quizgirl66 - Page 2

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Story competition
Evrey week ill say a theme,ill judge the storys,and i will nominate evrey thursday Remember have fun also!
7 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
on February 24, 2015
on February 24, 2015
Please feel free to join the club. Beautiful quotes!
@Sky_the_Bunny You're welcome.
on February 24, 2015
Thank you! ^.^
on February 24, 2015
@Sky_the_Bunny I fixed it.
on February 24, 2015
It won't let me post anything;-;
on February 24, 2015
on February 24, 2015
created a page
Quotefully Yours
In this club, we post quotes we love and enjoy. We also just talk about books we're writing, fun things, and much more. There is no bullying or any sort tolerated. Keep it PG. No dirty, nasty stuff on the wall. This is a peacef...
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on February 24, 2015
asked a question
What is a good title and good name for my characters in a book i'm writing?
The story I am writing is about an orphaned girl who lives by herself loves her home and is out on the streets, then she meets this dude named Alejandro who takes care of her. Then they fall in love, the end. If possible this ...
1 / 1
on February 24, 2015
created a story
A Girl Named Hope
Amandla wanted it all for herself. She had the perfect boyfriend, and the perfect life. What could dent a hole in that? A baby could. What was she going to do? Find out in "A Girl Named Hope".
23 reads 8 readers 2
on February 24, 2015
created a personality quiz
What kind of ice cream flavor are you?
In this quiz, you will find out which ice cream flavor you are. This quiz includes the following flavors, rainbow sherbet, raspberry sorbet, mint chocolate chip, vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.
63 responses 28
on February 24, 2015
The Sign
"Are we there?" I ask Sarah.


I start to worry. "Cousin Regina would be so mad at you right now," I pause. "She doesn't even know we're here, with a boy."

"You're killing the fun, like always. I told you, you're boring." I didn't want to let her down, especially since Axel was there. I wanted to impress but not by acting stupid!

"Look at the sign," I say. It reads "CAUTION DO NOT TRESPASS". Everyone looks at it and laughs, except me. "What?"

"Those signs are stupid," Axel laughs. ...
on February 23, 2015
Good Girl Meets Bad Boy
I waited outside the school building for my sister Sarah. She had after school detention because of something stupid. As she opened the door I had my eyes on this boy I had seen before. His name is Axel. Everyone says he's a bad boy. I never really looked into that. I just saw him as a person. A very charming person. "Hey!" she says to me. "Who ya looking at?" she asks.

"Him," I say pointing to Axel.

"Oh of course, he's hot, well to you." she shakes her head. "You're a tomboy, but yet you...
on February 22, 2015
The Bedroom- Jaden's P.O.V.
I kept my eyes focused on this blank sheet of paper. Tears rolled down my cheek as I imagined the difficult relationship my sister was in. What if they turn out to be like mom and dad? Then that's when she came into my room all happy like. "Guess what!" she asks me while jumping up and down.


"He kissed me." My mouth drops open in surprise.

"Him? He kissed you?"

"Yep." she blushes.

"Wow," I never thought that jerk was that capable of wooing over Sarah again, but I was wrong. I ne...
on February 21, 2015
The Kiss- Sarah's P.O.V. (Point of View)
"Oh, you're here." I say looking him up and down smiling. He nods.

"Hey," he looks down at his shoes. "I think we should get back together, we're meant to be." I smile at him.

"Meant to be? What does this mean?" I thought to myself. I take a deep breath and speak to him. "Oh, Dylan," I cry. I wanted to tell him how I loved him but I just couldn't. Take a deep breath again, take a deep breath. He wraps his arms around me in comfort. I suddenly felt electricity run through me.

"I love you t...
on February 21, 2015
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Qfeast News
Check out the latest news & updates from Qfeast: new features, tips & tricks, most popular items. Welcome to the official Qfeast News Page!
1160 subscribers 1 member
on February 21, 2015
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Qfeast Newcomers
Welcome to Qfeast! Meet other newcomers. Say welcome to the new qfeasters! Everyone is special on Qfeast!
1082 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on February 21, 2015
uploaded a photo
quizgirl66's Photo 0
on February 21, 2015
created a story
The Only Good Kind Of Trouble
Meet Jaden Antonio Smith. But just call her Jade for short. She's not like most girls. For one she's a tomboy, she loves rock music, she is obsessed with poetry, and beat anybody on any game. She's not a rebel really, the only ...
22 reads 10 readers 8
on February 20, 2015
created a personality quiz
Which Amazing World of Gumball Character Are You?
According to your answers, you will be ether Anais, Richard, Nicole, Darwin, or Gumball. Since lots of people love this show, I decided to make a personality quiz on it too! I hope you enjoy this quiz!
71 responses 25
on February 20, 2015
created a scored quiz
Know your lyrics: Pop Music
In this scored quiz you will be asked about lyrics in a song. You will have to select who wrote/sings the song and the title.
38 responses 11
on February 20, 2015
created a poll
Who is your favorite celebrity couple?
Beyonce & Jay Z
Ariana Grande & Big Sean
14 votes 10
on February 20, 2015
created a personality quiz
What kind of Disney princess are you?
Welcome Disney fans! In this quiz you will find out what type of Disney princess you are. I will also include new princesses, not just the traditional ones.
53 responses 32
on February 19, 2015