Der Fehler, den neunundneunzig Prozent der Menschheit, so weit wir sehen konnten, schämte sich dessen, was sie waren; Liegend darüber und versuchte, jemand anderes zu sein.
on December 17, 2016

Aber es ist eine absolute menschliche Gewißheit, daß niemand seine eigene Schönheit erkennen kann oder ein Gefühl seines eigenen Wertes wahrnehmen kann, bis es ihm im Spiegel eines anderen liebenden, fürsorglichen Menschen widerspiegelt worden ist. Wut, Groll und Eifersucht verändern nicht das Herz von anderen - es ändert nur Ihre.
on December 17, 2016

I recommend not translating this and help in your own way. I just need to vent. Ich wollte mich umbringen. Zeigen Sie dies. Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie sich so sehr hassen, wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie nicht stehen können. Es ist sehr schwierig, diese Erkenntnis zu vermeiden; Es wird versuchen, eine Last-Graben-Anstrengungen machen, um den Rest von Ihnen neu zu machen. Dies ist, glaube ich, im Gegensatz zum selbstmörderischen Verlangen derer, die in so vielen Schmerzen sind, See More Das ist der Wunsch, sich selbst zu ermorden; Die Konnotation des Tötens ist zu mild. Dies ist ein Glaube, dass Sie verdienen langsame Folter, gewaltsamen Tod. Thats, warum im Tötung mich möglicherweise in den nächsten Wochen. Theres nur etwas Spaß in einer für immer Stille. Ich hoffe, ich habe Recht zu diesem Thema.
on December 17, 2016

If you see my activity below this one. Please PM me and tell me something about how you feel about things like I've mentioned down below.
on December 17, 2016

Remember when I first join guys? Seemed like a guy who's online a lot? Its like Q outev. I joined and was like "hey this isn't for me." but I was on there for 6-9 months. Before I was banned. Yeah? Well I feel we should be remembered for the things we do. The things we do are the most important things of all.
They are more important than what we say or what we do. The things we do outlast our mortality. The things we do are like monuments that people build to honor hero's See More after they've died.....im very funny. . I'm no hero. I'm a zero yes? Do you agree? these monuments are like pyramids that honor pharaoh's. Only instead of made out of stone, they're made out of the memories people have of you right? Maybe, just maybe. That's why my deeds are like my monuments. Built with memories instead of stone.... Are you with me on this subject?
They are more important than what we say or what we do. The things we do outlast our mortality. The things we do are like monuments that people build to honor hero's See More after they've died.....im very funny. . I'm no hero. I'm a zero yes? Do you agree? these monuments are like pyramids that honor pharaoh's. Only instead of made out of stone, they're made out of the memories people have of you right? Maybe, just maybe. That's why my deeds are like my monuments. Built with memories instead of stone.... Are you with me on this subject?
on December 17, 2016

Who likes my profile pic? I know I do

Thanks, I like your name though!
It sounds like something Dee (a friend of mine) would like.
It sounds like something Dee (a friend of mine) would like.
on December 13, 2016

Its my real name. Issac Newman is just a side name. Schwartzer Tod is my real name. Meaning black death.
on December 12, 2016
on December 12, 2016

Its been while yes? Anyone? Hello all you guys. I've Been busy with my.... Holidays festivity's. WINK, WINK.

on December 18, 2016

@Wolfhumanlover (I had to go so I could not finish) no I don't want you to love me in any way shape or form.
on December 13, 2016

on December 12, 2016
on December 12, 2016

on December 03, 2016

To my fifteen followers.
I'd love to stay and chat but... I must say I can't stay here. Its not for me. I'll probably be on once more before December 23th. That's when this account shall be gone. But like anyone cares? Right? Well, farewell.
I'd love to stay and chat but... I must say I can't stay here. Its not for me. I'll probably be on once more before December 23th. That's when this account shall be gone. But like anyone cares? Right? Well, farewell.
on December 02, 2016

on December 02, 2016

I'm deleting my account guys. I feel this place is not for me. I guess I'll make a new one the day they make it much better?
on December 02, 2016

[email protected] is my email if you want to email me while I'm gone. (I have. A hunch that not one will do that*

on December 02, 2016
on December 02, 2016

Friend me on Facebook? https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?fref=nf&ref=m_upload_pic
on December 02, 2016

For whatever reason. I won't be on here. But I will be on watt pad.com (IssacNewman or Ju$t4$H()\/\/ )
on November 27, 2016

I love hugs may I get a hug? Anyone?

@breann.west.5 YAY HUGGLES! *huggles back* do you know aanyone on qoute v of the username heart eyes Howell? Or their small text name. Daddydan
on November 25, 2016
on November 25, 2016