Why is this happening? I'm not normally the girl to fuss about boys much but this problem has been upsetting me for a while. My best friend in the entire world/boyfriend moved house two years ago. Since then we haven't interacted at all, we don't go to the same school. It's a thing I haven't really told anyone so I wanted to ask on here. My current boyfriend is really sweet and I love him but lately the other boy has been drifting in and out of my head/dreams all the time. I really should be thinking about my current boyfriend but I can't. What should I do?
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i agree with DJearworm. but dont love him if you have a current boyfriend. And i really wish i was standing next to you so then i could help you find him and help you. but sadly i cant :(
on August 24, 2012
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Call your ex if you have his number and stay as friends, and it's your choice what you want to do after that. Am I seriously giving advice on boys? Never thought I'd be doing that this summer. I've only ever had a very short relationship with a desperate boy who I didn't particularly like and thought I said yes rather than erm when he asked me out. It was rather funny actually until he tried to kiss me. I just live with that horrible memory and told everyone I knew because he See More told me not to tell anyone XD
on August 24, 2012
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@Peeta I Don't think that realley helpz... ._. I Think you still like your ex. so maybe you could like call him or something.... Thatz all i got.. xD Lol i'm not good at thiz stuff. xD dB O_o
on August 24, 2012
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k thanks guys. its not normally the thing i'm acatually worried about, i dont no why i have suddenly become so crazy about it. thanks anyway :)
on August 26, 2012
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well if he is ur bff and all of a sudden becomes your boyfriend it might b awkward. so i say stick wit ur current 1
on August 24, 2012
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start talking to him and if you realize you do still like him then find out if he likes you like that and if he would go out with you and then if he does try and find an exuse to break up with your current boyfriend and if not then stay with your current boyfriend
on December 03, 2013
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i think that you should have sex with both guys then you will dream about the better sex

on April 11, 2014
on February 19, 2013
on February 18, 2013