Have you people no shame? There are SO many fakes on this site. I can't believe there are so many fakes on this site. Everywhere I look I see fakes of Leda Monsterbunny and other various "scene queens." And 99% of these fakes are within the age range of 11-14. You guys do realise that she's 18, right? And that she's the #1 most faked person on the Internet? It's pathetic, guys, really. Be yourselves.
Answers (19)
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Would a celebrity really use this site if theres facebook and twitter? Plz someone my question within a question.

This is so true, nobody uses this site if there's is anything better to do. No offense qfeasters.
on April 20, 2013

on April 03, 2013

on March 18, 2013
on March 18, 2013
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I know right i was jost herping my derp lollin all over he page when WHAM a user names @justinlittlesis comes along and says she knows 1D and shes JBs little sis she is in he rlike teens JBs little sis is like 3 @justinlittlesis is such a idiot!

on April 20, 2013

on March 10, 2013

then i kept on telling her that shes a fake and tell the truth so she goes along and makes a account that is TheZaynMalik and says Zayn is on here an im like OMG WTH?
on March 08, 2013
on March 08, 2013
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Ik how u feel smh

because that's how I wanted to write it and people know what I meant to say anyway, including you from the looks of it so. Besides if you don't like my writing then why read it?
on April 22, 2013

What's with all the texting talking? Why can't you just say I know how you feel?
on April 20, 2013
on March 07, 2013
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Originality, try it some time.dpnt just love Justin beiber, stalk him. Cut off locks of his hair. Kidnap him and store him in deep freeze until she gets enough money to get a sex change...

Lol, the waste is not the cream, it's the fact you talk about him in the first place
on April 20, 2013
on March 07, 2013
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Exactly! I hate it when little 10 year olds pretend to be Selenaa Gomez or something. Its pathetic. Just pathetic. If someoen bieves them then they are clearly an ignorant cretin without an education.
on July 21, 2013
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I agree with you 100% Sorinne. The reason people dont want to be themselves is because their lives are so pathetic that no one wants to even look at them. So they make up fake stuff to grab the attention of others. And when someone like you calls them out on it, all they do is whine and cry bc they dont want to be exposed. Ally and others do it all the time. :/
on May 09, 2013
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._. It annoys me when people copy and paste pics from the Internet and claim it their's. With these accounts of celebs, it's obvious that they're fake, so why believe them? I seriously can't believe it when people believe fakers. C'mon guys, see the truth!
on April 03, 2013
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Thats not really a question......anyway.

OH MY GOSH sometimes this website irritates me. It cut off the last part of my comment. Oh well... I can't even remember what I put anyway. Peace
on March 14, 2013

Are we really going on correction spree? I don't know if you want to go there considering I am the biggest gramar nerd there is.
1) I didn't mean to spell Hermione wrong, I have read all the books twice, and own all the movies.
2) Chill out, once again. I know how to spell conversation. I can also spell antidisestablishmentarianism. (And yeah, it's See More spelled right.)
2) When using the letter 'i' as a personal noun, it should be capitalized. Ex. I went to the store. Not, i went to the store.
3) I
1) I didn't mean to spell Hermione wrong, I have read all the books twice, and own all the movies.
2) Chill out, once again. I know how to spell conversation. I can also spell antidisestablishmentarianism. (And yeah, it's See More spelled right.)
2) When using the letter 'i' as a personal noun, it should be capitalized. Ex. I went to the store. Not, i went to the store.
3) I
on March 14, 2013

oh and By the way, herminone is spelled wrong, and so is conversation.
(Sorry about the word doen't in my message, i had to unstick my 'S' key)
(Sorry about the word doen't in my message, i had to unstick my 'S' key)
on March 14, 2013

oh wow you do realize that typing doen't hint sarcasm it's just words.......duhhh................but when you put something known as an asterisk * and the words "sarcasm" inside it with another asterisk after that, like so....*sarcasm* and i have one more word to type.........................................*sarcasm*
on March 14, 2013

You guys... take a joke. I am a sarcastic person, who gives sarcastic answers. If you thought I was being serious, then you're wrong. Now, if you want me to be serious, I could write a book on this converation. herminoneSJM, chill. Sempiternal, your comment: Your argument is invalid make me laugh because me and my friends always say that to each other.
on March 13, 2013

on March 08, 2013

on March 07, 2013
on March 07, 2013
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I know someone who fakes their Kelly Clarkson.What about the Ross Lynch on this site?Is he really Ross Lynch?
on May 24, 2013
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i agree with u. it's dumb to say your someone famous or a sibling of someone famous. it's dumb and people should just be who they are. i hate how people do that

Tis question is so old it's not even funny and people keep answering it lol. She's not even here today so she's not answering anyone.
on May 10, 2013
on May 10, 2013