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Do You Have a Celebrity Crush? dB If you do tell me who it iz. >:) Also, IF YOU CAN GES...

Are you Team Peeta or Gale?

Are you Team Peeta or Gale?

Do you have a cool birthday?? Like the month and day are the same #, same b-day as ur mom, on some famous holiday, or something wierd like that... Like March 3rd (3/3), or January 23rd (1/23) August 8th (8/8) or December 25 (christmas) ... just wondering!

Do you have a cool birthday?? Like the month and day are the same #, same b-day as ur m...

What is the FUNNIEST PRANK You've EVER pulled? :D :)

What's your favorite poptart flavor? Personally I love the frosted brown sugar cinnamon as well as the frosted blueberry

What's your favorite poptart flavor? Personally I love the frosted brown sugar cinnamon...

I have five daughters, and each has a brother. How many children do I have?

If you could flip a switch that made every newborn child a lifelong heterosexual, would you do it? Why or why not? Just remember. It is not homophobic to not want your children to be hurt by society.

If you could flip a switch that made every newborn child a lifelong heterosexual, would...

What's the first anime you watched? Mine is Pokémon

What's the first anime you watched? Mine is Pokémon

Have you people no shame? There are SO many fakes on this site. I can't believe there are so many fakes on this site. Everywhere I look I see fakes of Leda Monsterbunny and other various "scene queens." And 99% of these fakes are within the age range of 11-14. You guys do realise that she's 18, right? And that she's the #1 most faked person on the Internet? It's pathetic, guys, really. Be yourselves.

Have you people no shame? There are SO many fakes on this site. I can't believe there a...

Why boys always lie? I just want to know why boys lie every time? They don't make sense, they always say "I love you with all my heart" what a bunch of lies.

Why boys always lie? I just want to know why boys lie every time? They don't make sense...

Are tigers going extinct?

Are tigers going extinct?

how to tell if a lesbian likes me she looks at me and bite her lips and i look away i was like sitting next to her but i was like "hi!" she was staring and said hi

how to tell if a lesbian likes me she looks at me and bite her lips and i look away i w...

How many of you guys like to play Minecraft? I do play minecraft BUT im bad at making buildings qwq

How many of you guys like to play Minecraft? I do play minecraft BUT im bad at making b...

DanTDM or StampyLongNose? I love them both but which one is BETTER?

DanTDM or StampyLongNose? I love them both but which one is BETTER?

whats your favorite color? just tell me what your  fav color is

whats your favorite color? just tell me what your fav color is

What's your most searched thing on google? Mine's derp... I have no idea why...

What's your most searched thing on google? Mine's derp... I have no idea why...

Who said this quote in Harry potter " now if you could excuse me I'm going to bed befor...

Some funny quotes, saying? Funny quotes that make you laugh

Am I like the only who hasn't read Harry Potter and/or The Hunger Games??? It feels like it... The reason I haven't read Harry Potter: My mum isn't so crazy about it. The reason I haven't read The Hunger Games: I'm not allowed to.  Is there anyone who hasn't read them yet??

Am I like the only who hasn't read Harry Potter and/or The Hunger Games??? It feels lik...

Why do all guys think all girls wear makeup?(This is not a riddle!) I wanna know cuz there are some guys who I know who think all girls wear makeup!i only wear makeup if I have to and even then it's the least possible!Like only lip gloss and powder!It gets on my nerves!!1

Why do all guys think all girls wear makeup?(This is not a riddle!) I wanna know cuz th...