Hey everyone. I'd like you to know I'm no longer gonna be using this. (well as much as I have been. ) but instead my other websites user names will be put here. Qoutev: schwarzerTod
on January 17, 2017

┌|°з°|┘└|°ε°|┐('∀'●)♡(´ε` )♡(ノ゚0゚)ノ~(~‾∇‾)~└(゚д゚)┐o (>‿<✿)\(>o<)/\(^o^)/└(^o^)┐┐(゚д゚┐)\(^ω^\)ヘ('◇'、)/(。^_・)ノ(。-ω-)zzzヾ(´▽`;)ゝ└(=^‥^=)┐(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)(*/∇\*)ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ└(★o★)┐
on December 25, 2016

on December 25, 2016

May I tell a funny story that's not so funny. I kinda... Got horny. (insert sarcastic laughter please? )

on December 19, 2016

I was about to apologize. I'm very sorry for that joke. I take full responsibility. And action. I do not blame it on anyone else shut myself and I will go.
on December 19, 2016

I was being a smartass! Wait! I'm sorry. I'll stab myself as an apology! *gras knife into wall walking by and to continue my smartass ways I glance again this time for a second longer *
on December 19, 2016

on December 19, 2016

OK.... *stop looking with a slight glance at your chest to the ground my hand falls off after that*
on December 19, 2016
on December 19, 2016

So I had challenge asked of me guys. I'm supposed to be a pervert since per person.
on December 18, 2016

on December 18, 2016

Here's . Little about me. When I was ten. I thought and am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest.
on December 17, 2016

If you translated those things. You care for people. Even those who are broken but act like an everyday Joe. In the past... As soon as I decided I'd have to dig down still deeper to uncover the root of my listless withdrawal from life, I became aware of some interference from the past distracting and confusing my thoughts, causing me a sensation that was at the same time oppressive, expectant and empty. In these somewhat contradictory feelings, I came to recognize my childish See More sense of having run down like a clock that needed someone to wind it before it could go again; and saw that I was now no less helpless than in those far-off days when I waited for somebody to take me by the hand and tell me what to do. On my own initiative I could do nothing, take no responsibility, make no decisions only watch my existence unroll.
on December 17, 2016

When I hurt myself my friends would say "You are greater than you can possibly imagine, if you would only free yourself up to imagine." but I never really understood what it meant until it was tolate you see?
on December 17, 2016

People say to the mentally ill, ‘You know so many people think the world of you.’ But when they don’t like themselves they don’t notice anything. They don’t care about what people think of them. When you hate yourself, whatever people say it doesn’t make sense. ‘Why do they like me? Why do they care about me?’ Because you don’t care about yourself at all. I tell myself this. Hoping I'd think straight ahead. But no. I was wrong.
on December 17, 2016

Again. I repeat don't translate.

I'm not finishing. Here. If you want to know about some of my past. Check my activity's. Translate it all and read it all.
on December 17, 2016

A lot is being done to cure physical self-harm, and yet it's a by-product of mental self harm. Its what the facts are right? @PoisonousSugar
on December 17, 2016

The way you think about yourself determines your reality. You are not being hurt by the way people think about you. Many of those people are a reflection of how you think about yourself. You know? But me. I'm different. I'm a broken reflection of who I once was.
on December 17, 2016

I know you speak German P'S. But I'm talking about those who don't speak German like us.
on December 17, 2016
on December 17, 2016