Quotefully Yours
In this club, we post quotes we love and enjoy. We also just talk about books we're writing, fun things, and much more. There is no bullying or any sort tolerated. Keep it PG. No dirty, nasty stuff on the wall. This is a peaceful club you can go to, to brighten up your day! :)
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Hey guys. I've been busy. Anyway, these quotes have a theme now. Summer quotes! Can't wait to see them.
on May 20, 2015

Ah, pretty quotes. I was just scrolling down and I loved them all! I know this a quote club, but I have a challenge for ya'll. The challenge is poem or short story, that is about ether a girl or a boy who loves quotes and sticks them around their house. Any age is fine, be creative! Or, another challenge is how the club quote fully yours was made. The last challenge is to write a poem or story about anything you want, but it has to be inspiring and creative. You can put cartoon See More characters, celebs, youtube stars, and etc in it too. Just make sure it is hilarious.
on March 12, 2015

"When people realize that being alone is lonely, they become much kinder people."
on March 01, 2015

I love the Shadow the Hedgehog quote. I am a super sonic fan! I totally ship him and Amy, and sometimes I think he could date Maria too.

@LanaTheWolf I don't really have a favorite sonic character, but I like Blaze and Silver. I like them as a couple and as characters.
on February 24, 2015
on February 24, 2015

Please feel free to join the club. Beautiful quotes!
on February 24, 2015