are pure white.
on March 28, 2017

No comment
on December 12, 2017
on December 12, 2017
on March 27, 2017