Which Divergent Hybrid Faction Are You? In a world where everyone is Divergent, which combination of Divergent factions would you fit into? This took ages, so I hope you like it! anonymous-user-UrUZ8b published on December 30, 2015 Stacked 1/13 Some adjectives you'd use to describe yourself are... Modest, gentle and cautious Peaceful, imaginative and friendly Honest, fair and opinionated Assertive, brave and determined Focused, sensible and smart 2/13 Your friend asks for your opinion on a shirt they were given as a present, as they think it looks a little silly. You think it looks ridiculous and don't know why anyone would wear it. You tell your friend... 'It's nice.' 'Who cares? You look good in anything.' 'I don't like it.' 'Can I borrow it sometime?' (Hah, I can't wait to see what ___ thinks of this...) 3/13 When you have a problem, you... Do nothing, it'll solve itself eventually Weigh up your options Ask a friend for advice Go with your gut instinct 4/13 It is worse to... Lie Betray 5/13 You would rather... Teach Learn 6/13 You'd rather do... What's safe What's fun 7/13 Should you tell EVERYONE what you think of them? Yes No 8/13 Which is more important? Justice Mercy 9/13 Do you like to be in the spotlight? No Yes! I live for the spotlight! Occasionally I don't really care one way or another 10/13 You wouldn't mind being labelled... Boring Nerdy Crazy Tactless I don't care what others think of me 11/13 What is the main reason you travel? To spend quality time with my family To learn To have new experiences None/All of the above 12/13 What animal suits your personality best? Rabbit - peaceful and timid Dog - loyal and protective Wolf - social and brave Owl - wise and patient Cat - independent and laidback Elephant - serene until angered Dolphin - intelligent and playful Lion - completely fearless Parrot - clever and loud Bear- smart and powerful 13/13 The word that appeals to you most is... Valiant Temperance Apprise Serenity Integrity