Who likes Kristen Stewart, the Actress (Bella of Twilight)
Twilight, SnowWhite and the ...
what dog is this? part 4
this is so cute so guess away
How do i help my friend?
My best friend Megan is attempting suicide because her boyfrie...
What's ur horoscope???
Why is this happening?
I'm not normally the girl to fuss about boys much but this probl...
Women vs Men! Why women tend to talk more than men?
I am interested in scientific expla...
Who is also an atheist?
who do you go for?jacob or edward?
jacob.....plse theres no competition
Guys Please Help a troubled man!
OK Whenever I post a Quiz or Question, It gets deleted...
Do you obsess over one anime?
If so, which one? I personally have Fairy Tail! As my obs...
Do you support LGTBQ+ rights?
If some bum comes up in here, and says "no" I know how to...
How old are you guys?
heys im 14, just wanna see how old you guys are.
Who would you kiss, kill, marry and f***?
Shrek, Donkey, Hulk and E.T
Or Vold...
Who do you think is better Jeff the killer or Michael Myers?
I think the best is Michae...
Favorite song? (If it's a One Direction or Justin Bieber song don't bother)
Don't wreck...
why do we wear cloths?
Ever since we existed, we have worn clothing. From shirts and pa...
Would periods be less scary if we bled a different colour?
If girls like had rainbow pe...
Who is best MLP villain?
Who is your fav MLP villain?Why?
What is your favorite kind of Wolf?
My two favorite wolves are the silver and gray wolf...
Why are most girls obsessed with their looks?
As a boy this is my personal perception.....